
  • 网络environmental administrative liability
  1. 中国环境行政责任制度的创新、完善及其理论阐释

    On Innovation and Perfection of China 's Environmental Administrative Liability System and Its Academic Commentary

  2. 本文从实体法和程序法规定两个方面对环境行政责任的创新和完善进行了归纳和理论上的阐述。

    In this article , the innovation and perfection of environmental administrative liability system have been concluded and commented on from the aspects of substantive legal provision and procedural legal provision .

  3. 浅析破产重组企业环境行政责任

    Environmentally Administrative Responsibility of Re-composed Bankrupt Enterprises

  4. 环境行政责任缺失纵深分析&为建立环境行政执法责任制所进行的环境行政责任缺失调研报告

    The In-Depth Analysis of the Shortage in Environmental Administrative Obligations & the report of the shortage in environmental administrative obligations resulted in establishing such a system

  5. 但是目前我国的政府环境行政责任制度本身在赋予政府环境行政职责时不够科学合理,导致实践当中,政府不能有效地履行环境职责。

    However , the Chinese administrative responsibility system itself , which provides the Government its administrative duties , is lack of environmental scientific and rational element in practical .

  6. 环境行政执法责任制必须依法作出。

    Environmental system of job responsibility must be made according to law .

  7. 全面实行环境行政执法责任制是保障环境法律、法规、规章有效实施的重要举措。

    To implement system of job responsibility in environmental administration comprehensively was the important act to implement environmental law effectively .

  8. 我国海洋环境行政法律责任归则原则主要有三个,即过错责任原则、违法责任原则和危险责任原则。

    There are three main principles of marine environment administrative legal responsibility , including fault responsibility principle , illegal responsibility principle and risk responsibility principle .

  9. 我国的现实情况决定了应当针对不同类型的海洋环境行政法律责任形式确立不同的归责原则,建立一个包括过错、违法、危险责任原则在内的多元化归责体系较为科学。

    The reality in China decides that we should establish different imputation principle according to different types of marine environment administrative legal responsibility form and establish a diversified system including fault , illegal and risk responsibility principle .

  10. 其次,说明我国环境行政执法内部责任追究机制运行暴露的问题。

    Next , the administrative enforcement of environmental accountability mechanisms within the operation to expose .

  11. 文章第二部分是环境行政执法内部责任追究制概述。

    The second part is the environment within the administrative law enforcement accountability system overview .

  12. 文章第三部分是我国环境行政执法内部责任追究机制的问题与根源。

    The third part is the administrative enforcement of environmental problems within the accountability mechanisms and root causes .

  13. 该部分对于我国环境行政执法内部责任追究机制实际的运行以及出现的问题和根源进行了全面的阐述,为最后问题的解决做了铺垫。

    The part of the environmental administration in our country within the actual operation of accountability mechanisms and root causes of problems and a comprehensive exposition of the final solution to the problem do the upholstery .

  14. 论环境资源行政合同违约责任

    On legal liability for breaking an administrative contract of managing environment and natural resources

  15. 环境责任包括环境行政责任、环境刑事责任和环境民事责任。

    Environmental responsibility , include the administrative responsibility of the environment , the environment and environmental criminal civil liability .

  16. 其次,根据对我国环境行政不作为法律责任现状的分析,提出了我国环境行政不作为法律责任存在的问题。

    Next , according to does not take the legal liability present situation to our country environment administration the analysis , proposed our country environment administration does not take the legal liability existence the question .

  17. 第三部分笔者首先对环境行政不作为法律责任现状进行了分析,总结了我国环境行政不作为行政责任和刑事责任的规定。

    The third part of author first has not carried on the analysis to the environment administration as the legal liability present situation , summarized our country environment administration not to take the administrative responsibility and the legal responsibility stipulation .

  18. 目前我国环境行政法学界对环境行政不作为法律责任的研究探讨不多,司法实践中也存在着许多模糊的认识。

    At present our country environment administrative law educational world does not take the legal liability to the environment administration the research discussion not to be many , in the judicial practice also has many fuzzy understanding .

  19. 这就导致了政府不履行或不当履行环境职责时,无法追究政府的环境行政法律责任。

    Which has led the non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of environmental duties , the Government can not be held responsible for the environmental administrative law .

  20. 摘要“排除危害”环境污染民事责任在构成要件上应与环境行政责任一致,即具备行为的违法性、主观方面有过错的要件,且要求行为与危害后果之间存在必然的因果关系。

    The component elements of civil responsibility of eliminating danger in environment pollution should be consistent with that of environmental administrative liabilities . i.e , the illegality of the behavior , the element of faults in subjective aspects and the inevitable cause-and-effect relationship between behavior and harmful outcome are required .

  21. 环境侵权民事责任制度与环境刑事责任制度和环境行政责任制度一起,构成了环境救济法律制度。

    The civil liability system of Environmental tort , the criminal liability system of environmental tort and the administrative liability system of environmental tort make up the legal remedy system of environment .

  22. 经过分析,我国环境行政体制存在的问题主要有以下几个:环境行政管理机构设置不合理,环境行政管理责任追究机制缺失以及在环境保护中对于公众参与的忽视。

    Course analysis , our country environment , administration system have problem has three following mainly : the environmental administration setup of organ is unreasonable , environmental administration responsibility investigates the mechanism hiatus and ignoring participating in environmental protection to the public .