
  • 网络endowment insurance;pension insurance;public pension
  1. 企业有权通过当地社会保险监督机构,要求社会保险机构合理有效地治理使用养老保险金。

    The enterprise has authority to be sure to supervise an orgnaization through local society , requirement society insurance device manages gold of use endowment insurance effectively .

  2. 分析养老保险金的性质和功能,选择合适的投资方式。

    Analysis of the nature and function of the endowment insurance and choose suitable investment ways .

  3. 如果你被解雇,你的医疗和养老保险金不会自动中断。

    If you should be fired , your health and pension benefits will not be automatically cut off

  4. 哈尔滨市养老保险金缺口问题研究

    A study of scarcity of social security pension in Harbin

  5. 提高养老保险金的保值增值能力;

    Improving of the value-increasing ability of pension funds ;

  6. 养老保险金替代率研究

    On Substitute Ratio of Retirement Pension Rate of Re-nurture

  7. 我国社会养老保险金的隐性债务问题研究

    Research on the Issue of Hidden Debt in China 's Old Age Pension

  8. 其中大部分受益者都没有缴纳过养老保险金。

    Many of these go to beneficiaries who have not paid into the system .

  9. 成立养老保险金银行;

    Setting up banks of pension ;

  10. 养老保险金替代率研究养老金替代率的灵敏性分析

    On Substitute Ratio of Retirement Pension The Sensitive Analysis of the Substitution Rate of Old Age Insurance

  11. 老年人口养老保险金需求状况分析

    Demand Analysis of the Pension

  12. 城镇职工基本养老保险金需求预测模型及应用&以西安市为例

    The Demand-forecasting Model of Benefit of Basic Old-age Insurance For Urban Employees : the Application of Xi'an City

  13. 本文侧重从如何提高社会养老保险金支出的分配效应及降低支出管理成本的角度进行阐述。

    The article probes into raising the distribution effect of social pension insurance payment and reducing payment management costs .

  14. 两个样本的区别主要体现在现在的工人在所该缴纳养老保险金的额度上。

    The main difference is that current workers would start paying much more of the cost of their pensions .

  15. 作画者别出心裁地将人的头都画成碗的样子,说明了老人们的退休生活完全依靠养老保险金。

    The artist tactically drew these humans'heads as bowls , indicating that their retirement life completely depends on this fund .

  16. 企业和机关事业单位的养老保险金按时足额发放率均达到100%。

    Enterprises and government organizations and institutions of the old-age insurance payments on time and in full rate of100 % .

  17. 住房补贴是给予低养老保险金者的基本社会保障的一个重要组成部分。

    The housing supplement for pensioners is an important part of the basic social protection provided to pensioners with low pensions .

  18. 辽宁省葫芦岛市是一个正在兴起的城市,同样也面临着养老保险金支付困难,资金缺口逐年增加的问题。

    Liaoning huludao city is an emerging city , also faces endowment insurance payment difficulties , funding gap increases year by year .

  19. 为了应对老龄化危机,世界各国纷纷采取各种措施保障养老保险金的支付能力,我国也不例外。

    Coping with the crisis of aging , many countries took measures to ensure the capacity to pay the pension insurance fund .

  20. 首先,法律体系的完善是保障基本养老保险金信托运营的必备条件。

    First of all , the perfection of legal system is the essential condition of the trust management of the pension fund .

  21. 这幅漫画展现了一个惊人的场景,成百上千的老人们正在追赶一个贴着“养老保险金”的小袋子。

    The cartoon reveals an astonishing scenario in which hundreds of old people are chasing a small bag tagged " retirement fund " .

  22. 第四十四条检察官退休后,享受国家规定的养老保险金和其他待遇。

    Article 44 After retirement public procurators shall enjoy the insurance of old age pension and other benefits as prescribed by the State .

  23. 目前,我国出现了一些基本养老保险金信托运营的实践,并取得了良好的运营效果。

    At present , there are some practices of the trust operating of basic endowment insurance fund and it achieves good operating results .

  24. 养老保险金是绝大部分人在晚年时期的基本生活保障,而对处于社会中弱势地位的犯过罪的人尤其如此。

    Pensions insurance is to ensure most of old people a not bad living , including the old prisoners and paroled or released old criminals .

  25. 每个历史阶段福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的发展都有着包涵时代特色的鲜明特征。

    The development of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system in every historical stage has a inclusion characteristics of distinctive feature of the times .

  26. 对于福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制运行的历史性评价,应当要有一个全面、客观、辩证、理性的认识。

    For running the historic evaluation of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system , should have a comprehensive , dialectical , objective , rational knowledge .

  27. 与此同时,完善信托方面的法律法规,保障基本养老保险金信托运营的顺利进行。

    At the same time , improve the trust of the laws and regulations and ensure the smooth operation of the basic old-age pension trust operations .

  28. 本文提出1.建立以法律手段为主的养老保险金制度,增强养老保险金的严肃性;

    This article discusses : 1 . establishing a pension system which mainly involves lawful means , and therefore the solemnity of which could be intensified ;

  29. 基本养老保险金被挤占、挪用现象严重,再加上单一的投资渠道,基本养老保险金的收益率较低。

    With serious basic endowment insurance fund to be squeezed occupy and divert and a single investment channel , the basic old-age insurance fund yield is low .

  30. 第一部分对住房反向抵押贷款的含义及法律性质进行分析,明确其是一种涵盖民法抵押、社会养老保险金的综合性金融产品。

    Firstly , the author provides the definition and legislation of reverse mortgage , ensuring that it is a comprehensive financial product covering civil-law mortgage and social security pension .