
jiān bìng
  • merger;annex;amalgamate;swallow up
兼并 [jiān bìng]
  • [amalgamate;annex] 指侵吞别国的领土或别人的产业

  • 大户兼并。--清. 张廷玉《明史》

  • 兼并之家。--清. 洪亮吉《治平篇》

  • 抑其兼并。

  • 兼并小国

兼并[jiān bìng]
  1. 兼并(Merger)与收购(Acquisition)是资本市场最具魅力的风景。

    Merger & acquisition is the most fascinating scenery in the capital markets .

  2. 企业横向兼并与WTO

    Horizontal Merger and WTO

  3. 他们经营着一家为兼并收购业务提供咨询的公司。

    They manage a company offering advice on mergers and acquisitions

  4. 俄亥俄州第一银行通过兼并一些小银行成为中西部地区的巨头。

    Banc One of Ohio has built an empire in the midwest by gobbling up smaller banks .

  5. 那家大公司兼并了多家小商号。

    The big company merged various small businesses .

  6. 摩恩说“工作需求,以及兼并,收购,裁员等其他不安全性因素都日益上升。”

    " There 's rising work demand coupled with the insecurity of mergers , takeovers , downsizing and other factors , " Moen said .

  7. 例如,在考虑兼并时,他们一般是通过规模来决定该何时采取行动。

    When considering a merger ( 兼并 ) , for example , they have traditionally used size to determine when to step in .

  8. 它计划兼并一家英国公司以扩大市场。

    It plans to annex an England company in order to enlarge the market .

  9. 第六十三条农民集体所有的土地的使用权不得出让、转让或者出租用于非农业建设;但是,符合土地利用总体规划并依法取得建设用地的企业,因破产、兼并等情形致使土地使用权依法发生转移的除外。

    Article 63 The land use right of peasant collectives shall not be leased , transferred or rented for non-agricultural construction , except in the case of legal transfer of the land that conforms to the general plan for the utilization of land and legally obtained by enterprises due to bankruptcy or acquisition .

  10. 试论锅炉水平烟道中的烟温差企业横向兼并与WTO

    Difference Temperature of Flue Gas in the Horizontal Stack Horizontal Merger and WTO

  11. DOA矩阵类方法中角度兼并问题的分析与改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Angle Ambiguity Problem in DOA Matrix Method

  12. 时空DOA矩阵法中角度兼并问题的讨论

    A Study on the Angle-ambiguity Problem in the Time-space DOA Matrix Method

  13. 而在投资方式选择上,FDI进入发展中国家相对更倾向于绿地投资,而进入发达国家则相对更倾向于兼并重组。

    The FDI into developing countries relative prefer to Greenfield investment while into developed countries to merger and acquisition .

  14. 论文的最后部分中,作者将GECapital和杭州轴承厂两家企业在兼并中的成功经验和失败教训进行了对比分析,从实证角度证明文化整合的重要性及应当注意的几个关键点。

    In the end of the article , the author contrasts the success experience of GE Capital and the lessons of Hangzhou Bearing Factory .

  15. 因此,在中国加入WTO的前夕,对开放经济下企业横向兼并中的问题进行较为系统的研究,显然具有重要的理论意义与现实价值。

    Therefore , before China join WTO , it has important theoretic significance and great practical value to systematically study horizontal merger under open economy .

  16. 经典的MeanShift核跟踪算法具有实时性和准确性兼并的优点,且它易于与其它算法进行融合。

    The classical mean shift ( MS ) kernel-based tracking algorithm has the advantages of real-time and accuracy , and it easily was merged into other algorithms .

  17. 与DOA矩阵法相比,无角度兼并发生时计算量没有任何增加,有兼并发生时计算量会有限增加。

    Compared with the DOA matrix method , the computational complexity is increased slightly when angle ambiguity occurs .

  18. 分别应用随机引物和SOX基因兼并引物在人类染色体上进行了原位延伸标记。

    Here we present the results of random primer and SOX degenerate primer PRINS on human metaphase chromosomes .

  19. Gleason兼并企业加速发展

    Gleason Speed up Development by Annexation of Enterprises

  20. 自发辐射诱导相干在许多类型的能级系统,如近兼并的∧型、V型能级系统及近等能级间隔的阶梯型等系统中均可产生。

    In many level systems , such as a closed A-type system or a closed V-type system and nearly equispaced Ladder-type system , there are many researches of the effects of spontaneously induced coherence .

  21. SOX基因兼并引物延伸发现了更多的SOX基因位座,并进一步证实该家族基因在基因组中是散在存在的。

    SOX degenerate primer PRINS revealed more SOX gene loci and proved further that SOX genes were not clustered on human chromosomes .

  22. 想想今年南诺弗克公司和CSX公司为兼并康雷公司所花的102亿美元吧。

    Consider the10.2 billion bid by Norfolk Southern and CSX to acquire Conrail this year .

  23. 最近,该公司因两次失败的兼并而有点动荡。不过,值得注意的是,它与Netflix公司签署了多项合约,将为后者制作1100多集原创卡通节目。

    The studio recently roiled by two failed mergers notably has contracts to produce more than 1,100 episodes of original cartoon programming for Netflix .

  24. 围绕其他潜在兼并的传闻还有芝加哥商品交易所、纳斯达克(NASDAQ)的母公司和其他交易所抢购规模较小的交易所。

    Rumors abound of other potential tie-ups that could see the CME , the parent of the NASDAQ ( NDAQ ), and other exchanges snap up smaller exchanges .

  25. 在过去的几年里,Behemoth兼并了许多竞争对手,每个对手都有自己经营商店的方式。

    Over the past several years Behemoth has merged with several of its competitors , each of whom had their own way of running a store .

  26. 随着我国经济和世界经济的日益融合,尤其是加入WTO以后,外资进入我国的方式有了较大变化,通过兼并、收购、控股等形式进行的股权投资的比重日益加大。

    With the increasing combination of Chinese economy and world economy , especially after China 's entry of WTO , the manner of inflow of foreign capital has changed greatly . More and more equity investments have appeared by the way of merger , acquisition and holding .

  27. 在一份声明中,埃里森说,菲利普斯去年12月就辞职一事找过他,但同意在甲骨文兼并太阳微系统(sunmicrosystems)后的交接期内继续留任。

    In a statement , Mr Ellison said that Mr Phillips had approached him about leaving the company last December , but had agreed to stay on for a transitional period following its acquisition of Sun Microsystems .

  28. 为了深入了解我国加入WTO对国内市场的冲击,在开放经济环境中利用对策论和微分技术手段,分析了贸易政策的调整和在不同贸易模式下的横向兼并对多方经济利益的影响。

    For helping to understand deeply the impact of China 's entering WTO on its domestic market , this paper applied the theory of game and differential technology to analyze the social effects of trade policies ' adjustment and horizontal mergers under different trade modes in open economy environment .

  29. 在吞并占婆后,又把扩张的矛头直接对准了近邻柬埔寨(Cambodia),并兼并了柬埔寨王国的半壁河山,大致形成了今日越南之版图。

    After swallowing up the Champa & pura , the Nguyen also began to invade the near neighbor Cambodia and annexed the half territory of the Cambodia , which formed the domain of today 's Vietnam .

  30. 面对汽车行业兼并重组的热潮到来,按照国内外兼并的成功经验,本文介绍了探索SAIC可选择的购并方案。

    According to the successful experiences of domestic and foreign merger and in the face of the hot wave of auto enterprises ' merger , the merger plan for SAIC selected is probed in this paper .