
  1. 美国人流露出来的是自然天性,欧洲人则追求完美形式。

    The Americans appear to be natural , and the Europeans pursue the perfect form .

  2. 孔子的行政教育思想的表达形式主要是语录体,还缺乏现代学术的完美形式。

    Confucius ' administration education expression format is Ana , which is short of perfection formation .

  3. 因为环形是最为接近永恒之神的完美形式。

    Well , circularity is the closest they can get to the perfection of the eternal god .

  4. 深厚的日本传统文学修养,瞬间浓缩的理性人生观和苛求完美形式的艺术观,从根本上决定了他的创作道路。

    Deep Japanese traditional literature training , an rational outlook on life of instantaneous and condensed , and an art view of making excessive demands in the perfect form , have determined his creation road fundamentally ;

  5. 王尔德和詹姆斯关于艺术与生活的关系的理论,指出那种试图将生活纳入到艺术的完美形式的唯美主义倾向必将与自由冲突;

    Resorting to Oscar Wilde 's and James 's idea of the relationship between art and morality , it shows how the aesthetic tendency to shape life in the form of art can be morally dangerous when it conflicts with freedom .

  6. 赛福拉还将向更加完美的形式发展,以适应剧烈的市场竞争。

    Sephora will continue to develop perfectly in order to fit the sharp market competition .

  7. 只有这一切的应和到位,才可谓有完美的形式空间。

    And the only place in all of this should only be said with perfect form space .

  8. 马岩松的建筑设计引领着一种新的对于建筑的思考,敢于追求大胆完美的形式。

    Ma 's architecture stands at the forefront of new experimentation in building structures , refashioning form in bold pursuits of perfection .

  9. 他的艺术歌曲是诗歌、旋律与伴奏融为一体,民族性、通俗性、艺术性高度统一的完美艺术形式。

    His songs combined poetic melody and accompaniment into oneness , a perfect artistic form , characteristic of nationality , popularity and artistic quality .

  10. 完美的形式应是深入到内容并赋予内容以生命,而非给内容以外衣和修饰。

    The perfect form should be deeply into the content and gives content to life , but not to content with its coat and modified .

  11. 广告的审美价值主要表现在以下几方面:真实的内容、新颖的创意、优美的意境、诙谐的幽默、完美的形式。

    The aesthetic value mainly shows in the following aspects : true content , new creativity , beautiful ideal situation , wise humor , and perfect form .

  12. 人们总是设法让其所追求的东西以一种完美的形式呈现,因此,器物的造型一定蕴含着人们对于形式的认识。

    The people always try the thing that it would be given perfect form to present , therefore , a form of awareness of the people be contained in utensils of a certain form .

  13. 我们艺术家应该把健康的政治内容和完美的艺术形式结合起来。

    We artists should combine healthy political content with finished artistic forms .

  14. 优秀的文学作品总是进步的思想内容和完美的艺术形式的统一。

    Perfect literary works always manage to unify progressive ideas with artistic forms .

  15. 《伙计》因其精深的思想主题和完美的艺术形式而被推崇为马拉默德的代表作。

    The Assistant is recognized as Malamud 's masterpiece for its profound theme and perfect form .

  16. 就一定能够使我们完美的政府形式所赐予的全部裨益成为现实。

    we shall deserve to realize all the benefits which our happy form of government can bestow .

  17. 任何先进完美的存在形式,都永远代替不了我们深深爱着的敦煌。

    No advanced and perfect form of existence whatsoever can take the place of the Dunhuang we so cherish .

  18. 欧美短篇小说在经历大约150年的发展历程后,已成为一种完美的文学形式。

    Short stories have become a perfect literature form after developing for about 150 years in American and European countries .

  19. 不过,当他们憧憬幸福的未来时,虚拟语气则是一种最为完美的语法形式。

    And when they are dreaming about their future , the is the perfect grammatical form for imagining their happiness .

  20. 新质的教学内容和完美的教学形式的和谐统一,意味着矛盾双方对立面的融合,并达到了一种美的境界。

    The harmonious unity of the high quality and perfect teaching form means to mix together of the two opposite side of contradiction and reach a beautiful realm .

  21. 主旨在于探讨商品硬包容器在满足其保护功能外的美化、促销功能,设计完美的包装形式。

    It is discussed from three aspects , aiming to investigate decoration and promotion , as which commodity hard packaging cases function in addition to protection so as to design better packaging forms .

  22. 我们的要求则是政治和艺术的统一,内容和形式的统一,革命的政治内容和尽可能完美的艺术形式的统一。

    What we demand is the unity of politics and art , the unity of content and form , the unity of revolutionary political content and the highest possible perfection of artistic form .

  23. 但是专业化也不是完美的战略形式,由于其专注某一领域而无法适应外部多变的市场环境,因此企业在战略选择上,面临着专业化与多元化之间的矛盾。

    However , professionalization management is not perfect management , which focuses on a particular area and is unable to adapt the dynamic market environment . Therefore , the choice of strategy faces the contradiction between professionalization management and diversification management .

  24. 摘要《了不起的盖茨比》以完美的艺术形式向读者诉说了一场美国梦的破灭,揭示出战后美国社会金钱至上、没有感情只有物欲、自私冷漠的现实。

    Fitsgerald in the Great Gatsby reveals the collapse of an American dream with a perfect artistic form and shows that post-war America was reduced to a selfish and indifferent country where money excels over anything else , desires for materials rather than emotions are stressed .

  25. 人的一生为什麽乐此不疲地追求完美的语言表达形式?

    Why do people pursue perfection in expressing their feelings with language for life ?

  26. 然而西方文化并不是只存在于一时,它以一种完美并完整的形式出现在各地。

    It does not currently exist , however , anywhere in a perfect and complete form .

  27. 人体是大自然美景中最为复杂、完美的一种形式。

    The human body is in the nature beautiful scene most complex , the perfect one kind of form .

  28. 水墨动画视觉语言是将中国传统意趣审美观与现代多媒体技术完美结合的艺术形式,它被赋予了传统水墨艺术形式和传统意趣审美观的生命,具有极其深广的发展空间。

    It has been given the life in traditional ink painting art forms and traditional interest aesthetics , and thus it has broad development space .

  29. 然而,在越来越重视特长、个性、素质全面发展的今天,分年级教育已不是人们眼中完美的教学组织形式。

    But today , as people are attaching greater importance to the development of specialty and individual characters , grade-education is no longer a perfect teaching organizational form .

  30. 感染美既来自文本内容的真实,又来自文本具体生动的艺术形式,是文本真实的内容和完美、和谐的形式在审美高度上的统一。

    Affected aesthetics comes both from truthfulness of text content and from concrete and vivid artistic form of text . It integrates the real content of text with perfect and harmonious form at the high degree of appreciation of the beautiful .