
jīn rónɡ jiān ɡuǎn
  • financial regulation;short for the financial supervision and regulation department
  1. 她知道美联储一直以来在金融监管方面太松懈。

    She knows all along the Fed has been too slack on regulation of finance .

  2. WTO体系下的我国金融监管

    The our Country Financial Supervision under WTO System

  3. 预先承诺方法(PCA)是一种创新的金融监管方式。

    Pre-Commitment Approach ( PCA ) is an innovative financial supervision method .

  4. 20国集团(g20)国家专注于复苏计划和金融监管。

    The group of 20 countries has focused on recovery plans and financial regulation .

  5. 据纽约金融监管负责人表示,他正在调查OcwenFinancial公司是否通过复杂的程序向另一家公司提供6500万美元,这家公司由OcwenFinancial公司的前高管领导。

    According to New York 's financial superintendent , he 's looking at whether the firm , Ocwen Financial , created complex arrangements to allow it to funnel as much as 65 million dollars to another firm led by former executives of that company .

  6. 至于金融监管机构,它们正在应付不知从哪里冒出、发展迅猛的新资产类别债务抵押债券(CDO)、信用违约互换(CDS)。

    As for financial regulators , they were dealing with new assets that had grown rapidly from nowhere collateralised debt obligations , credit default swaps .

  7. 本文详细分析了加入WTO后,我国现行金融监管体制与模式所面临的挑战及存在的矛盾和问题,提出了符合我国国情及国际规则的新的金融监管体制框架与监管模式。

    Based on the detailed analysis of the challenges as well as contradictions in the current system and model of financial regulation after China 's entry into WTO , this paper puts forward a brand-new framework and model of financial regulation conforming to both Chinese practical circumstances and international rules .

  8. 信息结构与金融监管激励:理论与政策含义

    Information Structure and Financial Regulation Incentive : Theory and Policy Connotation

  9. 国际金融监管模式的比较与借鉴

    The Comparison and Using for Reference of International Financial Supervision System

  10. 现代金融监管模式及发展的研究

    A Study of the Mode and Development of Modern Financial Supervision

  11. 西方金融监管理论演变文献综述

    A Literature Review of the Evolution of Western Financial Supervision Theories

  12. 现代网络银行发展中的金融监管思考

    Reflections on Financial Supervision in the Development of Modern Internet Banking

  13. 论金融监管中的信息约束

    A Study of Information Restriction on the Financial Supervision and Regulation

  14. 信息约束成了提高金融监管有效性的瓶颈。

    Information restriction becomes the bottleneck of improving financial supervision effectiveness .

  15. 金融监管和贸易是最突出的例子。

    Financial regulation and trade are the most salient cases .

  16. 新形势下金融监管体制的理论与实践分析

    Theory and Analysis of the Financial Supervision System under the New Situation

  17. 关于推动我国金融监管协调机制建设的思考

    Some Suggestions on Promoting Coordination Mechanism of Chinese Financial Supervision

  18. 金融监管制度比较分析&兼论我国的制度选择

    International Comparison Research of Financial Supervision System and Chinese Choice

  19. 韩国金融监管体制改革及启示

    Reform of Financial Regulation System in Korea and Its Inspiration to China

  20. 金融监管体系:国际的变革与我国的调整

    Financial Regulatory System : International Reform and China 's Adjustment

  21. 金融监管与洗钱犯罪控制

    Talking about the finance management and the prevention the money laundering crime

  22. 对人民银行现行金融监管体制的研究

    Study on the System of Current Financial Supervision of People 's Bank

  23. 美国金融监管制度改革及其借鉴

    The Reform and Reference on Financial Supervision System in America

  24. 由于金融监管的放松使得投资者所面临的风险日益扩大。

    Because financial supervision relaxes , Risk the investors face growing gradually .

  25. 德国金融监管体制对上海国际金融中心建设的启示

    Enlightenment from German Financial Supervisory Regime for Building Shanghai International Financial Center

  26. 当代西方国家金融监管体系的演变趋势

    Changes and Trends of Financial Supervision System in Developed Countries

  27. 完善我国金融监管体系的研究

    A Study on Improving the Financial Supervision System of China

  28. 英国金融监管创新的启示

    The Enlightenment of the Innovation of Britain 's Financial Supervision

  29. 我国实行金融监管一体化改革为时尚早

    Immaturity of the Integrated Revolution to Enforce Our Financial Oversight

  30. 金融监管理论梳理与中国现实思考

    The Financial Supervision Theory Carding and China Praxis Consider