
  • 网络Administrative Monopoly
  1. WTO背景下我国行政性垄断的法律分析

    Legal Analysis of the Administrative Monopoly of China after the WTO Entry

  2. 打破行政性垄断,引入市场竞争

    To Break the Administrative Monopoly and Introduce the Market Competition

  3. 最后阐述了行政性垄断产生的原因。

    In the last the chapter elaborates causes of administrative monopoly .

  4. 我国行政性垄断的成因及对策探讨

    Discussion on the Cause and Countermeasure of Administrative monopoly in Our Country

  5. 对我国行政性垄断与事业单位限制竞争行为的理性思考

    On the Analysis of Administrative Monopoly and the Restrictive Competition of Institutions

  6. 略论我国反垄断立法中的禁止行政性垄断制度

    The System of Prohibiting Administrative Monopoly in Chinese Anti - monopoly Legislation

  7. 经济转型时期行政性垄断的规制

    The Regulatory Framework of the Administrative Monopoly during the Turn of Economy

  8. 我国行政性垄断行业的福利腐败治理问题探讨

    Research on Curbing the Welfare-labeled Corruption in Administrative Monopoly Industry of China

  9. 行政性垄断具有强制性与隐蔽性;

    Thirdly , the administrative monopoly is compelling and covert ;

  10. 渐进改革背景下的行政性垄断问题研究

    The Research on Administrative Monopoly Problem in Gradual Reform Situation

  11. 浅析我国行政性垄断的成因及其法律规制

    The Reasons for Chinese Administrative Monopoly and the Legal Solutions to the Monopoly

  12. 在执行反行政性垄断法规的活动中,由于反行政性垄断主体不明确,执行相关法律不到位,并没有有效防止行政性垄断的产生、发展,行政性垄断造成的恶劣影响依然存在。

    The laws can 't effectively prevent administrative monopoly form emerging and developing .

  13. 行政性垄断力的来源是行政权力;

    Secondly , the origin of the administrative monopoly is the executive power ;

  14. 反非法行政性垄断之对策研究

    A Study on the Countermeasure to Illegal Administrative Monopoly

  15. 我国反行政性垄断立法问题浅析

    Simply Analysis of legislation of anti administration Monopoly

  16. 行政性垄断及其反垄断法律规制研究述评

    A Comment on the Research on Administrative Monopoly and Legal Regulation of Anti-trust Law

  17. 从美国的反垄断到遏制我国的行政性垄断&从微软分拆案中得到的启示

    From US Anti-trust to China 's Administrative Monopoly & Inspiration from Microsoft Breakup Case

  18. 对我国行政性垄断现象的认识

    Study on the Administration Monopolization in Our Country

  19. 刍议我国的行政性垄断问题

    Humble Opinion of Our Country 's Executive Monopoly

  20. 其原因是:行政性垄断;

    The reasons for these are administrative monopoly ;

  21. 反垄断立法中的行政性垄断问题

    The Administrative Monopoly Problems in Anti monopoly Legislation

  22. 行政性垄断与我国反垄断立法

    Administrative Monopoly and Chinese Anti-monopoly Legislation

  23. 在此基础上进一步探讨反垄断法应该如何认定构成行政性垄断违法行为。

    We could explore profoundly how the anti-monopoly law recognizes the constitution of illegal administrative monopoly .

  24. 行政性垄断问题;

    The administrative monopoly problem ;

  25. 行政性垄断的法律规制

    Legal System of Administrative Monopoly

  26. 行政性垄断严重影响企业生产效率及油气资源的配置效率。

    Administrative monopoly affects the enterprise production efficiency and configuration efficiency of oil and gas resources seriously .

  27. 行政性垄断的经济分析

    Economic Analysis on Administrative Monopoly

  28. 打破行政性垄断与规范对纯粹自然垄断领域的管制;

    The forth to break administration monopoly and standardize the regulation of the purely natural monopoly industries ;

  29. 我国正着手起草反垄断法,其中是否要将行政性垄断纳入其调整范围还存在争议。

    Now china is drafting Anti-monopoly law , but there are debates whether administrative monopoly should be covered .

  30. 事后制裁是对造成地区封锁、部门垄断等行政性垄断状态的责任单位和责任人进行法律追究。

    Post-punishment is imposed on those units or persons whose behaviours lead to region blockade or sector monopoly .