
jué dòu chǎnɡ
  • wrestling ring
  1. 搜索角斗场上的Google、雅虎和微软

    Google , Yahoo and Microsoft on the Search Engine Wrestling Ring

  2. 摔跤手在角斗前称了体重,是160磅。奴隶主强迫奴隶在角斗场上自相残杀。

    The wrestler was weighed in at 160 pounds . The slave owners forced the slaves to fight against each other in the wrestling ring .

  3. 曾在北京创立数家新兴企业的美国人RichardRobinson称,这种志在必得及充足的风投资本,让中国互联网沦为“残酷的角斗场”。

    The will to win and the abundance of venture capital make China 's internet a " ferociously gladiatorial environment , " says Richard Robinson , an American who has founded several start-ups in Beijing .

  4. 标准化对于高效的建设角斗场是关键。

    Standardization is key for the efficient building of the Coliseum .

  5. 在古罗马的角斗场上,角斗士与狮子搏斗。

    Gladiators fought with lions in the arena in Rome .

  6. 竞技场所举行比赛或表演的圆形角斗场。

    An arena where contests and spectacles are held .

  7. 角斗场真的什么也没有除了拱门;

    The Coliseum really is nothing but arches ;

  8. 在角斗场神圣的石头之上,这位贵族面对了这位仆人的男孩。

    On the sacred stone of the Proving Ground , the nobleman faced the servant boy .

  9. 莫莉:除非世界上其他所有的男人都在角斗场上死光了。

    Molly : Only if every other man in the world dies in the gladiator arena .

  10. 中国历史的深处有一个永远抹不掉的角斗场:科举考场。

    In the depths of the Chinese history , there is an arena : the imperial examination .

  11. 从今天这堂课上我就学到很多关于罗马角斗场的历史。

    And I have learnt so much about the history of the Roman Colosseum from his lecture .

  12. 听起来它像一个奇怪的实验室或是角斗场或是什么别的,但它不是。

    I 'm making it sound like a weird laboratory or abattoir or something , but it 's not .

  13. 而且亚洲作为一个整体也希望有一个协议来防止亚洲海域成为大国力量的角斗场。

    And Asia as a whole needs agreements to help prevent every collision at sea from becoming a trial of strength .

  14. 在人生的角斗场上,荣誉和酬报落在那些在行动中展示自己良好素质的人的身上。

    In the arena of human life the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action . - Aristotle .

  15. 荣誉属于这样的人,他置身角斗场上,脸上沾满尘垢,汗水和鲜血;

    The credit belongs to the man who is actully in the arena , whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood ;

  16. 渊凯人是应希兹达尔国王之邀,来签署和平条约,见证弥林远近闻名的角斗场的重生。

    The Yunkai'i had come at King Hizdahr 's invitation , to sign the peace and witness the rebirth of Meereen 's far-famed fighting pits .

  17. 阿普尔认为课程改革实质上是围绕官方知识的政治,是各权力团体争取自身知识合法化的角斗场。

    Apple thought the curriculum reforms was revolving the official knowledge politics in essential and was an amphitheatre where various authorities associations strive for own knowledge legalization .

  18. 她让希兹达赫成为了她的国王,带他上了自己的床,为了他再次开放角斗场,他没有理由想让她死。

    She had made Hizdahr her king , taken him into her bed , opened the fighting pits for him , he had no reason to want her dead .

  19. 这是一个拉丁词语,意意思是“环”或者“圈”。古罗马最有名的地点之一就是马克西穆斯角斗场。

    It is a Latin word that means " ring " or " circle . " One of the most famous places in ancient Rome was the Circus Maximus .

  20. 一些动物权利保护人士认为,即使参赛的公牛能够在比赛结束后幸存下来,但人们让牛在角斗场上互相厮杀、一决胜负的过程也很残忍,所以应该禁止这项运动。

    But some animal-rights advocates think the Chinese sport ought to be halted because it 's also cruel to pit bull against bull even if the bulls survive the fight .

  21. 被拽进角斗场去面对一场搏斗和自己昂首走进去是不同的。

    It was , he thought , the difference between being dragged into the arena to face a battle to the death and walking into the arena with your head held high .

  22. 现在企业界已形成了一个共识,即没有高智能化的、高技巧性的营销管理手段,迟早会被逐出角斗场,被无情的市场法则淘汰。

    Now there is a common view in business area , that is to say , a company will have to withdraw competition and be a failure without high wisdom and high skill marketing method .

  23. 在古罗马,活跃在角斗场上的不仅仅是男角斗士,还有一批女角斗士。

    In ancient Rome , not only many male gladiators performed in the amphitheater , but also some female gladiators , most of whom were slaves , and some of them were free women , even aristocratic women .