
  • 网络rules-based regulation
  1. 正是从那时候开始,会计走上政府监管之路,并且达到了当前详细规则监管的程度。

    From then on , accounting was supervised by governments and has reached the extent of present detailed-regulation supervision .

  2. 在实现变更之前,必须有规则监管您和服务提供商都同意的这些变更。

    There must be rules regulating these changes that you and the service provider agree to before changes are implemented .

  3. 三家中国公司发行美国存托凭证(ADR)并在纽交所上市已经接近或超过二十年,一直遵守美国证券市场规则和监管要求,受到全球投资者的普遍认可。

    Having issued American Depositary Receipts ( ADRs ) and been listed on the NYSE for nearly or over two decades , the three Chinese firms have complied with the rules and regulations of the US securities market , and are widely acknowledged by investors worldwide , the spokesperson said .

  4. 在许多提议之中,该组织希望影子银行系统更易受到严格规则的监管,而这些规则正是普通商业银行必须遵守的。

    Among many other proposals , it wants the shadow banking system to be subjected to the same sorts of prudential requirements that banks must follow .

  5. 目前,我国银行业监管中存在的问题主要表现为缺乏规则的监管、监管指令色彩浓厚、缺乏有效的监管干预三个方面。

    At present , problems existing in China 's banking supervision are mainly manifested in three respects : supervision lack of rules ; heavy color of mandatory supervision ;

  6. 通过对要约收购基本规则、监管及权利救济等三方面的深入分析,来维护小股东之权益,找到利益的平衡点。

    Through three aspects of fundamental rule contract purchase , supervising and managing , the right relief we preserve the rights of small shareholders to find balance interests .

  7. 本文讨论了国际银行业监管标准从旧协议向新资本协议嬗变途径中两个交叉方向的变化&即监管性的资本与经济性的资本、基于规则的监管与面向过程的监管。

    This paper discusses a change of the international banking regulation standards in its process from old Accord to new Accord , regulatory versus economic capital , and rule-based versus process-oriented regulation .

  8. 而在具体的制度设计上,确立了碳排放交易制度的基本原则、基本规则、监管机制,来进一步的保证碳排放交易制度的有效运行。

    In the specific system design , the basic principles , basic rules and Governance mechanisms of carbon emissions trading system have been established to ensure the effective operation of carbon emissions trading system .

  9. 相对于国外的成熟市场,我国的股市历史较短,投机性较强,交易规则和监管等还不够完善。

    When compared to the foreign mature market , Chinese stock market has its own characters , such as relatively short history , strong speculation , trading rules and regulation is still not perfect .

  10. 知情人士称,美国财政部希望在可衡量的指标基础上定义自营交易,以防范银行钻空子。负责拟定详细规则的监管改革工作组由美国财政部领导。

    People close to the talks say the US Treasury , which chairs the regulatory panel drawing up detailed rules , wants to base the definition of proprietary trading on measurable metrics , to prevent banks from getting around the new law .

  11. 要解决这些问题,就要调整监管的思路,深化监管体制改革,建立基于规则的监管,激励相容式监管,并使非正式干预和正式干预行动有机结合起来的监管。

    No effective regulatory intervention . In order to solve these problems , measures should be taken such as adjusting the thinking philosophy of supervision , deepening supervision regime reform , establishment of supervision based upon rules and consistent incentive supervision , and making informal and formal intervention flexibly combined .

  12. 香港财经事务及库务局(FinancialServicesandtheTreasuryBureau)在咨询文件中表示:市场及公众人士一直关注,由联交所管理的《上市规则》,监管力度不足。

    The lack of regulatory teeth in the listing rules administered by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong has been an issue of concern to the market as well as the general public , the Financial Services and Treasury Bureau said in its consultative document .

  13. 美国证券法对衍生交易市场风险披露的监管及借鉴&以SEC305规则体制的监管要求为视角

    Supervision of Disclosure of Financial Derivatives ' Market Risk in American Securities Law and its Implication for China

  14. 审慎规则和金融监管松懈,未能制止银行贷款组合质量的急遽恶化。

    Lax prudential rules and financial oversight failed to address a sharp deterioration in the quality of banks'loan portfolios .

