
yín hánɡ yè
  • banking;banking sector;banking business
  1. 她正在考虑从事银行业。

    She 's thinking about a career in banking .

  2. 他选中银行业为职业。

    He chose banking as a career .

  3. 本年度意大利银行业将进行大规模重组。

    This should be the year of a big shake-out in Italian banking

  4. 国际银行业的这种丑闻一直以来都会造成极其恶劣的政治影响。

    This sort of scandal in international banking has been politically costly .

  5. 房地产贷款已经成了美国银行业增长最快的业务领域。

    Real estate lending has become the biggest growth area for American banks .

  6. 银行家们害怕会发生一场全球银行业危机。

    Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis

  7. 1987年,加西亚立法将秘鲁银行业和金融系统收归国有。

    In 1987 , Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru 's banking and financial systems

  8. 银行业未来是否会兴旺发达根本无法预测。

    There 's no way to predict the future health of the banking industry .

  9. 很多人会把他的任命看作是英国银行业应该避免的一种裙带关系。

    Many will regard his appointment as the kind of nepotism British banking ought to avoid .

  10. 这将是美国银行业历史上最大的一次合并,使两家银行的总资产达到1,460亿美元左右。

    Such a merger would be the largest in US banking history , giving the two banks combined assets of some $ 146 billion .

  11. 未经银行业管理部门批准设立的机构不得为大学生提供信贷服务。

    Institutions without financial licenses should not offer credit services to college students .

  12. 加入WTO中国银行业的人才战略

    A talented strategy of Chinese banking after joining in WTO

  13. 中国银行业X效率实证研究

    X - Efficiency of Commercial Banks in China

  14. 银行业CRM下的客户资源管理研究

    Research to the Customer Resource Management of Banker 's Credit

  15. 用CRM打造银行业的核心竞争力

    Improve Core Competitive Capacity of banking by CRM

  16. 中国加入WTO五年后,中国银行业全面对外开放,中国银行业将直面外资银行的挑战和冲击。

    China join WTO after the five year , Chinese banking overall to open foreign countries , Chinese banking face straightly foreign capitals challenge of bank hit .

  17. 1980-96年期间,IMF的180个成员国中,有130个国家的银行业发生过严重问题或金融危机。

    During 1980-1996 , serious problems and financial crisis had taken place in 130 countries banking among all the 180 member countries of IMF .

  18. 按照中国加入WTO的约定,2006年中国银行业将全面对外开放,国内银行将面临更为激烈的同业竞争。

    According to the agreement with the WTO , the Chinese banking will not be overall opening up to the outside world until 2006 . The domestic bank will face fierce horizontal competition .

  19. 面对加入WTO后愈加激烈的国际和国内银行业竞争,如何提高国有商业银行的经营效益,进而提高其竞争力,是不可回避而又迫切需要尽快研究的课题。

    Facing increased competition both in foreign and domestic banking industry after entering WTO , how to improve the management efficiency and the competitive ability of state-owned commercial banks has become an urgent and unavoidable research subject .

  20. 许多公司必须遵守Sarbanes-Oxley法规,但它们还要遵守具体领域的标准&例如,制药行业的21-CFR-11,或银行业的BaselII。

    Many companies must comply with Sarbanes-Oxley , but they may also observe domain-specific standards & such as21-CFR-11 for the pharmaceutical industry or Basel II for banking .

  21. BankEkonomi还可以让汇丰进入零售银行业,以及进入目前尚未进入的城市。

    Bank Ekonomi will also allow HSBC to expand into retail banking , taking it into cities where it has no presence .

  22. 面对加入WTO对我国金融业的挑战,混业经营在我国也将成为一种不可抵挡的经营模式,从法律上构建银行业混业经营制度成为一个重要的时代命题。

    In China , mixed operation will also be able to become a business model to face the financial challenges of entering WTO . From the legal point , building mixed business banking system also becomes an important topic of the times .

  23. 近三年前,大卫•德•罗斯柴尔德勋爵(LordDaviddeRothschild)将这间有两百年历史的银行业王朝的法国与英国分支集合到一起,并入ParisOrléans母公司旗下。

    Almost three years ago , Lord David de Rothschild brought together the French and British arms of the two centuries old banking dynasty , under the Paris Orl é ans parent group .

  24. 这也会让美联储相当尴尬,因为在CIT得到银行业的批准时,美联储曾经将CIT描绘为资金充裕的公司。

    It would also have been a huge embarrassment for the Fed , which had described CIT as adequately capitalised when it approved of its banking application .

  25. 本章先对中国银行业进行概述,之后选择商业银行作为编制银行业SPPI的蓝本,论述了商业银行金融中介服务SPPI的编制过程。

    This chapter first on Chinese banking carding select commercial banks as a blueprint ; discusses financial intermediary service of commercial banks .

  26. MP假说和ES假说在发达国家银行业市场得到了不同程度的印证,大多数研究表明市场银行绩效和市场结构、银行效率有着紧密的关系。

    MP Hypothesis and ES Hypothesis have been proved to varying degrees in banking markets in some developed countries , and the majority of the researches have approved that there is a very tight connection among the performance of banks , market structure and banking efficiency .

  27. 深究之下,脆弱行业包括澳大利亚和韩国的银行业。

    Drilling down , vulnerable sectors include Australian and Korean banks .

  28. 次贷危机下我国投资银行业发展的对策

    Development Strategies of China 's Investment Banking under Subprime Lending Crisis

  29. 关于我国政府融资状况与国有银行业发展的思考

    The Situation of Government Finance and the Development of State-owned Banking

  30. 国际银行业购并的动因分析

    Analysis of the courses of the international banking M & A