
  1. 浅析政府对环境民事诉讼不适当干预

    On the Excessive Government Intervention in Environment Civil Proceeding

  2. 而环境民事诉讼的前提是发生了环境污染,因此,环境监测在环境民事诉讼中起着极其重要的作用。

    Consequently , environmental monitoring does play a vital role in environmental civil litigation .

  3. 文章的结构是:第一章:环境民事诉讼概述。

    The structure of the article : Chapter 1 : Overview the environmental civil suits .

  4. 第三章阐述国内外环境民事诉讼举证责任分配理论与实践;

    Chapter Three presents the theory and practice in distribution of burden of proof in environmental tort action ;

  5. 在修改《民事诉讼法》时,应当对环境民事诉讼的地域管辖作出合理规定。

    During amending the Civil Procedure Law , we should correctly stipulate the territorial jurisdiction of civil environmental suit .

  6. 美国和日本的环境民事诉讼制度的发展从理论到实践都比较成功。

    The environmental civil lawsuit systems of the United States and Japan have developed successfully both in theory and practice .

  7. 我国应当借鉴西方国家成功的环境民事诉讼立法经验,进一步完善环境民事诉讼制度。

    We should try to perfect the Chinese environmental civil lawsuit systems based on the successful legislative experience of western countries .

  8. 环境民事诉讼是指法院在当事人和其他诉讼参与人的参加下,以审理、判决、裁定、执行等方式解决环境民事纠纷的专门活动。

    Environmental civil suit is a kind of specialized activities to address environmental civil disputes by courts through trial and sentencing , decisions , implementation .

  9. 本文认为,环境民事诉讼的出现是人与自然矛盾激化的必然结果,是经济发展与环境保护的对立寻求法律救济的必然结果。

    The civil litigation about environment results from sharp contradiction of human and nature and legal relief from the opposition between economy development and environment protection .

  10. 与传统的民事诉讼相比,环境民事诉讼具有诉讼主体广泛、损失计算复杂、诉讼时效长等特点。

    Compared with traditional civil lawsuit , environmental civil lawsuit has such characteristics as broadness in lawsuit subjects , complex loss calculation , long lawsuit limitation .

  11. 但是由于环境民事诉讼制度中的缺陷致使纠纷不能很好解决,从而引发一系列的社会问题,使环境诉讼制度问题亟待完善。

    Due to the leaks of the environment civil legal action system the environment disputes can not be solved , giving rise to a range of social problems .

  12. 环境民事诉讼离不开证据,证据越充分越利于解决环境民事纠纷。因此,环境监测与环境民事诉讼有着密切的联系。

    Environmental monitoring is closely linked to environmental civil litigation on the grounds that environmental monitoring can play the role of evidence to help in settling environmental civil disputes .

  13. 环境民事诉讼诉的利益研究第五部分运用民事诉讼中诉的利益理论和当事人适格理论分析行政诉讼原告资格的法理基础。

    A Research of the Interest of Claim in Law of Procedure for Environmental Dispute Resolution The second part analyses the basic theory of the plaintiff qualification on administration litigation .

  14. 我国《水污染防治法》、《大气污染防治法》、《侵权责任法》等法律都规定了环境民事诉讼实行特别的举证规则,即举证责任倒置。

    The Water Pollution Prevention Law , Air Pollution Prevention Law , Tort Liability Act and other laws provide for a proof rule in environmental civil litigation named reversed burden of proof .

  15. 鉴定机构的专门化。鉴定机构的专门化是指由专门的鉴定机构和专业鉴定人员对环境民事诉讼中的有关事实进行分析、判断、评估,解决环境民事诉讼举证难的问题。

    The specialization of institution of identification refers to the specialized agencies and professional surveyors analyze , judge and assess the facts in environmental civil litigation to solve the problem of hard proof .

  16. 我国环境民事诉讼制度存在种种缺失,使得受害人在权利救济道路上困难重重,同时环境公益诉讼制度的立法空白又使得环境公共利益的保护于法无据。

    There are many defects in the system of environmental civil litigation , which made the victim feel with difficulties on their defense road , and also just the no environmental public interest litigation that made the appeals on environmental rights is not law-based .

  17. 环境民事诉讼从保护原告人的利益出发,需要为受害人特别设定证明标准,该标准并非民事证据法上的一般盖然性,而应当是低于民事证据法上的一般盖然性的特殊标准。

    From the perspective of protecting the plaintiff 's interests , a proof standard needs to be set up for victims in the environmental civil suits particularly , which is not the probability standard in civil evidence law but a special standard inferior to the probability standard .

  18. 论法律中的公共利益我国环境民事公益诉讼制度立法浅探

    Legal System of Civil Action for Public Interests of the Environment

  19. 论环境民事公益诉讼

    On Actions Interfering With Public Function On the Public Environmental Civil Litigation

  20. 环境民事公益诉讼的法律障碍及路径选择

    Legal Obstacles and Route Selection of the Environmental Civil Lawsuit of Public Welfare

  21. 环境侵权民事诉讼举证责任分配之比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Evidential Burden Distribution in Civil Actions of Environment Torts

  22. 原告适格性问题是构建环境民事公益诉讼制度的核心。

    The plaintiff fitness problems is constructing the core of environmental civil public litigation system .

  23. 因此,对于环境民事公益诉讼的原告适格的研究是必要的。

    One reason why the question cannot be solved is the absence of the suitable plaintiff .

  24. 构建我国环境民事公益诉讼制度的可行性分析

    Analysis of feasibility of establishing the system of environment civil public interest litigation in our country

  25. 第二章首先是对环境公益民事诉讼的涵义、特征进行介绍,其次介绍了环境公益民事诉讼产生的理论依据。

    In the second part you will be presented the concept and features and the theoretical basis in detail .

  26. 希望本文能够为我国环境民事公益诉讼原告资格的立法提供参考。

    Hope this paper can provide the reference for plaintiff qualification of our country civil environmental public interest litigation .

  27. 因此该程序能够给环境民事公益诉讼带来新的生机,不断完善制度的构建。

    So this program can bring environmental civil public interest litigation new life , and constantly improve the system construction .

  28. 第三章对美国、印度和日本的环境民事公益诉讼原告资格进行了考察。

    Chapter ⅲ of the United States , India and Japan , the civil proceedings the plaintiff qualified environment were studied .

  29. 环境民事公益诉讼制度的构建,应该以环境公益保护为基本着眼点。

    Building of civil environmental public interest litigation system , should in the environment public interest protection as a basic starting point .

  30. 环境保护民事诉讼是环境诉讼制度逐渐成型的摇篮,其产生来源于现代环境问题的出现。

    Environmental protection civil litigation is the cradle for the formation of environment litigation system , which is generated from modern environmental problems .