
jué sè
  • role;part;persona;hand;a type of person
角色 [jué sè]
  • (1) [persona]:如小说或戏剧中的人物

  • (2) [a type of person]:某一类型的人物

  • 他倒真算个角色!

  • 他,什么角色?

  • [role;part] 演员扮演的剧中人物

  • 反面角色

角色[jué sè]
  1. 杰克找到了充分展示他才华的电影角色。

    Jack found a film role that showcased all his talents .

  2. 她在《卡门》中演唱卡门的角色。

    She has sung the title role in ' Carmen ' .

  3. 这是她所扮演过的最重要的角色之一。

    It is one of the greatest roles she has played .

  4. 她拒绝承担传统妇女的角色。

    She refused to take on the traditional woman 's role .

  5. 她演爱娃∙庇隆这个角色再合适不过了。

    She was ideally suited to the part of Eva Peron .

  6. 他在建立这个系统的过程中扮演了主要的角色。

    He played a major role in setting up the system .

  7. 角色扮演可以使学生练习语言,说错了也没关系。

    Role-play allows students to practise language in a safe situation .

  8. 扮演这个角色将是他演艺生涯中最大的挑战。

    The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career .

  9. 只要按一下电钮就可以看到你喜欢的角色在表演。

    Just press the button to see your favourite character in action .

  10. 她试演了麦克佩斯夫人的角色。

    She was auditioning for the role of Lady Macbeth .

  11. 伊丽莎白这一角色由凯特∙布兰切特扮演。

    The part of Elizabeth was played by Cate Blanchett .

  12. 他把这个角色演得十分幽默。

    He interpreted the role with a lot of humour .

  13. 她在剧中把她那个角色的幽默发挥得淋漓尽致。

    She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play .

  14. 在她心目中,他仿佛是能替代父亲角色的人。

    She saw him as a sort of surrogate father .

  15. 她不想总是演傻乎乎的金发女郎一类的角色。

    She didn 't want to be typecast as a dumb blonde .

  16. 文化因素常常对性别的角色有着重要的影响。

    Gender roles are often conditioned by cultural factors .

  17. 我们为这个角色面试了200多名儿童。

    We auditioned over 200 children for the part .

  18. 她给那个角色注入了她自己的诠释。

    She stamped her own interpretation on the role .

  19. 金钱在他的生活中扮演了重要的角色。

    Money played an important role in his life .

  20. 他是这个角色的最佳人选。

    He 's a natural for the role .

  21. 尽量发挥想象力,使自己进入角色。

    Try to think yourself into the role .

  22. 她这个角色演得很好。

    She was very good in the part .

  23. 角色扮演有助于提高沟通技巧。

    Role-play is helpful in developing communication skills .

  24. 感觉就像我们父母和孩子交换了角色。

    It felt as if we had reversed our roles of parent and child .

  25. 他是个多才多艺的演员,扮演过各种各样的角色。

    He 's a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts .

  26. 他演出这个角色获得英国电影电视艺术学院奖。

    He won a BAFTA for the role .

  27. 他因在该电影中扮演的角色而获评为最有前途的新演员。

    He was voted the most promising new actor for his part in the movie .

  28. 让医生扮演上帝的角色结束一个人的生命是不公平的。

    It is unfair to ask doctors to play God and end someone 's life .

  29. 他们就男人和女人在当今社会中所扮演的角色展开研究。

    They carried out research into the roles of men and women in today 's society .

  30. 我演的第一个角色是奥哈格蒂船长,一部儿童剧中的恶棍。

    My first part was Captain O'Hagarty , a dastardly villain in a children 's play .