
lǐ cái ɡù wèn
  • Financial advisor;financial consultant
  1. 独立理财顾问组织TheFamilyWealthAdvisorsCouncil进行的一项新调查提供了一些线索。

    A new survey from The Family Wealth Advisors Council , a network of independent wealth advisers , gives some clues .

  2. 以下就是理财顾问RonHart为我们提供的一些重要的行为准则。

    So here with some important dos and don'ts , financial adviser , Ron Hart .

  3. 理财顾问charleslowenhaupt称,创造财富通常很爽,但省钱就乏味了。

    Creating a fortune is often fun , but conserving it can be tedious , says Charles lowenhaupt , an adviser to the wealthy .

  4. 加州一位理财顾问霍普金斯(BryanHopkins)说,感情用事型投资者的一个主要弱点是,他们往往受情绪和恐惧的倾向而高买低卖。

    ' A main weakness of this group is that they tend to buy high and sell low because of emotion and fear , 'says Bryan Hopkins , a financial planner in Anaheim Hills , Calif.

  5. 对理财顾问来说,这是一个激动人心的时代。

    It 's an exciting time to be a financial advisor .

  6. 这个“其他人”可以是你的朋友或是理财顾问。

    That somebody might be a friend or a financial adviser .

  7. 这位百万富翁有一位私人的理财顾问负责他的投资。

    The millionaire had a personal finance consultant invest his money .

  8. 斯蒂芬-波伦是一个离经叛道的人生导师和个人理财顾问。

    Stephen Pollan is an iconoclastic life coach and personal finance mentor .

  9. 还有些理财顾问则开始为客户提供社交渠道。

    Other planners are giving their clients a social outlet .

  10. 爱德华·拉斯马斯,那个劳瑞尔带上法庭的理财顾问

    Edward Rasmus , the financial advisor Laurel was taking to court ,

  11. 召开家庭会议,或只需坐下咨询理财顾问。

    Call a family meeting or just sit down with your financial advisor .

  12. 金融危机后券商的理财顾问业务发展分析

    Financial Management Consultant 's Development Analysis of Investment Bank after the Financial Crisis

  13. 理财顾问的职责通常是帮助投资者管理资产、为退休做规划。

    Financial planners typically help investors manage their money and plan for retirement .

  14. 长远来看,理财顾问又将从中获益。

    Again , wealth management advisors stand to gain in the long run .

  15. 嗨,我叫杰森,我需要一个理财顾问。

    Hi . My name is Jerson and I need a money coach .

  16. 社会对个人理财顾问和金融分析师的需求不断增长。

    There 's a growing demand for personal financial advisors and financial analysts .

  17. 她们还希望理财顾问能够认识到建立一种可靠关系的重要性。

    They also want an adviser who recognizes the importance of an authentic relationship .

  18. 有些理财顾问甚至还兼做客户的旅伴。

    Some planners even double as travel companions .

  19. 我想你需要一位理财顾问来帮助你规划你的投资。

    I think you need a financial adviser to help you plan your investments .

  20. 她是一位独立理财顾问。

    She is an independent financial adviser .

  21. 理财顾问还会帮助客户规划晚年生活之地,并且会帮助他们议价。

    Financial planners also are helping clients plan , and bargain for , late-life moves .

  22. 每一年,你都要向自己的理财顾问付一大笔咨询费,那么你从中得到了什么呢?

    What are you getting for that hefty annual fee you are paying your financial planner ?

  23. 从小规模的独立执业到大型的投资公司,理财顾问扮演着各种角色。

    Financial advisors perform all these roles , from small independent practices to big investment firms .

  24. 稳重的理财顾问们如今出现在各种黄金会议上我发现,他们呼喊是出于喜悦。

    And staid financial advisers are now attending gold conferences whooping with joy , as I discovered .

  25. 理财顾问和会计

    Financial advisors and accountants

  26. 研究者让分到这个投资组合的神秘顾客请理财顾问推荐更多热门股票。

    Mystery shoppers with this portfolio were instructed to ask the financial adviser to recommend further hot stocks .

  27. 为突出自己与其他同行的不同之处、赢得客户的推荐并培养客户的忠诚度,一些理财顾问开始提供一系列免费的附加服务。

    To differentiate themselves , win referrals and foster loyalty , some planners are offering a range of perks .

  28. 有些理财顾问将这种咨询服务扩展到了复杂难懂的退休福利社会保障和医疗问题上。

    But some planners are extending that counseling into what have become complicated retirement benefits Social Security and Medicare .

  29. 要确保理财顾问将你的投资情况及其对投资决策的解释都明明白白写出来,以备今后参考。

    Make sure that both your investments and their explanations are spelled out in writing , for future reference .

  30. 然而,科恩的主要问题可能是他与理财顾问及这家银行的关系。

    But perhaps the key issue for Mr Cohen is his relationship with his adviser and with the bank .