
  • 网络perfect monopoly market;monopoly;perfect monopoly;pure monopoly;Complete Monopoly Market
  1. 运用定性分析方法,探讨完全垄断市场投资项目的盈亏平衡分析。

    By qualitative analysis , the break even equilibrium of items in monopoly will be explored .

  2. 在完全垄断市场的静态均衡中,垄断厂商可以通过价格歧视获取消费者剩余,增加利润,影响社会分配的公平性,但是与单一定价相比有可能增加社会福利。

    With monopoly , price discrimination enables the monopolist to extract consumer surplus , which may obstruct the fair distribution of welfare .

  3. 完全垄断市场投资项目的盈亏平衡分析

    Break-even Equilibrium Analysis of Projects Invested in Monopoly MARKET

  4. 长期以来,中国的航空油料市场一直处于具有浓厚计划经济色彩的完全垄断市场状态。

    For over a long period of time , China aviation oil plants market having been a monopoly market which has a strong influence of planned economy .

  5. 在考察市场结构对零部件企业创新激励的影响时,本文首先将寡头垄断与完全垄断市场中企业的创新激励作比较,分析竞争的增强对零部件企业创新激励的影响。

    When analyzed the affect of market structure on the incentive of parts ' manufacturing firms to innovate , we compared the incentive under monopoly and duopoly market to show the affect of increasing in competition on incentive to innovation .

  6. 齐藤:我们是最后一家能阻止他们完全垄断能源市场的公司。

    Saito : We 're the last company standing between them and total energy dominance .

  7. 完全垄断产品市场中企业最优决策模型的动静态图形实现

    Realization of Static and Dynamic Figure of Enterprise 's Optimum Decision Model for the Product in Absolute Monopolized Market

  8. 而完全垄断双边市场的规制,则需要识别完全竞争双边市场定价的基础上,对其定价进行规制。

    However , for the regulation of completely monopoly two-sided platform market , we only have to identify the markets and regulate the pricing .

  9. 我国保险业市场集中度不断降低,市场结构不断优化,由完全垄断的市场结构演变到寡头垄断的市场结构。

    The centralized degree of Chinese insurance industry got lower and lower , but still higher . The market structure has been optimized and ameliorated , changed from the monopoly to oligopoly .

  10. 研究表明地票指标有利于打破国家计划指标完全垄断土地市场造成失灵的状况,但形成的地票指标与国家计划用地指标替代效应配比关系需要更深入研究。

    Research shows that land trading indicators help break the monopoly of national planning indicators which always cause failure situation , but we need to study further on proportion of substitution effect between land trading indicators and national planning indicators .

  11. 由于电力体制改革的逐步深入,国有发电企业已实现了由完全垄断向市场化的转型,面对市场竞争的压力,必须寻求微观管理机制方面的转变,管理控制结构的转型已势在必行。

    Because the electric power generation organizational reform is gradually thorough , The state-owned electricity generation enterprise has realized by has monopolized completely to marketability reforming , Facing market competition pressure , Must seek the micromanagement mechanism aspect to transform , Management control structure reforming already imperative .

  12. 不完全信息、垄断电力市场下,发电企业在博弈中需要准确预测对手信息,因此提出一种基于多主体平台(Swarm)的2阶段演化博弈模型。

    In incomplete information and monopolistic electricity market , power plant needs to predict competitors ' information accurately . A two-phase game model based on multi-agent plat ( Swarm ) was proposed .

  13. 然后利用弹性分析分别介绍在这几种市场条件下的税负归宿情况,并对完全竞争市场与垄断市场之间的税负归宿进行比较。为第四章和第五章的探讨打下理论基础。

    As for the incidence of the Excise Tax , elastic analysis would be made in perfectly competitive market , monopoly market and oligopoly market respectively .

  14. 本文整体上分为四个部分:第一部分重点介绍了当市场上存在一家垄断厂商,即市场结构为完全垄断时厂商的市场行为。

    This whole is divided into four parts : The first part focuses on market behavior of manufacturers when its market structure is completely monopoly , which means there is only one monopoly firm in the market .

  15. 并以此为基础,建立完全竞争和完全垄断双边平台市场定价模型,通过定价模型对两种市场结构福利进行了比较分析,得出结论和政府规制建议。

    And based on this , it sets perfect competition and completely monopoly two-sided platform markets pricing models , which compares the welfare of the two and draws the conclusion and the government regulation suggestions .

  16. 完全竞争、垄断竞争、寡头垄断、完全垄断并举的市场结构。

    And in the market structure , perfect competition , monopolistic competition , oligopoly monopoly and perfect monopoly develop simultaneously .

  17. 之后,通过借助前文对双边平台完全竞争市场的分析和对以往文献的总结,得出了影响完全竞争和完全垄断双边市场定价的影响因素。

    Then , with the help of the above analysis and previous literatures , it summarizes the factors impacting pricing in two-sided platform market .