
  1. 基于企业核心竞争力理论的无形资产经营问题研究

    How to Operate Intangible Assets Into Core Competence

  2. 无形资产经营与高新技术产业化

    Intangible Assets Management and High-Tech Industrialization

  3. 21世纪是品牌经营的时代,以品牌为主的无形资产经营形态,将是服装市场经营的最高境界。

    The 21st century is the era of brand management , brand-based business form of intangible assets , will be the clothing of the highest state of market operation .

  4. 关于体育无形资产的经营现状及对策研究

    Study on Management Current Situation and Countermeasure of Sports Intangible Assets

  5. 我国上市公司无形资产与经营业绩相关性研究

    A Study on the Intangible Assets and Corporate Performance of Chinese Listed Companies

  6. 企业跨国投资过程中无形资产国际化经营战略分析

    Analyzing the Strategy of Intangible Assets Internationalization in the Process of Enterprises ' Transnational Investment

  7. 基于IT业的无形资产与经营业绩的相关性研究

    The Research of the Value-Relevance between Intangible Assets and Operating Performance Based on IT Industry

  8. 最后,本文针对无形资产的经营提出评价其经营结果的方法。

    At last , the method is given to assess the administration of intangible assets .

  9. 不断树立华兴实业集团良好的企业形象,并把企业形象作为巨大的无形资产去经营。

    We shall keep building a good corporate image and run the corporate image as a huge intangible asset .

  10. 我们要在加强市场经济法制建设的同时,推进政府信用建设,加强诚信道德教育,企业也把诚信作为一种无形资产来经营。

    Thus , we should strengthen the legal construction of market economy as well as government credit construction and moral education .

  11. 在日益勃兴的体育产业化发展中,逐步扩大体育无形资产的经营开发,已经成为具有必然趋势的客观要求,并被确定为我国体育产业发展的一个战略方向。

    Extending the management and development of sports industry gradually has become an objective request with inevitable trend , and such kind of extension is confirmed as a strategic direction of the development of sports industry .

  12. 重视无形资产的经营管理和创新,并对其进行优化配置,对实现地矿经济持续、稳定、协调发展意义重大。

    We should pay more attention to management and innovation of intangible asset and make them optimization distribution . This is of significance for realizing sustainable , stable , balancing development of geological and prospecting economy .

  13. 而为弥补建设资金缺口所采取的土地、市政基础设施和城市无形资产等的经营,又进一步扩大了风险波及范围。

    And , for the sake of remedying the shortfall of the construction fund , the management of land , municipal infrastructure and intangible urban assets expands further the risk range .

  14. 特许人和受许人分别以其无形资产和特许经营所需的各种设施等投入到特许经营中去,而这些资产具有专用性,会产生锁住效应,从而可能产生敲竹杠的行为。

    The franchisor and the franchisee respectively put intangible assets and various facilities required into franchising , and these assets have specificity , they will cause a " lock-in " effect , which may have a " hold-up " behavior .

  15. 商标权是一种无形资产,是企业经营中重要的知识资本。

    The trademark is an intangible asset , which is an important business intellectual capital .

  16. 无形资产是现代企业经营活动必不可少的一种重要资源。

    Incorporeal property is a kind of indispensable important resource in the management activity of contemporary enterprises .

  17. 品牌是企业最具有价值的无形资产,在企业经营活动中发挥着重要作用。

    Brand is the most valuable intangible assets , which plays an important role in the business .

  18. 简而言之,无形资产是用于企业经营但没有实物形态的非流动性的资产。

    In brief , intangible assets are assets which are used in the operation of the business but which have no physical substance and are noncurrent .

  19. 建议我国应进一步完善与体育无形资产相关的法规政策,从而正确引导我国体育无形资产的经营开发。

    It suggests that related laws and regulations should be further perfected concerning sports intangible property in order to guide correctly management and exploitation of intangible property .

  20. 在此基础上,本文对当前我国出版传媒上市公司无形资产的规模、比重进行了描述性统计,进而运用回归模型对无形资产规模与公司经营绩效的相关性进行了实证检验。

    Data from Chinese listed Publishing and Media companies was processed for descriptive statistics , stating the scale and proportion of Intangible Assets in these companies . Then empirical study was carried out to verify the correlation between the scale of Intangible Assets and Operation Performance .