
  • 网络Financial Planning;financial services
  1. 中国的金融理财业务将进入一个前所未有的大发展。

    Financial planning business in china will develop rapidly .

  2. 中国金融理财业的前景展望

    Outlook for Financial Planning in China

  3. 埃利斯是一名注册金融理财师,也是美国德克萨斯州伍德兰市联合资本金融顾问公司Ellis&Ellis部门的总经理。

    a division of United Capital Financial Advisers in The Woodlands , Texas .

  4. 我国加入WTO后,国外商业银行首先与我们正面接触的就是市场与人才,而能与我国国内商业银行竞争并可能打败我们的就是银行的中间业务,其中个人金融理财业务就是一个突破口。

    After join in WTO , the foreign commercial banks will compete with ours in market and intelligence , and the advantage of them is middle business of banks , in which the personal finance is the most important aspect .

  5. 通过这次宣讲会的成功举办,我们期待更多翠园学子可以加入我们的EOP项目,在得到更多金融理财知识的同时,获得一份珍贵的实践经验。

    With this forum held successfully , we expect that more Cuiyuan students would join in EOP to gain more financial knowledge and valuable experiences .

  6. 我国个人金融理财产品选择与风险控制问题研究

    Study on Individual Financial Managing Products and Risk Control of China

  7. 我国银行业发展个人金融理财业务的探讨

    On the Development of Personal Administration Business on Financial Transactions in Banks

  8. 努力构建新型商业银行家庭金融理财业务模式。

    Efforts to build a new commercial banks family financial management mode .

  9. 试论私人金融理财在商业银行的拓展

    On Personal financial management service of commercial banks Private Space

  10. 断裂与管制:现阶段金融理财市场的缺陷

    Rupture vs. Control : Defects in Current Financing Market

  11. 迎接黄金十年:金融理财市场发展趋势展望

    Welcome a Golden Decade : Prospect of Development Trend in Current Financing Market

  12. 农村金融理财:一个尚未开发的广阔市场

    Agricultural financial management : a potential vast untapped market

  13. 我还希望在金融理财方面有娴熟恰当的进步。

    I hope I could be adept and make great progresses in the financing .

  14. 在此背景下,各种金融理财产品应运而生并且迅速发展壮大。

    In this context , a large number of financial planning products emerged and developed rapidly .

  15. 金融理财突出财富管理的金融专业技能,即财富保值和增值,财富风险管理,具体涵盖金融收入管理、支出管理、金融产品研发等,具有很大的发展潜力。

    Financial planning emphasizes its expertise skills in value increase , risk management and relevant financial management which have bright future .

  16. 提出想要真正做大做强金融理财业务,商业银行必须积极探索业务发展策略。

    Put forward to want to truly become bigger and stronger financial business , commercial banks must actively explore business development strategy .

  17. 可转换公司债券作为一种内嵌期权的金融理财工具,具有股权、债权、期权的特性。

    Convertible bonds as a financial planning tool for the embedded option , have similar features of equity , debt and options .

  18. 掌握一些金融理财的基本原则可以帮助学生在投资时做出明智之选,从而规避或降低风险。

    Grasping some basic financing principles can help students in avoiding or mitigating some risks and make wise investment choices , she said .

  19. 对目前在农村理财市场推行比较广泛的金融理财产品进行剖析,为金融机构筹划农村市场提供参考。

    The analysis of the financial product which has been carried out more extensive in rural financial market provides reference for rural financial market .

  20. 成为在马来西亚具有代表金融理财和金融理财专业人士的团体,以及马来西亚主要的金融理财组织。

    To be the umbrella body representing financial planning and financial planning professionals in Malaysia and a premier financial planning organization in the region .

  21. 其次,详细介绍了国际金融理财市场的发展现状,并列举了当前国际金融理财市场发展的几种趋势。

    Secondly , the situation of the international financial market is introduced in details , and the current international financial market developing trends are cited .

  22. 金融理财服务是对于个人通过投资税务分析资产配置风险管理退休计划和影响经济景气变量预计而设定长期的金融目标的过程。

    A process in which an individual sets long-term financial goals through investments , tax planning , asset allocation , risk management , retirement planning and estate planning .

  23. 根据目前我国城市商业银行的现状,中国城市商业银行的金融理财业务的市场定位应为中小企业客户作理财服务;

    According to the status quo of China 's city commercial banks , their finance market positioning should be serving for finance service for the small-and medium-sized firms ;

  24. 随着经济的持续稳定发展,银行个人金融理财业务迎来了快速发展时期。

    Recent years , along with the continued and steady progression of economy , the personal finance service of the bank has faced with the fast developing time .

  25. 近几年以来,中国经济呈现出快速,持续的增长态势,居民的家庭财富不断地积累,同时也伴随着日益增强的金融理财意识。

    The Chinese economy has shown a rapid and sustained growth in recent years , the wealth of residents is continuing increasing , along with the growing financial awareness .

  26. 随着经济的发展和居民财富的增加,金融理财逐渐成为中国金融市场上最时尚的话题之一。

    With the rapid economic growth in China and the fast wealth increscent in Chinese family , financial planning has become one of the most popular topics in Chinese financial market .

  27. 最后,针对目前商业银行理财人员存在的问题,提出了内蒙古地区商业银行如何建设金融理财师队伍及政策建议。

    Finally , for the current problems in financial management staff , the paper raises commercial banks in Inner Mongolia how to build a team of financial planning and policy division .

  28. 但是中国金融理财标准委员会主席刘枫声称,提供私人健康规划的保险公司有时并不能根据客户的利益进行操作。

    But Dr Feng Liu , the Chairman of the Financial Planning Standards Board of China , says insurance companies offering private health plans sometimes do not operate in the interests of their clients .

  29. 随着金融理财产品的出现,金融市场逐渐发生融合交叉,金融功能和金融机构不能严密的对应。

    With the emergence of wealth investment products , financial market is gradually getting crossed and mixed , as a result , the financial functions and financial institutions can not be a rigorous correspondence .

  30. 首先,理财、金融理财、商业银行个人理财在逻辑层次上是一个递进关系,因此对这三个概念进行界定是一个从整体到局部的全面把握。

    First , financial management , financial management , commercial bank personal financing is a progressive relationship at the logical level , so the three concept is a comprehensive grasp from whole to local .