
  1. 第一部分,反垄断适用除外制度的基本理论。

    The first part , basic theory of the system of exemption from anti-monopoly .

  2. 反垄断法适用除外制度的原理探微

    The Discussion on The Theory of The System of Exemption From The Anti-monopoly Law

  3. 适用除外制度是反垄断法的重要组成部分。

    System of exemption from application is a special important component of anti-monopoly law .

  4. 论反垄断法的保险业适用除外制度

    Study on Insurance Industry Exemption of Antitrust Law

  5. 同时,该适用除外制度也体现了反不正当竞争法的开放性和回应性。

    System of exceptional application also reflects the openness and responsiveness to anti-unfair competition law .

  6. 适用除外制度的生成对反垄断法协调垄断和竞争的关系具有特殊的意义。

    The exemption system has special significance in harmonizing the relationship between monopoly and competition .

  7. 适用除外制度生成的基础包括经济学基础、哲学基础和法学基础。

    The foundation of its establishment concerns economical base , philosophical base and legal base .

  8. 反垄断法适用除外制度作为反垄断法的一项基本制度,在各国反垄断立法中都有规定。

    The exemption system is one of the basic systems of anti - monopoly law .

  9. 本文是对反垄断法适用除外制度的一次系统论述。

    The thesis makes a systematic study of the system of exemption from the Anti-monopoly law .

  10. 各国对适用除外制度的适用范围大同小异、各有特色。

    Countries to apply the applicable scope of the same except system , have distinguishing feature each .

  11. 从制度的内涵着手,对适用除外制度的概念等基本内容进行介绍。

    From the start , the connotation of institutional system suitable exception the concept , characteristics , etc are described .

  12. 适用除外制度之所以成为反垄断法的一项重要制度,有其深刻的经济基础和法律基础。

    Both the economic factor and legal factor have played an important role in forming the system of exemption from application of antitrust law .

  13. 适用除外制度不仅弥补了立法技术的不足,而且有助于经济效率的提高和国家经济利益的维护。

    It not only makes up for the deficiency of legislation , but also helps the increase of economic efficiency and maintenance of national economic interest .

  14. 从横向价格联盟的执法机构、横向价格联盟成员应承担的法律责任、横向价格联盟的适用除外制度几个角度进行了比较分析,指出了其中可以为我国借鉴的成份。

    The author compares and analyses their country 's law about sidelong price alliance from the institution for enforcing law , legislation responsibility and exclusion clause .

  15. 反垄断适用除外制度是反垄断法的重要组成部分,它的存在有深刻的法律与经济原因。

    The system of exceptional application is the important component of the antimonopoly law . Its existence has both profound reasons of law and reasons of economy .

  16. 国外的《反垄断法》都有适用除外制度,即基于社会整体利益,在某些特定行业或领域中允许垄断组织和垄断行为存在,中国的立法也不能例外。

    Chinese scholars often regard legal monopoly , exception and exemption as synonyms and refer to them as a monopolistic conduct which is not banned by the anti-monopoly act .

  17. 做到实体法律体系和程序法制度的相互配合,以期建立一套适应我国经济发展的反垄断法适用除外制度。

    Do entity legal system and procedural law system of mutual cooperation , aiming to establish a set of adapt to the economic development of China antitrust law suitable exception system .

  18. 对于外资并购行为,要实行严格审查,而对于国内并购可以实行适度宽松的审查标准,必要时可以适用除外制度,即实行内外有别的政策标准。

    It is necessary to implement a strict review standard to foreign mergers , and a relaxed standard to the domestic M & A. If necessary , differentiated policy can be applied .

  19. 纵观世界各国反垄断法实践,反垄断法适用除外制度的程序控制模式主要有事先核准与事后审查结合模式以及事后审查主导模式两种。

    Review world each country anti-monopoly law practice , anti-monopoly suitable exception system of procedure control pattern mainly have prior approval and later review combined with pattern and afterwards review the dominant model two kinds .

  20. 第三,参考有关国家的相关经验,结合国情,建立我国保险业的反垄断法的适用除外制度。

    Thirdly , establish the system of exception of application of the antimonopoly law in the insurance industry of China by making reference to related experience of some countries , together with the present situation of China .

  21. 反垄断法素以促进竞争、抑制垄断、打击限制竞争行为为目的,而适用除外制度却促进垄断、容忍对竞争的限制。

    The anti-monopoly law breaks with promote competition , repress monopoly to break , the stroke restriction competition behaviour for purpose , apply excepted system but promote the monopoly break , is tolerant of the restriction for compete .

  22. 反不正当竞争法适用除外制度致力于实现社会、经营者和消费者等多方主体的利益平衡和均衡协调发展,并在此基础上实现社会利益的最大化。

    System of exceptional application in anti-unfair competition law seeks to achieve the balance and the coordinated development of the interests of society , operators and consumers , and maximizes the overall interests of society on this basis .

  23. 本部分分别从经济学与法学两个角度去分析科技进步卡特尔的合理性,是什么样的原因使科技进步卡特尔为反垄断法适用除外制度所规定。

    This section , respectively , both from the perspective of economics and law to analyze the rationality of science and technology cartels is what makes science and technology system of cartels , exemption required by applicable antitrust laws .

  24. 内容普遍性。不仅制定了反垄断法的国家都规定有适用除外制度,而且在反垄断法的垄断控制制度的主要方面均有适用除外的内容。

    Universality in content , not only all countries which have anti monopoly law have anti monopoly exception system , but every main part in a n t I m o n o p o I y law have exceptions .

  25. 法律适用除外制度主要是根据各国不同情况而做出的对于企业合并进行豁免的制度,符合该制度的企业合并包括破产企业的合并、推动竞争的合并以及适应国际竞争的合并等等。

    Exception system of the law application is on different conditions of each country , it is an exempt system about enterprise merger . It includes the merger of bankrupt enterprises , the merger of forcing competition and the merger about adaptation of the international competitions .

  26. 我国反垄断法应该采取行为主义的垄断规制模式,这种模式决定了我国反垄断法适用除外制度的立法内容只能有特殊卡特尔和非滥用性政府干预行为,但法律模式却应当是多样的。

    Antimonopoly law of our country should adopt the structure mode of behaviorism . This mode determine that the content of the system of exceptional application of antimonopoly law only includes special carter and in-abusive interference behavior of government , but the legislative form must be various .