
  • 网络Personal Financial Planning
  1. 美国个人财务规划业的发展背景与现状

    Background and current situation of development of personal finance planning industry in US

  2. 个人财务规划的研究与应用

    Research and Application on Personal Finacial

  3. 本论文以我国的个人财务规划为研究对象,从理论和实务两个方面进行了研究。

    Through theory and real business , the dissertation is research which on personal financial in our country .

  4. 生活理财和投资理财是个人财务规划的两个方面,并不存在谁高谁低之分。

    It is unscientific . They are two aspects of financial planning . There is no distinction of higher or lower .

  5. 第四,结合我国实际情况对个人财务规划在居住规划、个人风险管理和保险规划、投资规划、教育规划、退休计划等五个方面进行了具体案例的运用分析;

    Then , with the situation , do some research and application with examples on the investment program , the real estate program , the education program , the insurance program , and the retirement program .

  6. 而银行等金融机构开始将个人财务规划作为支柱业务发展,个人专业财务规划也开始在我国悄然兴起。

    The financial organizations such as bank began to develop their personal financial as the prop business , specially the professional financial just for single person began to spring up in our country , and it would Capture more attention in future .

  7. 第二,比较详细地分析了个人财务规划的具体内容,分别讨论了投资规划、居住规划、教育规划、个人风险管理和保险规划、税务筹划、退休计划、遗产计划等内容;

    Second , Comparatively detailed analysis the concrete substances of personal financial , talking about the investment program , the real estate program , the education program , the insurance program the tax program , the retirement program , the inheritance program .

  8. 的一个关键组成部分个人财务的财务规划,一个动态的过程,需要定期监测和再评价。

    A key component of personal finance is financial planning , a dynamic process that requires regular monitoring and reevaluation .