
  1. 论公用事业规制行政法律制度的构建

    On the Construction of the Administrative Law System of the Public Utility Regulation

  2. 首先介绍国际上规制行政垄断的立法和实践经验。

    Firstly , the writer introduces the international legislation and practicing experience to regulate administrative monopoly .

  3. 行政证据制度的建构及完善对于规制行政权的正当行使有重要的意义,然而,在我国当前的行政法学领域,行政证据制度仍是一块急待开发的处女地。

    The construction and the consummation of the administrative evidence system have the vital significance in regulating executive power .

  4. 我国政府在推进行政管理体制改革的过程中一直重视运用法律的手段来规制行政垄断问题。

    Our governments always put emphasis on regulating the system of administrative monopoly in promoting the reform of the administrative system .

  5. 我国的反垄断法在反对经济垄断的同时,还特别应当规制行政垄断,并且应当设立独立性、权威性的反垄断执法机构。

    Chinese anti-monopoly law should regulate economic monopoly and administrative monopoly . The anti-monopoly law enforcement agency with independence and authority should be established .

  6. 应构建以专门的行政法性质的《反行政垄断法》为核心的法律制度体系规制行政垄断。

    To regulate administrative monopoly , we must establish an anti-administrative monopoly legal system , whose core should be the special anti-administrative monopoly law .

  7. 规制行政性垄断之所以成为世界各国面临的共同问题,其原因在于政府失灵&政府不当干预经济。

    The reason why administrative monopoly has become common problem to all countries in the world is government failure & government improperly intervenes in the economy .

  8. 就像绝对的自由并不是真正的自由一样,规制行政的出现也正是为了更好的保障公民的自治、市场经济的公平竞争的。

    Absolute freedom is not really as free as the emergence of regulatory administration is to better protect the citizens of autonomy , the market economy , and fair competition .

  9. 因此,为了我国市场经济的可持续发展,有必要采取一切方式,有效规制行政垄断。

    Therefore , it is necessary to take all the ways to regulate the administrative monopoly effectively in order for the sustainable development of the market economy in our country .

  10. 为了达到社会福利及公共利益的最大化这一宏伟目标,规制行政则是必要的成本输出,是不可忽略的。

    In order to achieve social welfare and the public interest to maximize this goal , it is necessary to regulate the cost of regulatory administration output which is not negligible .

  11. 最后,因为政府的行为也会影响市场竞争,竞争法也应规制行政垄断行为。

    Finally , competition law should combat not only private monopolistic behaviors , but also the abusing administration power by government itself in view of its harmful impacts on market competition .

  12. 以往有关规制行政垄断的研究,注意力过多地集中于以行政权力规制行政垄断,而对司法机关、国家权力机关等在规制行政垄断中的作用重视不够。

    The previous studies about the administrative monopoly regulation focused on how to regulate administrative monopoly with administrative power and neglected the function of the judicial organ and the state power organ .

  13. 从行政合同的契约本质考虑,诚实信用原则当然可以适用于行政合同;从行政合同的行政性来看,诚实信用原则适用于行政合同有利于规制行政特权的恣意行使。

    The administrative contract is a contract in nature , so the principle of good faith can certainly be applied to it , which is contributive to the regulation of abuse of power .

  14. 在我国经济社会发展转型阶段,有效地规制行政垄断是加快转变经济发展方式面临的重要任务。

    During the transitional period of the development of economy and society in China , it is important to regulate administrative monopoly effectively to accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development .

  15. 第一章主要论述行政撤销的含义、基本特征、性质、原则、法理依据和如何规制行政撤销权的行使。

    The chapter one mainly discusses the meaning , basic characteristics , nature , principles and jurisprudence backing of administration cancellation and how to make the suit of the power of administration cancellation .

  16. 着重对俄罗斯、乌克兰等体制转型国家和美国、日本等发达国家规制行政垄断的立法与实践进行了考察。

    Make emphasis on investigating the legislation and practice of the system transitional nations , such as Russia & Ukraine , and the developed countries such as America and Japan for regulating administrative monopoly .

