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Suggestion on Accelerating the Development of Old-age Service Industry in Middle and Big Cities
Market Demand Prediction For Senior Service Industry
Finally , the relevant measures to support the development of aged people service industry are proposed .
China says Greater reforms and innovation will be used to build a diversified nationwide elderly care service system by 2020 .
How to accelerate the transition to the development of pension services to meet the needs of the elderly has become a major livelihood issue facing the Government .
But Wuhan focused on the development of the elderly services industry , and it has made many achievements , the elderly service to the community process is markedly accelerated .
Finally , on the basis of summarizing and studying internal and international experience , comprehensive analysis of the results , propose suggestions to further Harbin pension service policy system development .
China has entered the aging society , with the accelerated expansion trend of the aging population at present . Nevertheless the current pension services in China still in its infancy .
Secondly , this paper will clear and definite the principles and steps of building policy evaluation index system , use Analytic Hierarchy Process to build evaluation index system of the pension service policy .
Meanwhile , Kunming pension service industry lags behind , it is difficult to meet the huge elderly population , Elderly population can not meet the huge demand for services , demand for the Government to the pension services to assume more responsibility .
Harbin pension service policy has some issues such as follows : the policy making main body is too singularity , lacking of sound policy , lacking of organizational coordination and supervision , laggard construction of talents team , lacking of evaluation mechanism of policy .
The aging population of Harbin is increasing rapidly . As a result , pension service developed gradually in recent years . However , weakening of the family pension , strong demand for pension service and unbalanced development of pension service are assumed in current development .
Thirdly , on the basis of pension services policy evaluation index system , use Questionnaire Survey and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation method to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of Harbin pension service to draw a conclusion that overall level of Harbin pension service policy is not good .
Even more , pension services can provide more jobs , promote health care services and the development of the national economy .