  15. 一旦实施,这一系统将有助于在地区范围内确立隐私政策的兼容性,这样应能降低为遵守相关规则承担的监管代价,同时增加美国服务产品的出口。

    Once implemented , this system will help establish regionwide privacy policy compatibility , which should lower regulatory compliance costs while increasing the export of U.S.services .

  16. 第三章本章主要阐述美国独立审计监管制度安排与变迁。国家提供的基本服务是博弈的基本规则,政府监管部门对会计职业的监管构成独立审计制度的最基本制度安排。

    The basic services provided by the government are the set-up of essential rules for the game , and the regulatory services provided by governmental bodies constitute the basic institutional arrangement of independent auditing .

  17. 中国内地企业要成功在香港上市,就必须完成企业重组、公司设立等工作,以符合香港上市规则和国内监管部门的要求。

    In order to issue its shares successfully in Hong Kong , the Chinese companies have to accomplish the following works , such as corporate restructure and corporate establishment , to be compliance with the demands of Listing Rules of Hong Kong and domestic supervision departments .

  18. 目前我国已经建立起了较为系统的银行监管体系,但在对外资银行进行监管的法律制度层面却略显单薄和滞后,未能充分体现国际规则应有的监管理念以及监管框架。

    At present our country already established a banking supervision system , but referring to the Foreign bank , the supervision rules seem to be weak and out of date , which can not fully represent the international rules and proper supervision ideas as well as the supervision frame .

  19. 由于中国现行监管制度存在的缺陷,通过研究WTO规则、比较中国监管制度与WTO规则,在遵循WTO规则的前提下,完善中国监管立法以最大限度地保护较为脆弱的中国银行业。

    Because of the defects of China 's current supervising system , China should upgrade its legislation by studying the WTO 's rules to protect its fragile banking industry .

  20. 负责制定全球银行安全规则的巴塞尔银行监管委员会(BaselCommitteeonBankingSupervision)上周五宣布了这项颇为技术性的磋商。其矛头指向那些钻监管漏洞的银行,它们为高风险的贷款购买信用保险,但把保费分摊至数年。

    The highly technical consultation announced on Friday by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision , which sets global bank safety rules , takes aim at banks that have been exploiting a regulatory loophole by buying credit protection on risky loans but spreading out the premiums for several years .

  21. 20国集团(G20)匹兹堡峰会周五结束时,世界各国领导人承诺开创经济合作的新时代,同意了有关银行家薪酬的新规则、紧凑的监管改革时间表,以及实现经济平衡增长的新框架。

    World leaders promised a new era of economic co-operation at the close of the G20 summit in Pittsburgh on Friday , endorsing new guidelines for bankers ' pay , a tight timetable for regulatory reform and a new framework for balanced growth .

  22. 原则导向与规则导向方式在监管实务中都是不可或缺的。

    Both the principle-oriented and the rule-oriented methods are indispensable in the practice of regulation .

  23. 金融业潜规则与激励相容监管体制的构建

    Financial Sub-regulations and Incentive-compatible Regulation

  24. 如果没有完善的规则和谨慎的监管,个人利益和银行体系的利益始终会分化。

    Without adequate rules and careful policing , the interests of individuals and those of the system will invariably diverge .

  25. 基于信息披露的政府监管模式是引导政府监管由科学有序规则走向法制化监管的一个步骤。

    The model based on information disclosure is a step of the government regulation escalates from scientific order to legalization .

  26. 子公司为上市公司的,公司治理应当符合上市规则及上市公司监管要求。

    If a subsidiary is a listed company , its corporate governance shall comply with the listing rules and regulatory requirements for listed companies .

  27. 为实现养老金安全、收益的平衡,大多数国家的监管模式体现出一种混合状态,即兼具谨慎人规则与数量限制监管的特点。

    In order to achieve the balance of security and profit of retirement pension , supervision mode in most countries shows a mixed state , bearing characteristics of both modes .

  28. 而我国的相关法律、法规与上述规则相比,在监管的原则、对外资金融机构的内部组织结构与控制制度、资本充足率的要求等方面,仍存在相当差距。

    The considerable differences exist in the aspect such as the principles of supervision and control , the internal organization structure of foreign investment financial institute , capital adequacy ratio in our relating law and regulation .