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  1. 张淳大学就要毕业了。他来自一个教师世家。

    Zhang Chun is about to graduate from university .

  2. 张淳是我一个北京朋友的同学。

    Zhang Chun is the classmate of a friend of mine in Beijing .

  3. 我在四月份就联系过张淳,大约十天前,我再次联系了他。

    I contacted Zhang Chun in April and then again about ten days ago .

  4. 参观了整套公寓之后,我向张淳感叹我有多么喜欢他父母的公寓。

    After taking it all in , I commented to Zhang Chun about how much I liked his parents'flat .

  5. 因为张淳自己没有车,他请他的朋友孟伟帮忙。

    Since Zhang Chun doesn 't have a car himself , he asked the help of his friend Meng Wei .

  6. 但当张淳打开他父母那套公寓的门时,我顿时惊呆了&他家真漂亮啊!

    But when Zhang Chun opened the door to his parents'flat , I was immediately struck – what a beautiful home !

  7. 张淳家门口的过道亮着昏黄的灯光,就像中国高层建筑的大多数过道一样。

    The hallway on the floor of Zhang Chun 's home was dimly lit , just as most hallways are in high rises in China .

  8. 我想了很久,终于得出了一个简单的结论:张淳的家很多地方都让我觉得似曾相识。

    After thinking about it for a long time , I think it came down simply to this : a lot about Zhang Chun 's home felt somehow familiar .

  9. 后来,张淳的母亲告诉我在真正开始设计装修之前,她使用设计软件在电脑上模拟了整套房子的设计构想。

    Later on , Zhang Chun 's mother told me that she had used design software to simulate her vision of the entire flat long before actually creating it .

  10. 他们俩一起在我们约好的高速公路出口处等我,然后带我去张淳家,他还跟他的父母一起住在重庆大学校园里的一套公寓中。

    Together , they waited for me at an agreed highway exit and took me to where Zhang Chun still lives with his parents in a flat within the university campus .