
wán quán
  • complete;completely;all;at all;full;fullness;entirely;totally;any;quite;whole;wholly;perfect;altogether;purely;thoroughly;remedy;diametrically;make up;hook,line and sinker;up to the hilt
完全 [wán quán]
  • (1) [make up;remedy]∶弥补

  • 完全缺陷

  • (2) [complete;whole]∶应有尽有;齐全

  • 他的话没有说完全

  • (3) [completely;full;entirely;wholly;up to the hilt;hook,line and sinker]∶全部

  • 完全错了

完全[wán quán]
  1. 北行车道的交通完全堵塞。

    Traffic in the northbound lane is at a complete standstill .

  2. 一些儿童进入少年期会完全变成另一个人。

    Some children undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers .

  3. 经历了几年的萧条后,这家公司的业务才完全恢复了正常。

    The company recovered well after going through several lean years .

  4. 这些罗马遗址现已被栋栋办公大楼完全遮住。

    The Roman remains are now covered over by office buildings .

  5. 这是一场她完全没有防备的危机。

    It was a crisis for which she was totally unprepared .

  6. 这匹马起跳完全不是时候,把骑手摔了下来。

    The horse completely mistimed the jump and threw its rider .

  7. 完全的孤独对我而言就是置身人间地狱。

    Being totally alone is my idea of hell on earth .

  8. 她的两条胳膊好像完全失去知觉了。

    She seemed to have lost all sensation in her arms .

  9. 你完全没有理由不去。

    There 's no earthly reason why you shouldn 't go .

  10. 延误完全是因为交通拥挤。

    The delay is due simply to the volume of traffic .

  11. 我们满怀信心地期待着完全康复。

    We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery .

  12. 妇女在20世纪50年代才被容许完全享有选举权。

    Women were only conceded full voting rights in the 1950s .

  13. 学校完全让新生自生自灭。

    The new students were just left to sink or swim .

  14. 他应该能够过上完全正常的生活。

    He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life .

  15. 他所得到的那点建议结果证明几乎完全没用。

    Such advice as he was given has proved almost worthless .

  16. 她完全丧失了生活的方向。

    She has lost all sense of direction in her life .

  17. 白腰带表示他完全是个新手。

    The white belt signifies that he 's an absolute beginner .

  18. 看来这个队的队员完全是随意选定的。

    The choice of players for the team seemed completely arbitrary .

  19. 浅色的墙壁完全衬托出家具的特色。

    The pale walls provide a perfect foil for the furniture .

  20. 我要完全准备就绪后才走。

    I won 't go until I 'm good and ready .

  21. 任何有头脑的人都会完全照你那样去做的。

    Any reasonable person would have done exactly as you did .

  22. 我们不完全了解大脑是怎样构成的。

    We do not fully understand how the brain is organized .

  23. 我想我们自己完全能够应付。

    I think we can manage quite happily on our own .

  24. 我认为你今天来这里不完全是碰巧。

    I suppose your presence here today is not entirely coincidental .

  25. 我们的家具完全是用监管林中的木材做的。

    Only wood from managed forests is used in our furniture .

  26. 别担心,交易是完全合法的。

    Don 't worry ; the deal was completely above board .

  27. 在街上,一个完全陌生的人贸然走到她跟前搭讪。

    She was accosted in the street by a complete stranger .

  28. 这次衰退不能完全怨政府。

    The government is not wholly to blame for the recession .

  29. 他穿了一双完全不适合登山的鞋子。

    He was wearing shoes that were totally unsuitable for climbing .

  30. 这一证据和我们已掌握的情况完全相符。

    This evidence ties in closely with what we already know .