
  • 网络bank monopoly
  1. 银行垄断及其市场势力研究

    Research on the Bank Monopoly and Its Market Power

  2. 对于很多市场,无论是发达的还是新兴的,IPO折价可以用一些经典的IPO折价模型,例如信息不对称模型、市场反馈模型、投资银行垄断模型和信号传递模型等来进行解释。

    For many markets , whether developed or emerging , IPO underpricing may be explained in terms of some classical IPO underpricing models such as asymmetric information models , the market feedback hypothesis , investment banker monophony power hypothesis and signaling model .

  3. 我国商业银行垄断与竞争效率分析

    Monopoly & Competition : The Economics Analysis of Our Country 's Commercial Bank

  4. 银行垄断与银行危机

    Banking Monopoly and Banking Crises

  5. 该部分从垄断的概念入手,分析了银行垄断的特殊性,提出了银行业垄断行为的含义。

    Starting with the concept of monopoly , the particularities and connotations of banking monopoly are demonstrated .

  6. 这样我们就可以集中资源打人曾被商业银行垄断的利润丰厚的市场领域。

    To pool our resources and to gain access to the lucrative markets dominated by the commercial banks .

  7. 如今国内银行垄断着基金销售市场,这意味着基金公司必须争夺有限的销售渠道。

    Domestic banks now dominate the fund distribution market , [ and ] that means fund firms have to compete for the limited channels .

  8. 1942年起,中央银行垄断了货币发行,成为中国历史上第一个真正的中央银行。

    From 1942 , the Central Bank of China centralized the banknote issue and became the first central bank in the history of China .

  9. 同时对银行垄断情况采用市场集中度、赫希曼-赫芬达尔指数等指标进行定量分析,用数据对银行垄断获利情况进行直观的展示。

    While the Bank of monopoly use of market concentration , Hirschman-Herfindahl index were quantitatively analyzed data on bank profitability of monopoly intuitive display .

  10. 最后指出现阶段我国国有银行垄断的金融结构对实行全能银行制度的障碍。

    At last we addressed that the big barrier for promoting universal banking in current China is in the monopoly structure based on the state owned banks within the financial industries .

  11. 全文立论的基点在于:不良资产是在以银行垄断为起点的信用体系逆向演进过程中形成的,有深刻的制度性原因。

    The standpoint of the essay is as follows : bad-assets forms under the diverse evolution of credit systems based on the banking monopoly , which is provided with profound institutional reasons .

  12. 国有银行垄断市场的局面已有一定改善,中小金融机构体系逐步完善和壮大,已成为金融体系中不可忽视的重要力量。

    The monopolistic position of State-Owned banks had been weaken , medium and small financial institutions had experienced rapid development and made good achievement and became a important force that can not be ignored .

  13. 这表现在中央银行垄断货币发行、充当最后贷款人角色,以及1933年后以美国为代表分业监管制度的确立等方面。

    This is reflected from monopoly on the issuing of currency , playing role as last lender by central banks , and the establishment of separate supervision system represented by the United States after 1933 .

  14. 网络经济下电子货币的供给完全是一种竞争性的市场行为,随着电子货币的发展,必将对传统的由中央银行垄断货币供给的机制提出挑战。

    Electronic Money supply is a competitive market in the network economy , with the development of electronic money , which is bound to the traditional monopoly of the money supply by the central bank mechanism challenge .

  15. 分析师们阴郁地表示,问题可能出在具有政府背景的银行卡垄断公司——中国银联(Unionpay)身上。

    Analysts say darkly that the problem may be with Unionpay , the government bank card monopoly .

  16. 我国银行业垄断行为的反垄断法规制研究

    The Domestic Banking of Monopolistic Behavior Studies of Anti-Anti-monopoly Regulations

  17. 缺少对银行业垄断的明确定义;

    There is no definition of monopoly in bank industry ;

  18. 公司债券市场发展对银行业垄断的影响分析

    The Analysis on the Impact of the Corporate Bond Market Development on the Banks ' Monopolies

  19. 从宏观上来看,我国国有商业银行的垄断局面就没有改变过,而垄断是市场失灵的一种表现。

    There is no change in the state of monopoly in the banking industry which is the appearance of " market-fail " .

  20. 实务界大多把问题和现象归咎于国有商业银行的垄断地位,并建议出台强制性价格政策。

    Most practitioners attribute the problem and the phenomenon to the monopoly of commercial banks . They recommend the introduction of mandatory price policy .

  21. 为防止外资银行可能垄断国内金融业,国内银行业必须通过合适的并购途径,增强综合实力。

    The banking in our country must enhance the comprehensive strength through proper M & A approach to prevent the foreign banks from monopolizing our financial industry .

  22. 国有银行的垄断来自传统惯性、行业进入管制与较高的退出壁垒。

    The monopoly power of the state-owned banks was originated from their historical positions , and is based on the regulation obstacles of market entry and market exit .

  23. 目前我国存在着四大国有银行行政垄断与中小银行过度竞争并存的银行业二重性市场结构特征。

    At present , there is dual market structure feature in banking industry , characterized by administrative monopoly of four state-owned banks and excessive competition in small and medium-sized banks .

  24. 也没有任何人认真讨论一下如何利用反垄断法来拆散最大的几家银行反垄断法是针对一切“规模过大不能倒闭”的资本主义实体的传统药方。

    Nor is anyone talking seriously about using antitrust laws to break up the biggest banks the traditional tonic for any capitalist entity that is " too big to fail " .

  25. 为了应对与日俱增的银行业垄断问题以及消费者的投诉,我国有必要逐步建立起一套系统的银行业反垄断法规制机制。

    In order to deal with increasing banking monopoly issues and complaints from consumers , China has to establish and complete a systemic banking anti-monopoly mechanism in the future . The advanced experience of United States can provide us good references .

  26. 产融结合产生于各主要资本主义国家工业和银行业垄断基本形成的19世纪末20世纪初。至今,世界500强企业中,有80%以上都成功地进行了产业资本与金融资本结合的经营行为。

    Integration of financial and industrial has occurred during the rudiment formation of industrial and banking monopoly in capitalist countries in later 1900s and earlier 2000s . In the present , there are 80 percent companies of 500 biggest compa ' nies in the world integrating financial and industrial capital .

  27. 国有商业银行正在从垄断走向竞争。

    The State-owned commercial banks are going from monopoly to competition .

  28. 这几家银行既未占据垄断地位,也没有赚得暴利。

    These banks neither enjoy a monopoly position nor earn excessive profits .

  29. 论美国银行并购反垄断的相关市场界定

    On the Definition of Relevant Market of Bank Mergers Antitrust in America

  30. 银行业反垄断规制研究无疑是一个新的课题,其理论意义和现实意义都是深远的。

    Antitrust regulation research in banking industry is absolutely a new topic for discussion .