
  • 网络Environmental administrative guidance;environmental executive direction
  1. 环境行政指导制度研究

    Study on Environmental Executive Direction System

  2. 环境行政指导若干问题探析

    Some lssues on Environmental Executive Direction

  3. 绿色壁垒与环境行政指导制度研究

    The Study on Green Barrier and Environmental Administrative Guidance Institution

  4. 环境行政指导在我国的水资源保护中起着不可替代的作用。

    Environmental administrative guidance plays un-substitutive role in water resource protection of China .

  5. 如何完善我国环境行政指导成为了本文的撰写初衷。

    Administrative guidance how to improve our environment has become a mind to write this article .

  6. 环境行政指导并没有形成完善的制度,其缺乏必要的法律依据。

    Environmental Administrative guidance and did not form a perfect system , the lack of the necessary legal basis .

  7. 论环境行政指导环境法视野的行政指导问题分析外国行政指导法律控制探析兼论对完善我国行政指导制度的借鉴

    Analysis of foreign legal control of the administrative guidance & Also on the reference to perfect the administrative guidance system in China

  8. 并以事前调控的环境行政指导制度和事后规制的环境行政强制制度构筑环境行政法的基本制度体系。

    Combining with the before event environment administrative guide and the after event compulsive constitute the basic system environment administrative law and process .

  9. 但是环境行政指导制度研究起步晚,在理论和实践上都不成熟,尚未建立起成熟完善的环境行政指导制度,制度的缺陷影响环境行政指导功能的发挥。

    It has been an important measure . Because the study is late , the theory and practice is not mature , the system need to be perfect .

  10. 第五部分结合我国的立法实践和具体国情,分析了环境行政指导的法律依据渊源及其运行模式。

    At last , the study analyzed the legal affection original basis and its running mode of environmental administrative guidance , relating our country 's legislation practice and condition .

  11. 随着现代公共行政的改革与发展,以环境行政指导为代表的环境行政非强制性管理手段在环境行政实践中发挥了和发挥着重要的作用。

    Along with the reform and the development of public administration , the non-coercive means of administration , represented by guidance of environmental administration , has played and is playing important roles .

  12. 环境行政指导在我国的现行法律法规中并没有完善的规定,只是散落在如《清洁生产促进法》等一些法律法规中。

    In the law of our country , administrative guidance on environmental regulations are not perfect but scattered , such as " Cleaner Production Promotion Law " and other laws and regulations .

  13. 环境行政指导缺乏必要的救济制度和责任分配导致基于信赖行政主体而遭受损失的相对人的合法权益无法得到有效保护。

    Environment lacks the necessary administrative guidance and allocation of responsibilities led to relief system based on trust administrative body and the relative loss of the legitimate rights and interests can not be effectively protected .

  14. 论文分为导论、正文和结语三个部分,其中正文又分为三部分:第一部分,对环境行政指导制度基本理论进行了概述。

    It is divided into three parts including introduction , body and conclusion , of which the text is divided into three chapters : The first chapter , In this chapter , the paper presents the basic problems of our country environment administrative guidance system .

  15. 论农村环境管理中行政指导的行为方式·现实困境与实现策略

    Discussion on the Behavior Manner , Realistic Predicament and Implementation Strategies of the Administrative Guidance in the Rural Environment Management