
  • 网络franchise agreement;Concession contract;franchise
  1. 论风景名胜区特许经营合同

    On the Franchise Agreement of Scenic Resorts

  2. 随着公共行政民营化研究的兴起,公用事业特许经营相关问题的研究已经引起了我国行政法学者的高度关注,对公用事业特许经营合同的研究也早已进入行政法学的视野。

    With the beginning of research on the privatization of public administration , a series of problems about the franchise agreement of public utilities which came into view of the subject of administrative law have aroused great concern among our scholars .

  3. 公用事业特许经营合同制度研究

    The Study on Concession Contracts of Public Utility

  4. 美国法上特许经营合同中的默示义务

    Implied Obligations in Franchise Contract under American Law

  5. 遗产地特许经营合同应包括哪些内容?

    What clauses should concession contract include for protecting or conserving the heritage resources ?

  6. 特许经营合同的期限一般不少于三年。

    In general , the term of franchise contracts is no less than three years .

  7. 签定特许经营合同书。

    Sign the franchise contract .

  8. 而在我国,由于制度性缺失和观念性缺失导致我国特许经营合同在法律上的尴尬地位。

    And in China , the absence of the system and concept results that the franchising contract in China faces an unfortunate situation .

  9. 二是销售外包,通过特许经营合同,让加盟商成为该企业“虚拟营销网络”的成员。

    Second , sales outsourcing , through the franchise contract , so that joined to become the company a " virtual marketing network " members .

  10. 由于政府特许经营合同兼具行政合同与民事合同的特征,不能将其归类为单纯的行政合同或民事合同。

    Since it involves both administrative and civil characteristic , it is not suitable to view it as a administrative contract or a civil one .

  11. 第四部分论述了特许经营合同的特别解除问题,在特许人隐瞒或提供虚假信息时,被特许人可以解除特许经营合同,特许人将承担违约责任,建议立法明确规定合同终止的正当理由。

    When the franchisor concealment or providing false information , the franchisee may rescind the franchise contract . The franchisor will undertake the liability of the breach of the contract .

  12. 特许经营合同体现了政府通过合同管制自然文化遗产或保护地等特殊公共资源的规制行为。

    The concession contract reflects the action of regulatory that Government carries out to control the special public resources , such as the natural & cultural heritage or protected area .

  13. 特许经营合同期满后,特许人和被特许人可以根据公平合理的原则,协商确定特许经营合同的续约条件。

    Upon expiration of the franchise contract , the franchisor and franchisee may , in accordance with the principles of fairness and reasonableness , negotiate and confirm the conditions for extension of the franchise contract .

  14. 政府特许经营合同是政府与私人投资者间就市政公用行业或基础设施领域中某个项目的建设、经营、移交而签订的协议。

    Management contract is an agreement licensed by government signed by a government and a private investor on the matters how to construct , manage and transfer a project of municipal administrative public works and fundamental constructions .

  15. 就民营企业投资环保排水项目BOT建设模式中存在的投资风险进行了分析,并对相关风险着重在《BOT项目特许经营权合同》中提出防避措施。

    Analyzed investment risk of environmental protection project in BOT mode . Some countermeasures of avoiding investment risk are also put forward .

  16. 保证金是指为确保被特许者履行特许经营合同,特许人向被特许人收取的一定费用。

    Security deposit means certain fees collected by the franchisor from the franchisee in order to ensure the performance of the franchise contract by the franchisee .

  17. 特许人在特许经营合同中通常会规定一些诸如限制销售区域、固定销售价格、搭售、回授条款等的限制竞争行为条款。

    Franchisor in the franchise contract would normally require some , such as restrictions on the marketing area , a fixed selling price , tie-ins , such as feedback terms restricting competition provisions .

  18. 我国并不缺乏商业特许经营运作本身所需的法律体系,关于特许经营合同及知识产权方面的问题,可以通过适用《合同法》及《知识产权法》加以解决。

    In fact , China do has set up franchise legal system , therefore issues relating to franchise contract or intellectual property could be solved by Contract Law or Intellectual Property Law .

  19. 特许经营的法律制度的建立、健全与完善,尤其是特许经营合同的相关立法为特许经营在世界范围内迅猛发展奠定了扎实的基础。

    The establishment , improvement and perfection of franchise legal system , especially the relevant legislations regarding the franchise contract laid solid foundation for the rapid development of franchise worldwide .

  20. 对特许经营问题,学者多从市场规制角度进行研究,而较少对特许经营合同本身进行深入分析。

    As for the franchising , scholars often do researches from the point of the market regulations , while do little from that of the franchising itself .

  21. 从特许连锁经营的本质出发,指出特许连锁经营的核心是特许权的转让,对特许连锁经营合同的特定内容规则进行了较详尽的探讨;

    The article is firstly about chain franchising based on franchise rights transfer and franchise contract .