
  • 网络Medical insurance market;Health Insurance Exchange
  1. 文章运用经济学的原理对医疗保险市场的道德风险进行了分析,并在此基础上,重点探讨了抑制道德风险的方式。

    This paper analyzed moral risks in medical insurance market and discussed the solutions .

  2. 医疗保险市场道德风险防范初探

    Initial Exploration on Moral Hazard and Risk Control in the Market of Medical Insurance

  3. 第五部分分析了入世后我国商业医疗保险市场的发展趋势。

    The final part analyzes the trend of commercial medical insurance market after China 's entering into WTO .

  4. 道德风险在各种保险市场都存在,但在医疗保险市场却复杂得多。

    The moral risk exists on various kinds of insurance markets , but more complicated on the medical insurance market .

  5. 医疗保险市场由于其特殊的市场结构,一直被认为是逆向选择理论研究和实证检验的范例。

    Due to its special market structure , health insurance market has always been considered as adverse selection theoretical and empirical testing example .

  6. 本文运用经济学和管理学的原理和方法,从政府和市场的角度,讨论了医疗保险市场上的市场失灵和政府失灵的问题;

    This thesis explores the problems of the malfunction of market and government by adopting the principles and approaches of economy and management theory .

  7. 在卫生费用不断增长的今天,我国商业保险公司面对需求旺盛的医疗保险市场却出现了停滞不前的情况。

    With ever-increasing health expenditure in China , health insurance market is in great demand . However , commercial health insurance in China stands still .

  8. 先从资源配置的角度出发,对比分析政府资源配置方式和市场资源配置方式在医疗保险市场的不同作用。

    Starting from the angle of resources allocation , the dissertation compares and analyzes the difference function between the government resources allocation and market resources allocation in the medical insurance market .

  9. 此外,由于医疗保险市场存在道德风险和第三方付费制度,出现了过度医疗需求,导致了医疗费用的上涨。

    In addition , there have been excessive medical needs , leading to rising medical costs , due to the " moral hazard " and third-party payment system in medical insurance market .

  10. 我国医疗保险市场上的道德风险既有普遍性,又有特殊性,其后果是医疗费用的膨胀和保险公司经营困难。

    In China 's medical insurance market , moral hazard appears a factor of both ubiquity and specificity , and has already led up to soaring medicare costs and difficulties against insurance companies .

  11. 在医疗保险市场上,道德风险主要有医疗服务供方道德风险、医疗服务需方道德风险和医保机构道德风险。

    The moral hazard in the medical insurance market mainly include the moral hazard of medical service supplier , the moral hazard of medical service demander and the moral hazard of medical institutions .

  12. 商业补充医疗保险市场需求强烈,但保险公司在风险管控水平、人员素质、产品研发等方面力量薄弱,面临发展瓶颈。

    In spite of great desire in the field of business supplement medical insurance market , insurance company cannot develop quickly because of its risk control level , personal quality , product exploitation .

  13. 覆盖31个城市的商业健康保险个人所得税试点项目,尽管每年个税税前扣除金额只限2400元,最近仍然显著提振了商业医疗保险市场。

    Those efforts gained a substantial boost recently from a 31-city trial program , which provided an income tax exemption on insurance premium payments , albeit for only up to 2400 yuan a year .

  14. 运用经济学的方法对两个市场的供需均衡进行分析可以得出两个市场是失衡的,失衡的原因是在商业医疗保险市场中存在很多风险。

    By analyzing the supply and demand of the both market in economic methods , we can get the conclusion that unbalance of the both market result from the risks existing in the both market .

  15. 商业健康保险是在自由的市场条件下进行的,由于医疗保险市场存在逆向选择,使得不少中低收入者和身体状况较差的老年人被排斥在商业健康保险之外。

    Commercial health insurance is operated in free market conditions due to the existence of " adverse selection " in health insurance market , so many low-income and poor elderly are excluded from the commercial health insurance .

  16. 如果你还没有参保,或者你所关心的人还没有参保,现在是个好机会。医疗保险市场再次开放注册了。

    If you haven 't gotten covered yet , or if you care about someone who hasn 't gotten covered yet , now 's your chance . It 's open enrollment season for the Health Insurance Marketplace .

  17. 把美国送到债务违约边缘的财政僵局也转移了民众对另一个问题的注意力,奥巴马医改已经推出在线医疗保险市场。

    The fiscal impasse that sent America to the edge of a debt default also diverted the nation 's attention from another problem : the roll-out of online health insurance marketplaces created under the Affordable Care Act , or Obamacare .

  18. 在8月份的一份报告中,波士顿咨询与慕尼黑再保险估计,到2020年,中国商业医疗保险市场规模将从2015年的2400亿元人民币(360亿美元),增长逾三倍至1.1万亿元。

    In an August report , BCG and insurer Munich Re estimated that the market measured by premium income will more than quadruple from 240 billion yuan ( $ 36 billion ) last year to 1.1 trillion yuan by 2020 .

  19. 城镇医疗保险制度市场机制的策略研究

    Study of Strategy of Market Mechanism of Urban Employee Medical Insurance System

  20. 论城镇职工大额补充医疗保险的市场化发展

    The Research on Commercialization of Large-amount Supplementary Medical Insurance for Urban Workers

  21. 其次,从国际视角考察医疗保险领域的市场参与情况,从选择性、竞争性等方面分析典型国家市场参与的形式、效果,以及经验和教训。

    Secondly , review the market participation in medical insurance form the international perspective and analysis the form , effect , experience and lessons of it of the typical countries from the selective and competitive aspects .

  22. 存在道德风险的我国基本医疗保险体系中各市场主体行为分析

    Behavioral Analysis of Principal Parts of Chinese Fundamental Health Insurance Market under the Condition of Moral Hazard

  23. 第二部分研究了新型农村合作医疗及商业保险农村市场。

    The second part of the rural market , the new rural cooperative medical and commercial insurance .

  24. 由于违背最大诚信原则易发生在社会医疗保险中,所以相较其他保险市场而言,医疗保险市场是投保人欺诈行为产生的典型市场。

    Since it easily occurs for violation of maximum credit principle in social medical insurance , the medical insurance market is a typical market in which policyholder fraud occurs .

  25. 医疗责任保险需求的增加,给医疗责任保险市场的发展带来机遇。

    The requirement of medical liability insurance market is rising , which arouses the developable opportunity of the medical liability insurance market .

  26. 第一题医疗保险制度的理论分析。文中对医疗服务市场和医疗保险市场两个市场进行了细致分析,从供给和需求的角度分析了两个市场的特点;

    It focuses on the medical service market and the medical insurance market , and analyses the features of the two markets from the angles of market supply and demand .

  27. 它对医疗服务市场的冲击和影响体现在:社会医疗保险机构制定适合市场经济发展的医疗保险制度来发展和规范医疗服务市场,同时加强监督力度和进行定期考核;

    Social insurance institutions formulate medical insurance systems that adapts to development of market economy to develop and standard medical service market . They also strengthen supervision and conduct periodic assessment .

  28. 但是,政府财政对农村医疗卫生的支持有限,农村医疗保障制度仍不健全,农村医疗保险市场仍不发达,农户成为大病风险损失的主要承担者。

    However , with the limited support of government resources , rural medical care system is inadequate and rural medical insurance market is less developed .