
  • 网络At orgasm;high water time;The female oargasm
  1. 高潮时你不能在这个海滩散步。

    You can 't walk along this beach at high tide .

  2. 这条船在高潮时离港。

    The ship departed on the high water .

  3. 性高潮时最大的强化想象。

    An orgasm is one of the biggest reinforcers imaginable .

  4. 高潮时的潮水愈来愈高淹没了栖地,代表乾旱时期的结束。

    The drought period comes to an end when the tide covers the habitat .

  5. 在信贷危机高潮时,三个月期国债收益率一度跌至2.97%的水平。

    Three-month yields had fallen as low as 2.97 per cent at the height of the credit worries .

  6. 在高潮时浸湿的任何海堤的后面,当低潮时也会出现急遽的水面降落现象。

    Sudden drawdown also occurs at low tide behind any sea wall which is wetted at high tide .

  7. 他告诉我等到暴风达到怎样达到告诉高潮时剃光一只猫身上的毛。

    He told me to wait until the oblivion librari myself storm was at its height before shaving the cat .

  8. 被问到是否会在对巴塞罗那的比赛中迎来赛季的最高潮时。

    As for whether the season can reach an even more exhilarating high against Barcelona , Hern á ndez nods enthusiastically .

  9. 由于预期需求下滑,大部分日本汽车厂商都在9月18日示威活动达到高潮时暂时关闭了工厂。

    In anticipation of weaker demand , most Japanese auto makers temporarily closed their plants on Sept. 18 when the demonstrations peaked .

  10. 管路预冷的高速再淹没传热模型及数值研究高潮时的潮水愈来愈高淹没了栖地,代表乾旱时期的结束。

    Numerical research on high velocity reflooding heat transference for pipeline cooling down The drought period comes to an end when the tide covers the habitat .

  11. 科学家发现两分钟前,高潮时,大脑的反映中心成为活跃,地带常常会启动时吃的食物和饮料。

    The scientists found that two minutes before the orgasm , the brain 's reward centres become active , the areas usually activated when eating food and drink .

  12. 会议进入高潮时,被安排人员要作会议记录,然后制作会议文件,并在所有与会人员之间传阅。

    At the culmination of the meeting , it is the duty of the person assigned to note down the minutes to create a document and circulate it amongst all attendees .

  13. 在南斯拉夫战争达到高潮时,波黑塞族用火箭轰击了外国传媒基地在波黑首都萨拉热窝的电视台一种用以恐吓的蓄意行动,这一行动导致人员的巨大伤亡。

    At the height of the Yugoslavian war , Bosnian Serbs rocketed the base for the foreign media-the television station in the Bosnian capital sarajevo & in a deliberate act of intimidation which caused many casualties .

  14. 这个美国科技股基准指数曾在2000年3月网络股泡沫最高潮时站在这一关口上方,之后经历了大幅下挫,到2002年10月,已跌至1114.11点的低位。

    The US technology benchmark previously stood above this level in March 2000 at the height of the dotcom bubble , only to experience a stunning decline with the Nasdaq plumbing a low of 1, 114.11 by October 2002 .

  15. 海水在高潮位时淹过了礁石,可是在低潮位时却淹不过。

    At high tide the sea covers the rocks , but at low tide it uncovers them .

  16. 晚上的高潮来到时,万能带出了人群的热闹的生日快乐万能唱歌。

    The highlight of the evening came when Magnum was brought out to the crowd 's boisterous singing of Happy Birthday Magnum .

  17. 在本该表达感伤的高潮情绪时,萧红通常采用的是节制而冷静的叙事。

    In the climax of the emotional expression of sadness , the Xiao Hong is commonly used in moderation and calm in the narrative .

  18. 爵士在次节末段又打出了一波8-0的高潮,与开始时的那波14-2首尾呼应,将勇士22分的领先优势逐渐蚕食至8分。

    The Jazz parlayed that strong second quarter start with an 8-0 close , trimming the Warriors lead from 22 all the way down to eight by halftime .

  19. 除了舞蹈,球迷们也被匆匆忙忙地剪辑的高潮的打斗场面时,发现其决斗“小甜甜”布兰妮和另一版本的自己。

    In addition to the choreography , fans have also been buzzing about the clip 's climactic fight scene , which finds Britney dueling it out with another version of herself .