
  • 网络facultative anaerobe;facultative aerobes;KMAFAnM
  1. 这些试验小鸡应注意保温和分别隔离饲养,喂以煮沸过的饲料和饮水,避免一切环境污染的可能性。本文对鸡感染柔嫩艾美耳球虫后盲肠中一些兼性厌氧微生物的变化情况进行了研究。

    All such experimental chicks must be reared individually in separate cases and supplied with well cooked feeds and boiled water to avoid environmental contamination of coccidial oocysts . Chickens were necropsied on 7 th , 10 th and 14 th day after coccidial infection for bacteriological examination .

  2. 碳纤维表面特性对兼性及厌氧微生物固着的影响

    Effect of surface characteristics of carbon fiber on immobilization of facultative and anaerobic aerobes