
qī huò jiāo yì suǒ
  • futures exchange
  1. 以及中国金融期货交易所——大成律师事务所(DachengLawOffices)为其提供建议。

    and China Financial Futures Exchange , advised by Dacheng Law Offices .

  2. 期货交易所的会员服务系统是期货交易所重要的计算机管理系统之一,旨在通过基于web的电子商务系统为会员提供一个快速、便利、安全的服务环境。

    Members serving system in futures exchange is one of the computer managing systems and it aims to provide members a quick , convenient and secure service environment by web system .

  3. 伦敦ice欧洲期货交易所(icefutureseurope)表示,它正与业内人士进行磋商。

    The London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange says it is consulting with the industry .

  4. 芝加哥期货交易所(chicagoboardoftrade)12月交货的小麦期货价格本周二小幅上涨,至每蒲式耳7.30美元。

    Futures for December delivery were slightly higher at $ 7.30 a bushel on the Chicago Board of trade on Tuesday .

  5. 芝加哥期货交易所(ChicagoBoardofTrade)三分之一的价格可能与中国大豆市场有关。

    Probably a third of the price on the Chicago Board of Trade is related to the soyabean market in China .

  6. 就在一年前,芝加哥期货交易所也进行了首次公开发行(IPO)。

    The CBOT followed with its own initial public offering exactly a year ago .

  7. 韩国证券期货交易所(KoreaExchange)是目前全球最大的衍生品交易所,这得益于散户投资者广泛且不断增长的兴趣。

    The world 's biggest derivative exchange , by far , is the Korea Exchange , thanks to extensive and growing retail interest .

  8. 我国已成为WTO的成员,应在借鉴西方先进的期货交易所法律制度基础上,把我国的期货交易所改造成为实质意义上的会员制交易所。

    As a member of the WTO , China should transform its futures exchanges into membership legal person in its true sense .

  9. 美国司法部(usdepartmentofjustice)近期已要求财政部(treasury)调查,期货交易所拥有结算所是否有违竞争原则。

    The US Department of justice has recently asked the Treasury to look at whether ownership of clearing houses by futures exchanges is anti-competitive .

  10. 自6月初开始,三星便在股市中表现低迷。2014年以来,公司在韩国证券期货交易所(KoreaExchange)的股价已经下跌了11%。(财富中文网)

    The company 's stock has had a weak performance since early June , and shares on the Korea Exchange have dropped 11 % so far in 2014 .

  11. 亚洲第三大证券交易所&韩国证券期货交易所(KoreaExchange,简称:韩交所)正积极寻求外国公司在该交易所上市,并拓展与其它国际交易所的关系,努力提升自身的全球形象。

    Korea Exchange , Asia 's third-biggest bourse , is aggressively seeking foreign listings and expanding alliances with other international exchanges in an attempt to boost its global profile .

  12. 洲际交易所计划斥资10亿美元,收购软性大宗商品交易所&纽约期货交易所(NewYorkBoardofTrade),但目前仍在等待批准。预计该交易将于明年年初完成。

    However , ICE will have to wait on the approval for its planned $ 1bn takeover of the soft commodities exchange New York Board of Trade , which is expected to be completed early next year .

  13. 运营全球最大期货交易所的芝加哥商品交易所集团(CMEGroup),从2012年1月起将允许国际投资者把人民币用作所有期货产品交易的抵押品。

    CME Group , the largest futures exchange , will allow international investors to use the Chinese currency as collateral for trading in all its futures products from January 2012 .

  14. 芝加哥商品交易所表示,已同意与纽约商交所进行为期30天的独家谈判。不到一年前,这家全球最大的期货交易所同意收购了芝加哥期货交易所(ChicagoBoardofTrade)。

    Less than a year after the CME agreed to acquire the Chicago Board of Trade , the world 's largest futures exchange said it had agreed to a 30-day exclusive negotiating period with Nymex .

  15. 上海期货交易所(sfe)仓库中的铝库存已经大幅下降至2008年2月以来的最低水平。

    Inventories of the metal at Shanghai Futures Exchange warehouses have fallen sharply , to their lowest since February 2008 .

  16. 依照美国1974年的CFTC法案成立的一个联邦管理机构,其任务是监督商品期货交易所法案的执行。

    The Federal regulatory agency established by the CFTC Act of1974 to administer the Commodity Exchange Act .

