
  • 网络market-in;marketable product
  1. 生产能获利的适销产品。

    To produce what we can sell at a profit .

  2. (一)能生产中国急需的新产品或出口适销产品的;

    It is capable of producing new products urgently needed in China , or products suitable for export ;

  3. 双组分纤维&不仅是一种市场适销的产品

    Bicomponent Fibers - Not Only a Product for Market Niches

  4. 加强港口配煤力度增加适销对路产品

    Add Salable Products by Strenthening the Intensity of Force of Port Mixture

  5. 福特公司现有的适销对路产品实在太少。

    Ford has too few of the right products for today 's market .

  6. 证明动力煤分选,根据市场的需要,生产适销对路产品,是提高煤炭效益的关键。

    It proves that steam coal should be cleaned for to meet market demand .

  7. 因此,准确评价产品功能效用是制造商能生产出适销对路产品的关键。

    Strictly evaluating utility of the product function is key of solving the problem which manufacturers produces the marketable products .

  8. 我们鼓励和支持企业广泛应用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,开发适销对路产品。

    We encourage and support the extensive application of new technologies , techniques , equipment and materials and the development of marketable products by enterprises .

  9. 即使在最有利的条件下,公司也很难改产较为适销的产品而不冒失暂时损失一些利润的风险!

    Even if the most advantaged circumstance , it is very difficult for a company to not risk losing some profits to produce another more marketable products .

  10. 在市场经济中,商品生产者要按照价值规律的客观要求,以市场需求为导向,生产适销对路产品,才能受到消费者的欢迎,并顺利地让渡使用价值,实现价值。

    In the market economics , acting in a accordance with the objective demand of value law , led by the market , goods producers produce production which has a good sale , transfer use value and realize value .

  11. 效用反映了使用者或消费者对某一产品所具价值的真实判断,故怎样选择、创建和设计效用最大化的功能系统,是产品制造商能生产出适销对路产品所必须解决的基本问题。

    The utility reflect the true judgement of users or consumers for value of the product , how to select , organize and design a function system of the maximum utility are basic problem which manufactur-ers must solve for producing marketable products .

  12. 所以你需要一个良好的计划和适销对路的产品。

    So you need both a good plan and a marketable product .

  13. 汽车新产品是层出不穷,但是真正适销对路的产品却是凤毛麟角。

    The new products continuously appear , but few products that have a ready market .

  14. 对产品实施持续改进与创新是企业生产出适销对路的产品的重要途径。

    The continuous improvement and the innovation of products are important approaches of producing marketable products .

  15. 本厂根据市场需要,生产适销对路的产品,欢迎各地客商来厂洽谈。

    To meet the demands of the market , our factory produces readily marketaBle goods . Business talks are welcome .

  16. 如何满足市场的需求,生产出适销对路的产品是当前企业所面临的重要问题之一。

    One of the most important problems faced by enterprise is how to meet the demand of market and offer the products to the prospective market .

  17. 支持企业广泛应用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,调整产品结构,开发适销对路的产品,提高生产经营水平。

    We support them in making extensive use of new technologies , techniques , equipment and materials to restructure their product mix , develop marketable products and improve their competitiveness .

  18. 因此,体验旅游产品成为了连接旅游主体市场和客体资源的纽带,为市场提供了适销对路的产品。

    Therefore , experience as a tourism product link the main tourist market and the object resources that also provide us the feasibility to carry out the experiential tourism product .

  19. 一些品牌实力不强的企业,只要有适销对路的产品,可以通过自建营销网络占领农村市场。

    For those enterprises without competitive brands , the paper suggests that they occupy the country market by means of establishing marketing networks by themselves if they have products with suitable markets .

  20. 凭着敏锐的市场触觉和市场经验的积累,不断开发出市场适销适时的产品来回馈社会,以此赢得客户的信任和青睐。

    With a keen market sense and the accumulation of market experience , they constantly develop marketable and timely products to the community in order to win the customer 's trust and favor .

  21. 新产品是层出不穷,但是真正适销对路的产品却是凤毛麟角,问题的关键在于营销部门的职能发挥不够。

    The new products emerge very frequently , but the really marketable products are as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn 's horn , the key to the question lies in the malfunction of the marketing department .

  22. 企业要想生存和发展,就必须有效地提供适销对路的产品或服务,而人力资源正是提供这些产品和服务的要素之一。

    Enterprises are to survive and develop , we must provide marketable products or services , and human resources to provide these products and a service is one of the elements , and sometimes even the key factor .

  23. 我们鼓励企业技术进步和技术改造,支持企业广泛应用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,调整产品结构,开发适销对路的产品,提高生产经营水平。

    We encourage our enterprises to upgrade technologies and make technological renovation . We support them in making extensive use of new technologies , techniques , equipment and materials to restructure their product mix , develop marketable products and improve their competitiveness .

  24. 通过研究生产资源合理配置来强化企业生产管理,即要解决企业在计划经济向市场经济过渡时期,如何生产出适销对路的产品,使之在市场经济的新时期处于不败之地这一课题。

    Strengthening the enterprise 's production management by researching the reasonable production resources distribution is how to find a marketing demanded product when the enterprises transfers from planned economics to market oriented market and make product be prominent in the new market economics .

  25. 阐述在煤炭市场疲软情况下,地方与乡镇煤矿摆脱困境的出路,在于搞联营改造,抓住时机、发展自我,生产适销对路的产品,蓄集能量,克服当前困难。

    It is explained in this paper that the way out of local and rural coal mines for freeing themselves from predicament and overcoming the present difficulties lies in doing the joint operation reform , catching the opportunity to develop themselves , producing marketable products to store up energy .

  26. 只有适销对路的产品才能赢得消费者的喜爱,满足甚至引导市场的需求,因此竹产品加工企业应该创新产品,生产出更优的产品,塑造更多的品牌产品。(2)提升渠道上游主体的竞争力。

    Only the marketable products will be welcomed by consumers , and can meet and guide the market demand , so bamboo product enterprises should have innovations to produce better products , and create more brand name products . ( 2 ) Enhance the competitiveness of the main channel upstream .

  27. 企业在开拓农村市场时必须坚持适销性,即产品、价格、销售渠道、促销、公共关系策略要适应农村市场。

    They should insist on adapting to the rural market in their products , price and marketing strategies etc.

  28. 产品是企业的命脉,只有不断地向市场提供适销对路的新产品或新的服务项目,企业才会保持旺盛的生命力与竞争力,求得长盛不衰的发展。

    Products are the core of enterprises , only by continuously providing applicable products and service projects to their respective market , would they be able to sustain vibrant vitality and competitiveness , and maintain solid progression .

  29. 同时采取措施降低生产成本、稳定西南地区区域市场,开拓相邻区域市场,扩大市场份额和影响,开发适销对路的新产品。

    At the same time , Nanchong refinery should take measures to decrease its products ' cost , cath the market of southwest China , expand near markets to increase the market share , develop new products to meet the need of the market .