
  • 网络Public relations strategy;PR strategy;Public Strategy
  1. 品牌创建包括了品牌定位、品牌决策、品牌命名和CIS设计;品牌营销包括了产品策略、价格策略和渠道策略;品牌传播包括了广告策略、公关策略和整合营销传播IMC策略。

    Create brand includes brand positioning , brand decision , brand name and CIS design ; brand marketing include product strategy , price strategy and channel strategy ; brand communication includes advertising strategy , public relations strategy and integrated marketing communication strategy of IMC .

  2. 结论中,对我国快餐企业如何成功的运用公关策略进而赢得消费者,夺得市场提出了比较独到的个人见解。

    In conclusion , the fast food companies how successful use of public relations strategy to win consumers , who won the markets of the more unique personal opinion .

  3. 在有些圈子里,企业社会责任(CSR)正在受到抨击,往好了说是公关策略,往坏了说是对政府行动的扰乱或阻碍。

    Corporate social responsibility has come under fire in some circles for being a PR tactic at best and , at worst , a distraction or deterrent from government action .

  4. 这家酒吧没有任何公关策略,没有招牌,除了最基本的Instagram账户外没有其他营销手段,但是这七位所有者已经吸引了众多顾客,还包括滑板选手、附近荷兰村(KnickerbockerVillage)的居民以及警察或者在电视上演过警察的演员。

    The bar has no P.R. strategy , no sign and no more marketing than a bare-bones Instagram account , but between the seven , they 've coaxed out a crowd that also includes skateboarders , locals from the nearby Knickerbocker Village houses and cops , or at least those who play them on TV .

  5. 市场竞争环境下企业公关策略探讨

    Public Relation Strategy of Enterprise in Market Economy Conditions

  6. 工程建设阶段房地产开发企业公关策略

    Real Estate Corporate Public Relations in Construction Phase

  7. 策略创新包括销售策略、公关策略和价格策略的创新;

    Policy innovation includes innovation of sales policy , public relations policy and price policy ;

  8. 我要让他这次的公关策略毁了他自己。

    I 'd like to see his PR machine get him out of this one .

  9. 重庆市社会考试机构产品形象外部调查与公关策略研究

    Investigation on the Product Image and the Public Tactics of the Social Exam Institution in Chongqing

  10. 参与制定年度以及各促销活动的营销、媒介、公关策略。

    Participate in the development of marketing , advertising , media and PR annual and promotional strategies .

  11. 因此,跨国企业为协助分公司理解及执行其全球化公关策略,通常会在策略之下,再制定明确的指导方针或是公关活动。

    International companies consequently would establish clear guidelines or scope of PR activities so that their global PR strategies can be understood and executed . 4 .

  12. 我们了解到,削减店面和员工让人伤怀,也了解到好的公关策略至关重要:那份措辞谨慎的备忘录外泄时,舒尔茨被撕成了碎片。

    We learn that slashing stores and staff was heart-rending . We discover good communications are vital : Schultz is torn to pieces when his carefully worded memo is leaked .

  13. 在促销组合策略方面,本文主要研究了跨文化条件下运用广告、促销、人员推销和公关策略的需要特别注意的问题。然后,本文还对跨文化营销进入的渠道策略进行了初步的探讨。

    Afterward , the author research product strategies , distribution channel strategy and the promotion strategies consisting of advertising , sales promotion , and public relations during entering into the cross-cultural market .

  14. 主要阐述名称的选择和标识的设计、公司品牌与所属蒙餐店品牌的关系、公司的多品牌策略、蒙餐店品牌的广告和公关策略、蒙餐店的品牌创新等品牌策略问题。

    This part mainly expounds the name selection and trade-mark designing , the relationship of brand between the company and the subordinate restaurant , the multi-brand strategy , the strategies of advertisement and public relations , the innovation of restaurant .

  15. 通过研究分析企业形象的重要性,说明了树立企业形象、维护企业声誉、使企业走向成功的有效途径之一是施以相应的公关策略。

    By means of researching and analyzing the importance of enterprise image , this paper indicates that setting up enterprise image , protecting its reputation and one of the effective way of making it success are to apply corresponding public relations strategy .

  16. 第三部分,提出了企业公共关系的新经济发展策略。包括网络公关策略、内部公众管理策略、外部公众的沟通协调策略及公共关系的国际化与民族化发展策略。

    In part three , it mainly offers some new corporate Public Relations development strategies under the situation of new economy based on statement mentioned above , including internet PR strategy , inner public management strategy , external communication strategy and internationalized and domestic strategy .

  17. 不断维护、创新已有品牌,对之进行自我宣传和推广,通过公益活动等多媒体的公关策略,扩大频道的社会影响力和美誉度;4.频道经营多元化,整合品牌产业价值。

    Constant maintenance , innovation has been the brand , right of self-publicity and promotion , through the public welfare activities such as multi-media public relations strategy to expand channels of social influence and reputation ; 4 . Diversified brand management , integrated channel added value .

  18. 对公关营销策略中的品牌战略的实施也有比较详细的论述。

    The PR marketing strategy of brand strategy and a more detailed consideration .

  19. 网络时代企业公关应对策略

    The Enterprise Public Relations Answer Strategy in Network Ages

  20. 试论地震预测预报的公关宣传策略

    A preliminary discussion on the strategy of public relation propaganda about earthquake prediction

  21. 体育明星危机公关管理策略政府危机公关的传播控制策略

    Crisis management tactics of famous athletes The Communicate and Control Strategy of the Government Crisis PR

  22. 通过对云南茶叶出口存在问题的分析,提出运用公关营销策略,以促进云南茶叶出口。

    By the analysis of the problems in Yunnan tea export , the author puts forward the strategies of the marketing with applying the public relations so as to promote Yunnan tea export .

  23. 危机公关的传播策略

    The Broadcasting Strategies in Crisis Public Relation

  24. 跨国公司通常利用公关战略、策略和技巧来开拓海外市场。

    The multinational enterprises use strategy and skills of public relations to develop foreign markets .

  25. 消费者委员会处理的一个麻烦问题是烟草公司采取的公关和广告策略。

    A thorny question handled by consumer councils is the public relations and advertising strategies of the tobacco industry .

  26. 在危机的不同时期,危机公关的应对策略是各有侧重的。警察危机公关具有危机高发性、处置难度大、负面影响深的显著特点。

    In different periods of a crisis , countermeasures for coping with public relations in crisis are somewhat different . The public relations in crisis of police has three characters which include occurring frequently , difficult to handle and bearing deep negative influence .

  27. 论公关语言及其语用策略

    On the Public Relation Language and Its Pragmatic Strategy

  28. 医院危机公关的媒介应对策略

    The coping strategies with medium in hospital crisis

  29. 公关新闻的语用策略

    On Pragmatic Strategies in Public Relations News

  30. 企业危机公关下的广告策略调整研究&以产品质量和企业形象为例

    A Strategic Adjustment Research of Advertisement in PR Crisis Taking PQ CI as for Example