
wán shàn
  • perfect;consummate;improve and perfect
完善 [wán shàn]
  • (1) [perfect;consummate]

  • (2) 完备美好

  • 完善的技艺

  • (3) 使完备美好

  • 完善设施

完善[wán shàn]
  1. 继往开来,展望未来,完善的售后服务。

    Forward looking into the future , perfect after-sales service .

  2. 大家都承认这个规划还很不完善。

    Everybody agreed that the plan was far from perfect .

  3. 现行法律并不十分完善。

    The existing law is not entirely / wholly satisfactory .

  4. 他们一直在努力完善新型号。

    They have been working on the perfection of the new model .

  5. 这一领域的技术经过过去十年的发展已经相当完善。

    Technology in this field has matured considerably over the last decade .

  6. 这个系统要完成它的任务还不够完善。

    The system is inadequate for the tasks it has to perform .

  7. 有完善的体育娱乐设施。

    There are excellent facilities for sport and recreation .

  8. 这条路线路标设置完善。

    The route is well signposted .

  9. 这项技术的完善要归功于凯歌夫人。

    Madame Clicquot is credited with the perfection of this technique .

  10. 那些地区通过完善的公路系统相互连接。

    The regions are interconnected by an excellent highway system .

  11. 这种技术变得越来越完善,越来越受人欢迎。

    This technique is becoming more refined and more acceptable all the time .

  12. 结果证明对鲑鱼饲养行业的管理不够完善。

    The results prove that regulation of the salmon farming industry is inadequate .

  13. 他把更多的时间用于完善舞蹈动作,而不是健身训练。

    He spent more time perfecting his dance moves instead of gym work .

  14. 我们完善了一套手势信号,这样他就能随时告知我什么时候有危险了。

    We perfected a hand-signal system so that he could keep me informed of hazards

  15. 医生正致力于更好地了解这种疾病,并使治疗方法尽可能完善。

    Doctors are concentrating on understanding the disease better , and on optimizing the treatment

  16. 我用完善后的技术摘掉了纤维瘤。

    I removed the fibroid tumours , using the techniques that I have perfected .

  17. 我想感谢他们允许我深入完善他们最初的想法。

    I would like to thank them for allowing me to develop their original idea

  18. 儿童福利机构发展成熟,体系完善。

    Child welfare services are well established and comprehensive

  19. 外科手术的技术不断得到完善。

    Surgical techniques are constantly being refined .

  20. 我把你的建议纳入我的计划中,这些计划进一步完善了。

    I integrated your suggestion into my plans and it improved them .

  21. 厂里的规章制度日趋完善。

    The rules and regulations of the factory are continually being improved .

  22. 它相当不错,但还不完善。

    It was quite good , but not perfect .

  23. 这旅店是一家经营完善的企业。

    The hotel is a well-run establishment .

  24. 方法日臻完善。

    The methods are being perfected .

  25. 他坚持认为“没有法律”的国家是最高的,最完善的统治形式。

    The " non-law " state was upheld by him as the highest and most perfect type of government .

  26. 通过奖助学金的动态管理,完善奖优罚劣的激励机制。

    The rewarding excellence and punishing inferior mechanism needs to optimized through dynamic management of the fellowships and assistantships .

  27. 经筵制度就是在这一基础之上发展起来的一系列相对完善、全面的制度体系。

    The system of " jingyan " consists of a series of , based on this , relatively mature and all-around institutions .

  28. 中俄边境贸易60年历程是一个由小变大、由弱变强、不断拓展完善的发展史,是中俄60年经济转轨调整的真实写照。

    Sino-Russian border trade is a60-year journey from small to big and from weak to strong , and is a true portrayal of the economic transition adjustment .

  29. 她对金融市场有着敏锐的理解,对金融市场的不完善有着深刻的认识,并且坚信人类的痛苦与失业比其他任何事情都更重要。

    She has a keen understanding of financial markets , an appreciation for their imperfections and a strong belief that human suffering was more related to unemployment than anything else .

  30. 不过研究人员正在完善系统来评估老师一年的表现,如果有三年的数据,就有可能辨别哪些老师表现不佳。

    But researchers are improving systems to measure a teacher 's performance throughout the year , and , with three years of data , it 's usually possible to tell which teachers are failing .