
  1. 第四部分新时期下公务员挂职锻炼政策研究,主要论述了当前实行的公务员挂职锻炼这一干部下放政策在新时期下的一个变革和具体表现;

    Section Four expounds the transformation and exact expression of this policy in new era .

  2. 校企合作、共同管理,提高教师挂职锻炼的实效

    With School-Enterprise Cooperation and Common Management , Improving the Effectiveness of Teachers ' Taking Temporary Post

  3. 通过阐述大学生挂职锻炼活动的地位作用,对如何组织建立有效的大学生挂职锻炼活动运行机制提出有效建议。

    By expounding on its importance and functions the paper makes some useful proposals on how to establish effectively operational devices for the campaign .

  4. 为了更好地培养高职学生的职业能力,要转变思想观念、优化教育教学工作的各个环节、做好学生工作、鼓励教师挂职锻炼、积极开展校内职业能力培训、注重学生综合职业能力的培养。

    In order to better training of it , we should embrace new ideas and concepts , optimize teaching work , do the work of students , etc.

  5. 与艺术领域发展比较先进、发达的省市建立人才交流机制,探索开展艺术人才互派挂职锻炼平台,拓展艺术人才的学习交流平台。

    Establish a mechanism of the personnel exchange with provinces and cities in which the art developments is relatively advanced and developed . Explore developing the platform of interchange exercise and take a temporary post , expand the learning and exchanging platform .

  6. 完善文化艺术行政管理单位党政人才、艺术企业经营管理人才、艺术专业技术人才交流和挂职锻炼制度,建立完善低职高聘和高职低聘等补充性办法。

    Improve the cultural administrative unit of government personnel , art talent of business management of enterprise , art professional technical personnel exchanges and training system for sending , establish and improve the vocational school and vocational low retainer and complementary approaches .

  7. 通过在上海杨浦区挂职锻炼的三个月的工作中,深刻认识到上海政府机关先进的管理理念和经济快速发展的经验是值得我们学习和借鉴的。

    Through three-month work with original post in Yangpu , Shanghai , the writer deeply understands that the advanced management idea of the government and the experience of rapid development of the economy is worth being learned by us and used for reference .