
  • 网络snap check
  1. 医疗器械质量监督抽查检验方案的探讨

    A Discussion about Medical Devices ' Supervision and Inspection Scheme

  2. 业主可在工程期间继续监理并通过随机抽查检验工程。

    The employer may maintain supervision during the works and inspect the works with random checks .

  3. 产品质量认证检验、质量监督抽查检验、质量仲裁、新产品鉴定;

    Product quality attestation inspection , quality Supervision spot test inspection , quality arbitrage , new product appraisal ;

  4. 药品监督管理部门根据监督检查的需要,可以对药品质量进行抽查检验。

    Drug regulatory agencies may conduct selective testing of drug quality in light of the need of supervision and inspection .

  5. 国家商检部门可以公布抽查检验结果或者向有关部门通报抽查检验情况。

    The State Administration for Commodity Inspection may publicize the result of the random inspection or circulate a notice about it to the relevant departments .

  6. 介绍了国家棉纺织产品质量监督检验中心于2001年4月对全国部分土工合成材料生产企业的产品进行抽查检验的情况。

    In April of 2001 , the National Quality Supervision & Inspection Center of Cotton Textiles conducted an examination on the products of some selected domestic geo-textiles producers .

  7. 出入境检验检疫机构对法定检验以外的进出口商品,根据国家规定实施抽查检验。

    The entry exit inspection and quarantine organs shall make random inspection on the import and export commodities that are not subject to statutory inspection in accordance with the state provisions .

  8. 谈对抽验结果不合格药品核查的重要性国家商检部门可以公布抽查检验结果或者向有关部门通报抽查检验情况。

    Talking about the Significance of Making Verification for Unqualified Drugs in Selective Examination ; The State Administration for Commodity Inspection may publicize the result of the random inspection or circulate a notice about it to the relevant departments .

  9. 药品监督管理部门根据监督检查的需要,可以对药品质量进行抽查检验。由金融监督管理部门依法及时组织清算组,进行清算。

    Drug regulatory agencies may conduct selective testing of drug quality in light of the need of supervision and inspection . The financial supervision and regulation department shall promptly appoint a liquidation task force to carry out the liquidation procedures .

  10. 传统光谱分析仪器大多只能进行少样本定点抽查检验或者实验室使用,而且费用昂贵,普及率低,造成了我国食品安全监测力度弱的现状。

    Most of traditional spectral instruments can only test a small sample of fixed-point sampling or be used in the laboratory , moreover , these instruments are expensive and low penetration , which resulted in the weak actuality of food safety monitoring .

  11. 对油气井用电雷管验收检验方案和产品监督检验方案进行了对比分析,发现了验收检验方案在油田监督抽查检验工作中的缺陷,参照有关标准重新确定了监督抽查检验方案。

    A contrastive analysis is made of the acceptance test plan and the supervisory test plan for electric detonators and some weaknesses of the former are revealed . A new plan for randomly supervisory test of electric detonators is designed with reference to the relevant standards .

  12. 监督抽查所需检验费用按照国务院规定列支。

    Expenses thus incurred shall be disbursed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council .