
  • 网络venture philanthropy
  1. 他们进行公益创投或影响力投资(或随便你怎么叫)的主要工具是比尔及梅琳达盖茨基金会(Bill-MelindaGatesFoundation),该基金会拥有多达410亿美元资金,巴菲特也承诺要将大部分财产捐赠给这个基金会。

    The $ 41bn Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , to which Mr Buffett has promised to donate much of his wealth , is their main vehicle for venture philanthropy , impact investing , or call it what you will .

  2. 养老公益创投项目是社会发展的重要组成部分。

    Pension venture philanthropy project is an important part of social development .

  3. 她的转变得益于公益创投基金私人股本基金会(privateequityfoundation)的导师们。

    The transformation came through mentors from the private equity foundation , a venture philanthropy fund .

  4. 语言多属性评价模型在选取指标时结合养老创投项目特点,以机会识别机理为基础,分析构建养老公益创投项目机会评价模型。

    Linguistic multi attribute evaluation models selected indicators according to the characteristics of pension venture philanthropy projects , with the opportunity recognition mechanism as the foundation , analyzed and build evaluation model .