
  1. 产能的快速扩张令一些分析师发出警告,称该地区可能正在出现泡沫。

    The rapid ramp-up of production facilities spurred some analysts to warn that a bubble might be building up in the region .

  2. 你想让我们去拿张逮捕令吗?

    Do you want us to get a warrant ? No.

  3. 我们需要你帮忙弄一张搜查令。

    We 're going to need your help getting a search warrant .

  4. 但是它已经足够我申请一张搜查令了。

    But it was enough for a search warrant .

  5. 我会申请一张搜查令。

    I 'm going to call for a warrant .

  6. 可能我们能得到一张搜查令。

    Maybe we can get a warrant .

  7. 三个月的调查使得五张搜查令得以在布朗士区执行。

    The three-month investigation led to the execution of five search warrants in the Bronx .

  8. 我会想办法弄一张限制令

    I 'd seek a restraining order ,

  9. 引渡意味着一可以要求密歇根州长发放一张引渡令给你,然后转交给我,要求你回到密歇根。

    An extradition means you can require that the governor of Michigan send an extradition warrant to you , down here to me , requiring your return to Michigan .

  10. 警察发现这名小偷是一个手拿鲜花美酒的男人,而这个男人是这位女士的男朋友。但是接着就因为一张通缉令逮捕了他。

    Police discovered the " burglar " was a man carrying flowers and a bottle of wine who turned out to be the woman 's boyfriend , but then arrested him on an outstanding warrant .

  11. 从2009年11月到目前为止,我们已经针对德国,瑞士,奥地利,斯洛文尼亚,克罗地亚及英国的公寓和办公场所发布了20张逮捕令及86份搜查令。

    From November 2009 to date , we 've issued 20 arrest warrants and 86 search warrants for flats and company premises in Germany , Switzerland , Slovenia , Croatia , Austria and the UK .

  12. 我要给他们俩出张通缉令。

    I want an APB out on both of them .

  13. 保险箱里有了这张支票,令商人感到信心倍增。

    With the cheque in his safe , the businessman felt more confident .

  14. 又是你?想想我该怎么办呢,开一张法院禁止令?

    You again ? What do I have to do , get a restraining order ?

  15. 凯夫的合作者们如今自称为坏种子,这张专辑几乎令他们一夜成名。

    The album established Cave and the Bad Seeds , as his crew of collaborators was now called , virtually overnight .

  16. 美国漫画出版商阿奇漫画(ArchieComics)的联席首席执行官南希•西尔伯克莱特上个月收到了一张法院的禁止令,禁止她再进入公司总部。

    Archie comics co-CEO Nancy silberkleit got slapped with a restraining order last month , keeping her from entering the corporate headquarters .

  17. 我有一张你的逮捕令。

    I have a warrant for your arrest .

  18. 但在张淳家,令我感觉像回到家的还远不止此。

    But there was more to my feeling at home in his and his parents'home .

  19. 一份中国的当代生活杂志上个月发表了一张关于市场上狗被塞满笼子的照片,这张照片令读者震惊了。

    Chinese current affairs magazine shocked its readers last month when it published a picture of the market showing dogs crammed into a cage .