
  • 网络personal welfare
  1. 你对它们个人福利的关注,要像对他的工作技术期望一样。

    This interest needs to be concerned with their personal welfare , as well as the technical aspects of their tasks .

  2. 收入房价比指标不受住宅构成和住宅标准的影响,克服了房价收入比指标理论上的系统误差,还能够反映个人福利的大小。

    The income-house price ratio overcomes the system error of house price-income ratio , can reflect the personal welfare , and get aw .

  3. 个人福利与社会的福利有着密切的关系。

    The welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the community .

  4. 关于个人福利可度量性的探讨

    A Discussion about the Measurability of the Individual Welfare

  5. 个人福利优先于社会福利,社会福利是个人福利的加总。

    Individual welfare is superior to social welfare and can reach social welfare through summing .

  6. 这些事件对美国的国家经济和个人福利都造成了巨大损害。

    Such incidents take a tremendous toll on our nation 's economy and our individual well-being .

  7. 与此同时,在所有的西方国家,个人福利都由政府出资。

    Meanwhile , in all western countries , the State supports the welfare of the individual .

  8. 他努力为国效劳,毫不计较个人福利。

    He laboured in the service of his country with utter disregard of his own well-being .

  9. 社会福利是社会中全体个人福利的总和,个人福利只是社会福利中的一部分,按照系统论整体决定部分的原则,个人福利是由社会福利决定的,而不是相反。

    Individual welfare is just an ingredient of and , based on systematism , determined by social welfare .

  10. 我们完全不关心企业-,我们应该明确这一点-,除非它们对个人福利有贡献。

    We don 't care at all about corporations we should make that clear except as they contribute to individual welfare .

  11. 社会治理要格外重视处理公共利益中的社会公共福利与个人福利的关系;

    The relationship of public welfare and individual welfare in public benefits area should be especially emphasized in social governance affairs ;

  12. 中国社会处于结构转型与社会现代化过程中,个人福利与社会秩序关系议题突出。

    A critical issue for China , during the process of social structural transformation and social modernization , is to handle the relation between the personal welfare and the social order .

  13. 强调了个人福利和社会福利的重要性,在动力学模拟的过程中引入福利函数作为检验系统是否良好的标准,并且采用了福利经济学方法研究能源问题。

    Introducing welfare function as testing criterion in the process of dynamics simulation and adopting welfare economics method to study energy issues and thus emphasizing the importance of individual welfare and social welfare .

  14. 福利经济学认为,社会福利是个人福利的函数。由于边际效用递减,因此更公平的资源配置会提高整个社会的福利。

    According to Welfare Economics , social welfare is the function of individual welfare , an equal allocation of resources can increase social welfare due to the law of diminishing returns of marginal utility .

  15. 为此,我们只有明确个人福利的可度量性和可比较性,才能在批判吸收西方福利经济学理论的基础上发展社会主义福利经济学。

    We must clarify the measurability and comparability of the Individual Welfare firstly , then we can develop the Welfare Economics of socialism on the basis of criticizing and absorbing the western welfare economic theory .

  16. 自由主义认为政治与经济之间是自治关系,自由市场与权力机构之间关系本质上是和谐共存的,自由主义者追求个人福利最大化,其基本价值观是个体自由优先。

    Liberalists argue that politics and economy are autonomous respectively , and market and power co-exist harmoniously . Their goal is to pursue maximization of individual interests , and their basic value is priority of freedom .

  17. 首先分析了市场失败与政府失败构成政府职能演变的逻辑规定。市场经济体系的自然、有序特性能够增进个人福利和社会福利,但当其与现实经济出现严重偏离时,就会出现市场失败。

    First , the analyze for the logical stipulate of the government economy function evolution including market failure and government failure has been made . Thus , the government economy function fluctuates with the mutual alternation of market failure and government failure .

  18. 在经济市场化和福利社会化的处境下,国家、市场、社区和家庭均对个人福利产生重大影响,其中劳动市场和国家再分配对个人福利影响最为重要。

    State , market , community , and family , they all have great influence on the personal welfare in the context of economic marketing and socialized welfare . The most important factors are the labor market and the state redistribution mechanism .

  19. 最后,得到了资本占总财富份额的增加不利于个人福利的增加,而生产性风险的引入减少了本国消费者的福利和世界经济增长率是两个国家经济增长率的线性组合的规律。

    Lastly , the papers obtain that the increase of the ratio of capital and wealth and the productive shocks will slow down welfare , and the expression of the world economic growth rate is the linear combination of the growth rates of the two countries .

  20. 个人兴办福利院的积极性日见高涨,民间社会福利机构不断增多。

    Individuals are becoming ever more enthusiastic about running children 's welfare homes and non-governmental welfare homes are on the increase .

  21. 我最不信任的人就是那些想要为大家谋福利的但是只能为大家中的一个人谋福利的人!

    The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action .

  22. 这些不但与一个国家经济稳定和增长相关,也与每一个个人的福利、生活条件息息相关。

    These problems not only have relation with stability and growth of one country , but also have relevance with individual 's welfare and living conditions .

  23. 人的个性化与社会化关系的哲学阐释个人的福利与社会的福利有着密切的关系。

    A Philosophical Explanation of the Tie between Human s Personalization and Socialization ; The welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the community .

  24. 他仍然关心他的外表和尊严,这和疗养院的主张是吻合的,我认为这里的一切对他个人的福利或自尊都是好的。

    He still cares about his appearance and has self-respect and dignity which the nursing home advocate , and we feel this is great for his general well-being and positive demeanor .

  25. 在发达国家,以单个人为福利的研究对象,一般选取的功能性活动主要包括5个方面:居住条件、健康状况、教育和知识、社交、心理状况。

    In developed countries , with a single human ' welfare for research object , researchers generally select indicators include : living conditions , health , education and intellectual , social , psychological status .

  26. 帕累托更优标准将两种状态联系起来,认为如果至少一个人的福利得到改善,而其他人的福利没有得到减少时,就说这种状态相比于另一种有改善。

    The pareto-superior criterion relates two states of affairs and says that one is an improvement over the other if at least one person 's welfare improves while no one else 's welfare is diminished .

  27. 经济的动态效率问题是研究资本积累与经济增长的核心所在,其所考察的资源跨期优化配置问题,更是关系到个人的福利水平及整个经济的发展方向。

    The issue of dynamic efficiency is the core to research on capital accumulation and economic growth . It mainly analyse the problem of resource intertemporal optimization . It is related to the welfare level of individuals and the economic development direction .

  28. 法院继而解释说,只有当个人对福利有“合法的权利请求权”、而不仅仅是“单方面的期望”对,失去政府福利津贴才构成剥夺“财产”。

    The Court went on to explain that the loss of a governmental benefit is a deprivation of " property " only if the individual has a " legitimate claim of entitlement " to the benefit , rather than merely a " unilateral expectation " of it .

  29. 要求他们向你发送个人收入和福利评估声明,看一下是否有任何不符。

    Ask them to send you a Personal Earnings and Benefits Estimate Statement to look for any discrepancies .

  30. 把个人利益置于公众福利之后

    Postpone private gain to the public welfare