
wán quán zhēn jūn
  • perfect fungi
  1. 一类三维Hopf流形的自同构群和全纯向量场不完全真菌的形态的属一些被分类在薄膜革菌属和丝核菌属。

    Holomorphic vectors and holomorphic automorphism groups of a sort of three-dimensional Hopf manifold ; form genus of imperfect fungi some species of which are now placed in genera Pellicularia and Corticium because their perfect stages have been found .

  2. 长有长的细的孢子的叶子寄生的不完全真菌的形态属。

    Form genus of imperfect fungi that are leaf parasites with long slender spores .

  3. 不完全真菌的形态属。

    Form genus of imperfect fungi .

  4. 像酵母的寄生不完全真菌,长有圆的或卵形的假丝酵母在分支链里。

    Genus of parasitic yeastlike imperfect fungi having spherical or oval conidia in branched chains ; some species usually placed in other genera especially genus Candida .

  5. 属于假丝酵母的似酵母的不完全的真菌。

    Any of the yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida .

  6. 有些真菌能在500摄氏度生长,有些能在零下5摄氏度生长,所以甚至冷藏的食品都不能完全免于真菌。

    Some fungi can grow at500 . C , while others can grow at-5 . C , so even food in cold storage may not be completely safe from them .

  7. 在自然界中,木质素的完全降解是真菌、细菌及相应微生物群落共同作用的结果。

    In nature , the complete degradation of lignin is the results of fungal , bacterial and microbial community working together .

  8. 自然界中,木质素的完全降解是真菌、放线菌、细菌或它们共同作用的结果,其中真菌起主导作用,而白腐真菌是目前公认的木质素降解首选微生物。

    In nature , the completely decomposition of lignin is the final results of the interactions among fungi , actinomycete , bacterial and microbial communities , in which fungi plays a key role . Currently , the white rot fungus is the best choice for lignin decomposition .