  17. 本文在综合前人对行政垄断研究成果的基础上,运用理论研究、比较研究、实证研究等研究方法,对行政垄断进行了细致、深入的研究,并提出了如何规制行政垄断的方法。

    This paper is synthesizing the foundation of forefathers for administrative monopoly research results , utilize theoretical research , comparative analysis , real diagnosis analysis in order to knowledge how controls the administrative monopoly .

  18. 如何真正有效地规制行政垄断,全面研究和准确把握行政垄断,消除行政垄断的消极影响是亟待解决的问题。

    How to effectively regulate administrative monopoly , a comprehensive study and accurate grasp of administrative monopoly , to eliminate the negative impact of administrative monopoly , is the urgent need to solve the problems .

  19. 为有效规制行政权力行为,必须运用法律、道德等手段规制行政权力主体的权力行为选择,构建行政权力法律、道德体系。

    To regularize and restrain administrative power , it is necessary to build up a law system and a set of moral code so as to effectively govern the action choice of the subject of administrative power .

  20. 首先介绍了比例原则的起源和内容,继而阐述比例原则规制行政紧急权的必要性。

    First of all , the author describes the origin and content of the principle of proportionality . Then , the author set forth the necessity of the principle of proportionality ' regulation to administrative emergency power .

  21. 笔者以德国行政法上的比例原则为视角,通过各国(地区)实践,探讨其在规制行政紧急权和保障公民人身自由权中的作用,以期对我国应急立法和实践有所裨益。

    The author use the principle of proportionality in German administrative law as a perspective , through the practice of various countries ( region ), to explore its role of regulating administrative emergency power and protecting the citizens ' right to personal liberty .

  22. 这不仅是顺应时代潮流的体现,也是满足社会的不同需求的体现,更是在新行政理念下使规制行政发挥出新的效用的一种表现。

    This is not only a manifestation of the trend of the times but also meet the different needs of expression , and it is under the concept of the new Chief Executive to make regulatory administration to play a new utility of a performance .

  23. 文章分析了行政垄断的表现形式、危害性及其成因,力图指出当前我国在立法规制行政垄断方面存在的诸多缺陷,并探讨如何从立法上尤其是行政立法上进一步完善对行政垄断的规制。

    The paper analyzes the forms , harms and causes of the administrative monopoly , and points out the imperfection of the administrative monopoly in lawmaking system , and illustrates the way of perfecting legally , especially in administrative legislation , the system of the administrative monopoly .

  24. 为进一步厘清行政垄断的概念,文章分析了行政垄断的特征、表现形式及分类,详细阐述了规制行政垄断的必要性以及运用反垄断法以及行政法共同规制行政垄断的合理性。

    To make the concept more clearly , the thesis also analyses the character , types and classification of administrative monopoly , give a detailed explanation about the necessity of the regulation of administrative monopoly and the rationality to regulate administrative monopoly by using Anti-monopoly law and administrative law .

  25. 分别从立法规制、行政规制和司法规制层面提出了相关建议。

    Put forward suggestions from the legislative regulation , administrative regulation , and judicial regulation .

  26. 规制紧急行政权需要采取各种措施,同时要注意各种价值的平衡。

    The regulation of the emergent administrative power needs the various measures , meanwhile paying attention to keep the balance of the various values .

  27. 证券市场的监管体系通常是由证券法律规制、行政监管、自律监管、媒体监督共同构成的一个结构化整体。

    The regulation system of securities market is a structural entirety that generally consists of law regulation , government regulation , self-regulation , and media supervision .

  28. 不合理分配合同风险等不公于的内容,应对其加以立法规制和行政规制,使其在发挥经济效率的同时符合社会公平、正义的价值理念。

    Therefore , the government should put legislative regulation and administrative regulation to let it play its economic efficiency as well as accord with fair and justice value concept in society .

  29. 该法以专章形式规制滥用行政权力限制竞争行为,但是还不是很完善,有诸多问题没有解决或者解决的不好。

    The law , which regulates the abuse of administrative power to restrict competition to form a chapter , is still not perfect , no many issues not resolved or not resolved rightly .

  30. 然而,十分遗憾的是,实践中的裁量基准制度仅被应用于行政处罚领域,面对亟需规制的行政检查,这一创新的制度却没有丝毫涉及。

    But it is very pity to see that the regime only be used in Administrative Penalty areas , whereas Administrative Inspection , which desiderates to be regulated , was not touched upon .