
  • 网络environmental administrative litigation
  1. 论环境行政诉讼中的几个法律问题

    On Legal Problems in Environmental Administrative Litigation

  2. 环境行政诉讼对我国公众环境权赖以建立的价值体系和文化观念影响最大,虽然这种影响是间接的。

    Environmental administrative litigation has the most impact on the value system and the culture idea that is the foundation of the public 's environmental right , though this kind of influence is indirect .

  3. 环境行政诉讼的原告资格问题是本文的主要关切所在。

    The qualification of plaintiff is the main idea of this article .

  4. 环境行政诉讼与环境侵害的排除

    Action of Environment Administration and Elimination of Infringement On Environment

  5. 浅析环境行政诉讼的集团诉讼

    Elementary Analysis of the Group Lawsuit of the Environment Administration Lawsuit of China

  6. 论我国环境行政诉讼中代表人诉讼制度的建立

    Discussion on establishment of legal counsel system in environmental administration proceedings of China

  7. 环境行政诉讼可以让环境污染受害者也参与进来,附带民事赔偿。

    Environmental administrative lawsuit can make environmental issues victims are also involved , incidental civil compensation .

  8. 浅析排污单位在环境行政诉讼中的权利、义务和应掌握的几个问题

    Preliminary Analysis on Right , Obligation and Some Problems of Pollution Emitted Unit in Environmental Administration Lawsuit

  9. 审理环境行政诉讼案件,既涉及实体法又涉及程序法的应用。

    It deals with application of law of entity and procedure when reviewing litigation cases of environmental administration . For characteristics of potential .

  10. 完善现行的环境行政诉讼制度,关键是要改变现有行政主体理论,改革环境行政主管部门的领导体制;

    In order to perfect the environmental administrative lawsuit system , we should change administrative main body theory , reform the leading system of environmental administrative department ;

  11. 可以说,在环境行政诉讼领域,对环境公共利益的保护更甚于个案救济。

    It can be said that the administrative proceedings in the field of environment , the protection of the environment even in cases of public interest relief .

  12. 环境行政诉讼制度对于推进我国的环境法制建设,促进环境保护领域依法行政,保护环境相对人的环境权益等发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Environmental administrative lawsuit system plays very important role in promoting environmental protection construction , administering the environment according to law and protecting relative person 's environmental rights .

  13. 文章介绍了排污单位在环境行政诉讼中的权利和义务及应掌握的几个问题,旨在维护环境保护的法制。

    In this paper the right , obligation and some problems of pollution emitted unit in environmental administration lawsuit were drawn up so as to maintain the legal system of environmental protection .

  14. 引言:问题的缘起。从一则案例说开去,研究环境行政诉讼原告资格制度的原因,以及研究的方法。

    The main contents of this paper are : Introduction : Beginning with a case , study the cause of the qualification of plaintiffs in environmental administrative suits and the means of study .

  15. 构建原告资格及制定相应的制度,赋予公民、社会团体、检察院提起环境行政诉讼的权利,是建立环境行政公益诉讼的重要内容。

    The important content of building environmental administrative public welfare lawsuit is to build plaintiff qualification , to establish corresponding system and to entrust the rights to citizens , social organizations and procuratorates to institute environmental administrative lawsuit .

  16. 环境行政诉讼的集团诉讼制度是在吸纳了环境行政诉讼和环境民事集团诉讼共同特点的基础上发展起来的。

    With people 's paying close attention to the actions of encroaching on environment and with the development of group lawsuit in civil procedural law , the environmental group lawsuit has got a high-speed development in theory and practice .

  17. 论NGO在环境行政公益诉讼中的法律地位

    NGO 's Plaintiff Status in Environment Administrative Public Welfare Lawsuit

  18. 环保NGO参与环境行政公益诉讼法律问题研究

    Study on the Legal Issues of NGO 's Participation of Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China

  19. 我国环境资源行政诉讼之探讨

    A Study of China 's Administrative Lawsuit Over Environment Resources

  20. 我国环境行政公益诉讼制度构建研究

    The Research on Constructing Environmental Administrative Public Interests Litigation System in China

  21. 论检察机关环境行政公益诉讼参加人的确立

    The Establishment of Environment Commonweal Lawsuit Partner of Procurator

  22. 构建环境公益行政诉讼制度的设想

    Idea of Constructing Environmental Public Interest Litigation System

  23. 我国环境行政公益诉讼原告资格探析

    The Study on the Plaintiff Qualification of Environmental Administrative Public Interest Litigation in China

  24. 环境资源行政诉讼在我国诉讼理论和实践中,存在诸多问题。

    There are a lot of theoretical and practical problems in China 's administrative lawsuit over environment resources .

  25. 虽然名称各有不同,但都属于环境行政公益诉讼制度范畴。

    Although their names are different , they all belong to the category of environmental administrative public interest litigation .

  26. 环境行政公益诉讼与传统行政诉讼的不同之处在于原告资格的认定标准方面存在差异。

    The administrative litigation system of our country causes administrative public-interest litigant imperfection because of strict limits of plaintiff qualifications .

  27. 世界很多国家已建立起相应的诉讼制度&环境行政公益诉讼制度,对环境公共利益予以保护和救济。

    Environmental public interest litigation system has been established in many countries , which protects and redresses environmental public interest .

  28. 在结束语中表达了对建立环境行政公益诉讼制度应持的谨慎的乐观态度。

    In the conclusion , the author expresses the optimistic and prudent attitude to the establishment of environmental administrative public interest action system .

  29. 第四部分则论述了我建立环境行政公益诉讼制度的制度定位及应注意的宏观与微观层面的问题。

    And the fourth part discusses the possible environmental administrative public interest action system for China and the related problems from the micro-level and macro-level perspective .

  30. 我国由于受到基本国情的限制,环境行政公益诉讼的发展与西方发达国家相比有着很大的差距。

    Given the limitations of our basic national conditions , the development of public interest litigation and administrative environment of Western developed countries have a large gap .