
  • 网络Moderate scale operation;management with due scale
  1. 加快农村城市化步伐,发展农业适度规模经营;

    To accelerate urbanizing countrysides and to develop agricultural moderate business ;

  2. 农业适度规模经营可以克服家⑥蕊糕。庭分散经营的低效率。

    The agriculture moderate large-scale management may overcome the low efficiency .

  3. 发展适度规模经营,提高农业经营效益;

    Developing moderate size to increase the benefit of agricultural management ;

  4. 侯马市土地适度规模经营初步探讨

    Pilot Study about the Appropriate Scale of Land Use in Houma

  5. 川中地区土地适度规模经营的探讨

    Research on the land scale management in the middle of Sichuan

  6. 规模化植棉与土地流转的历史必然&对新疆棉区适度规模经营与土地流转问题的探讨

    Scale Cotton Cultivation and Land Circulation : An Inevitability of History

  7. 推进新型自耕制适度规模经营的思考

    Consideration on Promoting the Moderate-scale Operating of the New Land-holding System

  8. 农机适度规模经营模式实践与探索

    The practices and explores in moderate scale management pattern of farm machinery

  9. 适度规模经营:农业现代化的客观需要和发展趋势

    Within-limit-scale Management : the Objective Demand and Developing Trend of Agricultural Modernization

  10. 阐述适度规模经营及其实现形式。

    It puts across appropriate scale - run and its realizing form .

  11. 我国农业适度规模经营面临的难题

    Difficulties in Moderate Scale Management of Agricultural Production in China

  12. 家庭蚕桑适度规模经营的实践探索

    Investigation on the Sericultural Management on Moderate Scale in Family

  13. 城乡统筹背景下农地适度规模经营问题探讨

    Moderate Scale Management of Agricultural Land in the Context of Urban-rural Integration

  14. 如何促进粮食生产的适度规模经营

    Thoughts on Management of Moderate Scale of Grain Production

  15. 苏南地区农地适度规模经营研究

    Studies on Farmland Moderate Scale Management in Southern Jiangsu

  16. 乌海市葡萄种植农户适度规模经营的实证分析

    Positive Analysis on Appropriate Scale Operation of Grape Growing Farmers Household in WuHai

  17. 简论中国农业发展的适度规模经营

    A Discussion on the Moderate-scaled Operation in Agriculture Development

  18. 同时,农业现代化的发展也对农业的适度规模经营提出了要求。

    Meanwhile , the development of agricultural modernization requires appropriate scale of operation .

  19. 农业适度规模经营的再思考

    Reconsideration of Appropriate Scale of Operation in Agriculture

  20. 论推进土地适度规模经营

    Carrying forward the land management on appropriate scale

  21. 略论土地适度规模经营及甘肃土地规模经营分析

    The Appropriate Scale of Cultivated Land in Gansu

  22. 株洲县农业适度规模经营问题的研究

    Appropriate Scale Operation of Agriculture in Zhuzhou County

  23. 土地适度规模经营:问题与对策

    Issues Concerning Appropriate Scale Operation of Land

  24. 非农产业发达地区弃耕现象与农地适度规模经营探讨&以福建省泉州市为例

    Derelict land and farmland management in proper scale in the localities with developed non-agricultural industries

  25. 土地适度规模经营是我国农业发展的客观要求。

    Appropriate scale operation of land is an objective demand for agriculture development of China .

  26. 以发展养殖小区为主,积极推行适度规模经营;

    Regard develop small area of farming as principle , promote the appropriate scale management ;

  27. 土地规模经营是一个长期的发展过程,合理、规范的土地流转也是实现农村土地适度规模经营的有效途径。

    Reasonable land transference is the most effective means that realizes the managing of land scale .

  28. 科技农业园适度规模经营与企业化

    The Appropriate-scale in Operating an Agricultural Garden with High Science & Technology on a Business Basis

  29. 城中村土地经营的探讨从乡村建设到村域经营&欠发达地区农村适度规模经营模式初探

    Discussion on management of land for country in city On Less Developed Regional Rural Medium-scale Management

  30. 提倡适度规模经营,克服林地经营破碎化;

    Thirdly , advocate appropriate scale operation , and overcome the decentralization on the forest management ;