
  1. 企业的横向兼并投资决策&实物期权方法

    A Real Option Approach to Investment Decision Making of Firm 's Horizontal Merger Under Uncertainty

  2. 对目标企业进行价值评估是公司兼并和投资的重要参考。

    The valuation of target companies is an important reference for company acquisition and investment .

  3. 巴西开发银行此前虽然计划对两者的兼并提供投资,也在7月12日收回这项支持。

    The Brazilian Development Bank , which had planned to invest in the merged entity , withdrew its backing on July 12th .

  4. 积极采用收购、兼并、投资基金、证券投资等多种方式吸引中长期国外投资。

    Actively adopting multiple methods such as purchase , merger , investment funds , investment in securities to attract medium-and long-term foreign investments .

  5. 研究给出了中国企业在加拿大的矿业投资机会与建议,其投资方式有合作经营、收购兼并、投资参股和直接投资。

    We propose Chineseenterprises ' opportunities and recommendations in the Canadian mining investment , the ways of its investment include cooperative ventures , mergers and acquisitions , investment in equity and direct investment .

  6. 1996年广东发展银行收购中银信托投资公司,1998年国家开发银行、1999年中国光大银行分别兼并中国投资银行,拉开了国内银行业并购重组的帷幕。

    In 1996 , Guangdong Development Bank acquired Trust Investment Company , BOA . In 1998 and in 1999 , the National Development Bank and Guang Da Bank of China merged Investment Bank of China respectively .

  7. 这样就压低了价格和利润空间,从而将运营良好、有盈余的公司拒之门外,他们需要雇用有才能的人,兼并竞争者或投资于研发。

    This squeezes prices and margins , thus denying better-run firms the surplus capital they need to hire talented people , buy competitors or invest in research and development .

  8. 现金流量贴现评估技术对投资决策乃至企业收够兼并、证券投资都具有重要的作用。

    The present value method of cash flow has the important function and significance to the investment decision-making , even the Enterprise 's merger and acquisition , investment in securities and so on .

  9. 上世纪90年代开始活跃的以企业兼并、跨国投资等为主要形式的企业迁移现象,在进入二十一世纪后变得异常频繁。

    At the beginning of 1990s , the enterprise merges and acquisition ( M & A ) and the international investment are predominant form of enterprise migration , which began to be active and frequent at present .

  10. 集中于兼并和获得的投资银行公司,战略的合伙,合资企业,并且私人资助。

    Investment banking firm focusing on mergers and acquisitions , strategic partnerships , joint ventures , and private financing .

  11. 未来几年我国煤矿物流行业投资需求主要集中在兼并重组、安全投资等方面。

    The next few years , investment of Chinese coal industry , mainly concentrated in mergers and reorganizations , security , investment and technological revamping .

  12. 在国际上,兼并收购是风险投资成功退出最常用的渠道,它也是目前我国风险投资退出的可操作的渠道。

    Mergers and acquisitions ( M A ) represent the most common type of successful exit for venture capital internationally . M A is also an operational exit form in China .