
gōng jià
  • leave of absence to attend to public affairs
公假 [gōng jià]
  • [leave of absence to attend to public affairs] 因另有公事而给予的假期

  • 经单位审核,考试的当天可作公假处理

公假[gōng jià]
  1. 我被准予公假前去学习先进的和。

    I have been granted a leave of to learn the advanced and in .

  2. 在英国,官方公假也称作“银行假日”。

    In Britain , official public holidays are also called " bank holidays " .

  3. 第十六条公假:员工因工作需要而进行的非生产工作活动的时间。

    XVI . Leave of Absence to Attend Public Affairs is the time for non-production activities for the demand of work .

  4. 许多人多半会欢迎再有一两个“银行假日”,因为英国的公假日比欧洲大陆多数的国家都少。

    Many people would welcome an extra " Bank Holiday " or two as England has fewer than most continental countries .

  5. 约翰逊教授在下半年会休公假,他会去法国做些研究。

    Professor John is going to be taking a sabbatical to do research in France during the second half of the year .

  6. 这一新的公假让中国人特别是城市居民们有机会能体会自己民族的传统习俗,使得国家的文化休闲生活又出现了新的变化。

    The new status for these holidays gives Chinese , especially city dwellers , a chance to return to their roots and marks an evolution in the country 's leisure time .