
  • 网络old-age pension insurance
  1. 设立国家养老金保险公司来保障企业年金的健康发展。

    The establishment of a national old-age pension insurance companies to protect the healthy development of enterprise annuity .

  2. 本文研究思路和主要观点是:首先第一部分阐述我国基本养老金保险制度和企业补充养老保险制度及各自的特点;

    In this article , the writer firstly expounds Chinese pension system and summaries its character .

  3. 答:企业和被保险人应当根据按时缴纳基本养老金保险费。

    Answer : Enterprise and insurant ought to basis on time pay is basic annuities insurance premium .

  4. 一般做法是,参加养老金保险后,被保险人按月交付保险费,直到规定的退休年龄时为止。

    Common practice is , after attending annuities to be sure , insurant presses lunar delivery insurance premium , when the emeritus age till the regulation till .

  5. 在公司缴纳养老金保险计划中按最高百分数缴纳,或者,如果公司没有提供,在”个人退休帐户“中尽量多存钱。

    Set a goal for this year : Save the maximum percentage of my salary in my company's401 ( k ) plan , or , if my firm doesn 't offer a plan , put the maximum possible in an Individual Retirement Account .

  6. 人们领取工资,缴纳养老金,保险,存款一切都是金融。

    People are paid salaries , they pay pension contributions , insurance , savings everything financial .

  7. 评级机构的这种行为对养老金和保险公司等机构投资者的影响最大,因为它们通常受到限制,只能购买高评级债券。

    Such practices impact institutional buyers like pensions and insurers , which are often restricted to buying highly rated debt .

  8. 我们假定你已把基本情况弄清楚了,如抵押贷款、养老金、保险金和动用现金储备的机会。

    We 'll assume that you have sorted out the basics & like mortgages , pensions , insurance and access to sufficient cash reserves .

  9. 法律条文还要求公司给劳动者缴纳更高的养老金和保险费。在之前许多公司为追求效益而剥削劳动者的基本权益。

    It also mandates higher company contributions to pension and insurance funds after many companies previously derived economic gains from violation of labor rights .

  10. 这引发了以下的问题:对冲基金、投资银行、甚至养老金和保险集团,是否知道它们所持结构性信贷究竟值多少钱?

    This raised questions over whether hedge funds , investment banks and even pension and insurance groups knew what their structured credit holdings were worth .

  11. 不论你的年纪有多大,你都应该从现在起象关心你的养老金或保险金那样重视你的健康状况。

    Whatever your age , right now is the time to give your physical well being as much thought as you give to pensions or insurance .

  12. 如今,世界正处于相对缓和的时期,基金组织极力为诸如养老金和保险之类的项目提供帮助,而这些也许是世界银行所极力避免的。

    In today 's quieter interludes , the fund itches to offer help , on things such as pensions and insurance , that the bank is perhaps better placed to provide .

  13. 他们正游说政府采取新的财政措施,帮助企业度过全球经济衰退,着手改革养老金和保险问题,并迅速采取行动彻底解决该国长期的基础设施问题。

    They are lobbying for fresh fiscal measures to help companies weather the global recession , steps to reform pensions and insurance , and swifter action to end the country 's long-standing infrastructure problems .

  14. 正如视频录制行业必须在上述两种技术中做出选择、才能继续发展一样,养老金和保险业必须选择:哪种寿命风险对保险来说最有用。

    Just as the video recording industry had to make a choice between technologies before it could develop further , the pensions and insurance industry has to choose what kind of longevity risk is going to be most useful to insure .

  15. 台湾股市在上周五跌至五个月来的最低位。台北政府官员表示,内阁已呼吁政府旗下的养老金和保险基金买入更多本土股票,并延长其持有这些投资的时间。

    Government officials in Taipei , where the local market dropped to a five-month low on Friday , said the cabinet had called on government pension and insurance funds to buy more domestic shares and to hold their investments for a longer period .

  16. 分别从资产负债管理多阶段模型、银行资产负债管理、养老金与保险公司、金融计划、动态的资产配置以及情景生成几个方面进行了探讨。

    Specifically , the problem is addressed from the following aspects , that is , Multi-period stochastic programming models for asset liability management , Bank 's asset liability management , pension fund and insurance company , financial planning , dynamic asset allocation and scenario generation .

  17. 在这个市场上,投资银行将按揭贷款、汽车贷款、企业债券和其它许多类型的债券一次次地打包和再打包,然后出售给各种投资者从养老金、保险集团,到对冲基金和银行的交易部门。

    In this world , mortgages , car loans , corporate bonds and many other types of debt are packaged and repackaged by investment banks and sold on to all sorts of investors , from pension funds and insurance groups to hedge funds and bank trading desks .

  18. 美国艰难地控制社会保障(socialsecurity)和老年医保(medicare)成本,欧洲领导人对此非常熟悉,他们也在艰难地削减养老金和医疗保险开支。

    The us struggle to control the costs of social security and Medicare will seem very familiar to European leaders , who are also battling to cut spending on pensions and healthcare .

  19. 她拥有医疗保险、养老金和失业保险。

    She had health insurance , a pension and job security .

  20. 社保包括养老金、医疗保险以及其他一些福利。

    Social insurance comprises pension , medical and other benefits .

  21. 在19世纪80年代的德国,俾斯麦成为了推行养老金和失业保险的政治先驱。

    In Germany Bismarck pioneered pensions and unemployment insurance in the 1880s .

  22. 一篮子的福利,包括住房公积金,养老金,事业保险,妊娠产假。

    A package of benefits , including the housing , pension , unemployment and maternity .

  23. 这项计划将把政府变成养老金和医疗保险的吝啬提供者。

    It would turn the government into a miserly provider of pensions and health insurance .

  24. 职业保障为就业人口提供养老金和医疗保险。

    Occupational security refers to the provision of medical insurance and pension funds to people with jobs .

  25. 这样通过政府的支持,企业可以提供养老金和医疗保险。

    They were able to provide medical insurance and pension funds through the support of the government .

  26. 政府可以对为员工提供养老金和医疗保险的公司给予哪些优惠政策?

    What benefits could the government give to companies that invest in pension plans and medical insurance for their employees ?

  27. 那家私人企业给小王两倍的工资,但是不提供养老金、医疗保险或者住房。

    The privately-owned company doubles allen 's salary , but does not provide him with a pension fund , medical insurance , or an apartment .

  28. 因为你这个月通过了试用期,你的养老金,医疗保险和失业保险都被扣除了。

    Because you passed the probationary period this month and the fees for your old age pension , medical insurance and unemployment insurance are all deducted .

  29. 因此,全球养老金基金、保险公司和银行纷纷抛售西班牙和意大利国债,使其国债收益率一路飙升,直指灾难性的高位。

    As a result , global pension funds , insurers , and banks are dumping Spanish and Italian bonds , threatening to drive rates to ruinous levels .

  30. 希望对冲寿命风险的养老金计划和保险公司,需要找到对手方乐于承担这种风险的投资者。

    Pension plans and insurance companies that want to hedge their longevity risk need to find counterparties - investors who are happy to take on that risk .