
  • 网络Environmental protection investment;environmental investment
  1. 十一五规划下的环保投资

    Environmental investment in ' 11th five - year plan '

  2. 环保投资规模与结构优化研究

    Studying Optimization Problems on Scale and Structure of Environmental Investment

  3. 环保投资:五年中需要投资7000亿元,约占同期gdp的1.3%。

    Environmental Protection Investment : the investment demand for the five years is 700 billion yuan , accounting for 1.3 % of the GDP of the same period .

  4. 如何通过发展政府部门和私人部门的合作伙伴关系(PPP)推进城市环境基础设施建设,已成为东亚各国今后环保投资中的重大战略课题之一。

    How to develop Public-and-Private Partnership ( PPP ) for promotion of Urban Environmental Infrastructure ( UEI ) is a critical strategic issue in East Asia .

  5. 十一五期间环保投资总额预计将达到13750亿元,约占同期GDP(国内生产总值)的1.6%左右。

    During the years of " 11th five-year plan ", the total amount of environmental protection investment is expected to reach 1,375 billion yuan , accounting for approximate 1.6 percent of GDP at that time .

  6. GIM(1)灰色模型预测环保投资趋势的可行性探析

    Discussion on the Feasibility for GIM ( 1 ) Grey Model to Forecast Environmental Protection Investment Trend

  7. 本文利用GIM(1)灰色模型,探析了它在环保投资趋势预测应用中的可行性。

    In the paper , the feasibility of GIM ( 1 ) grey model in environmental protection investment trend forecasting was discussed .

  8. 促进我国企业环保投资的机制与对策研究

    Research on Mechanisms and Measures to Promote Enterprise Environmental Protection Investment

  9. 关于规范环保投资运营机制的实践与思考

    Practice and Ponderation of Standardizing Environmental Protection Investment System of Operation

  10. 论公路建设工程项目的环保投资

    On the Investment in Environmental Protection in Highway 's Construction Projects

  11. 军队环保投资预测模型研究

    The Study on Forecast Model of Army 's Environment Protection Investment

  12. 区域产业投资与环保投资的协调优化模型及其试用

    An Optimizing Model for the Investment Balance between Industries and Environment Protection

  13. 本研究认为能够维持可持续发展所需的环境基础的环保投资规模和结构是一优化的投资规模和结构。

    The environment vestment that can support sustainable development is optimized investment .

  14. 用灰色组合模型预测环保投资

    Prediction of Environmental Protection Investment Trend Using Grey Alliance Model

  15. 环保投资对工业废水污染控制的影响研究

    Study on Effect of Environmental Protection Investment on Industrial Wastewater Pollution Control

  16. 公路建设项目环保投资的问题与对策

    Problems and the Measures of the Investment of Environmental Protection to Highway

  17. 公路建设项目环保投资核算研究

    Study of Environmental Investment Assessment of Highway Construction Item

  18. 环保投资使用效率低下;

    The efficiency of environmental protection investment is low .

  19. 铁路环保投资管理与市场经济发展要求

    Investment Management of Railway Environment Protection and the Requirements of Market Economy Development

  20. 环保投资项目的专家论证系统

    Expert Judgment System on Investment Project of Environmental Protection

  21. 规范发展注重内涵&关于环保投资公司经营对策思考

    About Business Management Countermeasures of Environmental Protection Investment Company

  22. 分析了经济均衡时税收,政府环保投资,私人环保投资对经济增长率和社会福利的影响。

    It analyses how tax and investment affect the equilibrium growth rate and society welfare .

  23. 提高环保投资水平的对策分析

    Countermeasure Analysing Investment level of Environment Protection

  24. 影响我国环保投资因素的灰色关联度分析

    Analysis of affecting factors about Chinese environmental protection investment based on degree of grey incidence

  25. 环保投资对国民经济的作用机理与贡献度模型研究

    The Study on Action Principle of Environmental Protection Investment on National Economy and the Contribution Models

  26. 完善环保投资体制

    Perfect Investment System of Environmental Protection

  27. 其中城市污水处理在环保投资领域的地位日益突出。

    Wastewater treatment in urban area of investment in environmental protection becomes more and more prominent .

  28. 环保投资和随机内生经济增长

    Environmental Investment and Stochastic Endogenous Growth

  29. 这样的认识严重阻碍了我国环保投资和环保产业的发展。

    Such viewpoint obstructs the development of environmental investment and environmental protection industry seriously in China .

  30. 波普表示,进行环保投资不一定要具备承担“社会责任”愿望。

    Mr pople says environmental investment need not be based on a desire to be " socially responsible " .