
  • 网络bank lending channel;Banking lending channel;bank lending theory
  1. 中国金融系统结构演进中银行贷款渠道效应的研究

    Effect of Bank Lending Channel in Structure Evolution of China 's Financial System

  2. 狭小的银行贷款渠道是在运作时调整货泉政策的转变疾速的存款。

    The narrow bank lending channel is in operation when adjustments to the monetary stance prompt changes in deposits .

  3. 我国货币政策对生产活动的影响主要通过银行贷款渠道。

    In China , bank credit makes up the most important channel through which monetary policy influences the economy .

  4. 故这两种计量方法都证实了推论1,这就为我们的观点即银行贷款渠道在我国是存在的,提供了证据支持。

    Therefore , the positive analysis confirmes the inference one , and provides supporting evidence for the view that the bank lending channel exists in our country .

  5. 中国货币政策的传导机制具有明显的银行贷款渠道特征,这是由利率、汇率形成机制的不完全市场化、资本市场发展滞后等制度性因素决定的。

    Bank-lending channel is of the greatest importance in the transmission of monetary policy in China , which is determined by some institutional factors , such as government regulations on interest rate and exchange rate and imperfect institution structures that impede capital market 's development .

  6. 融资机制不健全,表现在政府对科技的投入力度不大、银行贷款融资渠道不通畅、股票市场融资能力弱和风险投资机制不完善。

    Secondly , financing mechanism is not perfect , government investment in science and technology is little , bank financing is not smooth , stock market financing is weak , risk investment mechanism is not perfect .

  7. 目前政府自己来源主要靠地方财政收入和银行贷款,融资渠道单一,特别是当前监管部门对地方融资平台的风险日益关注,为地方政府融资戴上了紧箍咒。

    Now depends mainly on their own local government revenues and bank loans , financing a single channel , in particular , the current regulatory platform for the risk of local financing the growing concern of local government financing put a magic spell .

  8. 因为不能再从银行贷款,外界融资渠道也在2008年中断了。

    Outside financing was brutally killed in 2008 , as banks stopped lending .

  9. 在中国之类的国家,企业正越来越多地借助资本市场融资,而非依赖银行贷款等传统融资渠道。

    Companies in China and beyond are increasingly turning to the capital markets instead of relying on traditional sources of financing such as bank lending .

  10. 通过资本市场向社会公众筹资、获取国家财政支持、向商业银行争取贷款等融资渠道都为企业提供了发展的血液。

    Financing from the public in capital market , obtaining government subsidies and getting bank loans have contributed much to the rapid development of a large number of enterprises .

  11. 对于资金需求量大、建设周期长并以银行贷款为主要融资渠道的房地产公司而言,更应该重视宏观经济因素的影响,尤其是利率变动对资本结构的影响。

    The real estate companies which need lots of money , have a long-time constructing period and rely on the loaning from the bank must pay more attention to macroeconomic factors , especially in the effects of interest rates on capital structure .

  12. 风险投资可以作为上市融资和银行贷款融资的补充渠道,通过参与中小企业的经营管理,可以降低投融资双方的信息不对称问题,从而缓解中小企业融资难问题。

    First of all , this theory can be proved as a listed venture capital financing and bank loan financing supplementary channels . Second , through participation in the management of SMEs can reduce both investment and financing problem of asymmetric information , thus mitigating the problem of financing SMEs .

  13. 银行贷款是反映中国经济增长和通胀状况的领先指标,有相当一部分银行贷款通过非法渠道流入了中国股市。

    Bank loans are key leading indicator of China 's growth and inflation , a fair chunk of them also find their way illegally onto the equity markets .