
  1. 而且由于空气阻力,不可能完全失重-,不过如果十分接近大气层顶端-,那么空气阻力便可以忽略。

    However , if you could jump up way-near the top of the atmosphere where the air drag is negligible then you would be weightless for quite some time .

  2. 下面我将讨论,完全失重状态,记得几节课之前,我将你系在,绳子的末端。

    I now want to return to the idea of complete weightlessness and I want to remind you , a few lectures ago how I was swinging you at the end of a string in the vertical .

  3. 结论每日4h站立可完全防止模拟失重大鼠SOL萎缩。

    Conclusion Daily 4-h standing fully prevented the soleus atrophy induced by simulated microgravity for 4 wk in rats .

  4. 提高水泥浆的沉降稳定性可以减小或完全避免沉降失重,因而是有效控制早期失重速率和防止气窜的根本措施;

    PDS can be reduced or completely prevented by improving the slurry stability which is an essential measure to control the velocity of early pressure decrease and prevent gas migration ;