  17. 周四,中国金融期货交易所否认了高盛(GoldmanSachs)等外国投资者用期货做空A股的传闻。

    The futures exchange on Thursday denied rumours that foreign investors including Goldman Sachs were using futures to place big bearish bets on mainland stocks , known as A shares .

  18. 新加坡证交所与芝加哥期货交易所组建了一家对等持股的合资公司,将大宗商品期货在新加坡的联合亚洲衍生品交易所(jade)上市,目的是进入零散但增长迅速的衍生品市场。

    The SGX has a 50-50 joint venture with the CBOT to list commodity futures on a Singapore-based platform called Jade , which aims to tap the fragmented but fast-growing derivatives market .

  19. 昨日公布的交易所数据显示,之前在上海期货交易所持有最大铜空头头寸的投资基金&上海混沌投资(ShanghaiChaos),已将所持看跌铜的合约从3.38万份减少一半。

    Exchange data published yesterday showed one fund , Shanghai Chaos an investment fund that had previously held the biggest short position in copper on the Shanghai Futures Exchange had halved its holdings of bearish copper bets from 33,800 contracts .

  20. 采用协整理论及基于VAR的Grange因果关系检验与冲击反应函数方法对中国上海期货交易所燃料油期货价格作建模分析。

    The futures prices of fuel oil of Shanghai Futures Exchange were analyzed through model building with Cointegration theory , VAR-based Grange Causality testing and impulse analysis .

  21. 周四纽约商品期货交易所(NewYorkMercantileexchange)Comex分部的黄金期货收盘价报每盎司1331.60美元,较前日微涨,但和一年前相比仍下跌了16%。

    Gold futures ended Thursday at $ 1, 331.60 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange , up slightly for the day but down 16 % from a year ago .

  22. 本文将结合期货交易所会员服务系统的功能需求和安全需求,研究基于PKI技术的期货交易所会员服务系统的体系构建问题。

    This paper carries out a research into the problem how to build members serving system in futures exchange based on PKI according to the function and security need of members serving system .

  23. 芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT)5月玉米期货涨停,上涨30美分,至每蒲式耳6.93¼美元。

    CBOT May corn futures rose by the daily trading limit of 30 cents to $ 6.93 ¼ a bushel .

  24. 根据上海期货交易所的数据,上海混沌投资公司(ShanghaiChaos)旗下的混沌天成期货(ChaosTernaryFutures),加大了交易量最大的5月份到期铜期货合同的空头头寸,在周一增加了1242手。

    Chaos Ternary Futures , a unit of fund Shanghai Chaos , has built up its short position in the most traded copper futures contract expiring in May , according to data from the exchange , adding 1,242 lots on Monday .

  25. 纽约商品期货交易所(NYME)和芝加哥商品交易所(CME)等全球最大的大宗商品期货交易所,提供实际上24小时不间断的互联网交易。

    The world 's largest commodity futures exchanges , such as the New York Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , offer internet-based trading virtually round the clock .

  26. 在芝加哥期货交易所,或者CBOT,期货一直以来都是以公开竞价的方式进行交易。

    At the Chicago Board of Trade , or CBOT , futures have always been traded using the open outcry system .

  27. 芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT)十二月小麦期货合约价格昨日上涨18?美分,至每蒲式耳9.51?美元,本周累计上涨8.8%。

    CBOT December wheat rose 18 ? cents to $ 9.51 ? a bushel yesterday , gaining 8.8 per cent this week .

  28. 台湾期货交易所(Taifex)正在考虑进行首次公开发行(IPO),以求提高运营效率,并为自己带来更多增长机遇。该交易所是亚洲增长最快的衍生品交易市场之一。

    The Taiwan Futures Exchange , one of Asia 's fastest-growing derivatives markets , is considering an initial public offering to increase its efficiency and boost growth opportunities .

  29. 澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)将把证交所与悉尼期货交易所(SFE)合并,现在其24%的收入来自于衍生品交易与结算。

    Australia 's ASX , where 24 per cent of revenue comes from derivatives trading and clearing , combines the stock exchange and Sydney futures exchange .

  30. 周四,芝加哥期货交易所(cbot)5月份交割的玉米期货价格为每蒲式耳6.95美元,涨幅为2%。

    On the Chicago Board of trade , corn futures for May delivery were at $ 6.95 per bushel on Thursday , up 2 per cent .