
  1. 从西方政府的职能来看,西方公共决策可以分为常规决策和危机决策两大类,其中常规决策又可以分为行政决策和参与立法的决策两种。

    Seeing from working talent of western government , and the western government decision can be divided into two types , which are the normal decision and crisis of decision .

  2. 第二部分通过介绍美国、加拿大行政决策公众参与的特点,为我国借鉴这两个国家比较成熟的制度和做法,完善我国行政决策公众参与制度提供思路。

    The second part narrates the characteristics of institution of public participation in administrative decision-making in American and Canadian . The author perfects the institution of public participation in administrative decision-making of our country by drawing lessons from two country .

  3. 通过分析市场经济与全球化、信息化发展要求,介绍行政决策公众参与的现实背景,最后论述行政决策公众参与的必要性。

    Through analyzing market economy , globalization , information-based demand for development , introduces the realistic background of public participation in administrative decision . At the end of the part , it will discuss the necessity of public participation in administrative decision .

  4. 行政决策体制及其参与主体的研究探析

    Research on Administrative Decision - making System and its Subjects

  5. 第三部分,文章分析了我国行政决策中公民参与取得的成效及存在的问题,并分析了问题存在的原因。

    This paper analyzes citizen participation in administrative decision-making in the achievements and problems , and analyzes the reasons for problems .

  6. 行政决策中公众参与机制的设计非常复杂,涉及参与方式、参与者的选择和参与强度等多维度的问题。

    It involves multi-dimensional issues such as the ways of participation , the selection of participants , and the intensity of participation , etc.

  7. 在这样的时代背景之F,公众参与环境保护活动的热情越来越高,很多民众开始关心自己在环境行政决策问题上的参与权能否得到实现。

    Under this background , the enthusiasm of the public to participate in environmental protection activities are getting higher and higher , many people began to care about whether their right to participation in the environmental administrative decision-making on the issue can be achieved .

  8. 公共行政决策中的公民参与是政府、公民和社会共同关注和努力的方向。

    Citizen participation in public administration decision-making is the common target of the government , the citizen and the society .

  9. 本文对行政过程中的公民参与研究集中在行政立法、执法阶段,并考察了独立于此两者的行政决策的公民参与现状与困境。

    This chapter focuses on administrative legislation , enforcement and surveys the current situation of citizen participation in administrative decision-making which is independent with the former two processes .