
  • 网络Infinitely Repeated Games;infinite repeated game
  1. 运用博弈论中的有限次重复博弈和无限次重复博弈的理论分析了纺织出口企业沿用低价策略的后果;

    The aftermath that Chinese textile 's mills have been using low price actions is given applying the Finitely Repeated Games and Infinitely Repeated Games .

  2. 在无限次重复博弈中,对于不同的贴现率δ,企业有不同的策略。

    According to different discount rates , oligopolists have different choices from infinitely repeated games .

  3. 无限次重复博弈以及由此而引发的触发策略,能够实现帕累托最优的纳什均衡,是SDN合作伙伴关系稳定发展的深层经济学原因。

    Infinitely repeated game and grim strategy that can lead to Pareto dominance Nash equilibrium are the deep economic reasons which explain the stability of SDN.

  4. 讨论了无限次重复博弈中两段策略的有关内容。

    The paper discusses the two-phase strategy in infinitely repeated Cournot game .

  5. 认知无线电中基于无限次重复博弈的功率控制算法

    A Repeated Games of Power Control Algorithm for Cognitive Radios

  6. 重复次数不确定的重复博弈比无限次重复博弈更符合客观实际。

    Repeated games with uncertain repeat times are more consistent with natural practice than repeated game with unlimited times .

  7. 只有上、下游企业进行无限次重复博弈,双方才有可能达成契约,并且双方都会遵守该契约。

    If the upstream and downstream firms play infinitely repeated game , the contract can be signed and abided .

  8. 最后还利用了一个无限次重复博弈模型研究了各国遵守自由贸易区协定的临界条件。

    This paper also analyzes the critical condition for abiding FTA agreement by using an infinitely repeated game model .

  9. 而博弈论的无名氏定理认为经济人的无限次重复博弈总能导致合作。

    An anonymous person theorem of game theory holds that economic man 's unlimited repetition game will result in cooperation .

  10. 从无限次重复博弈及其均衡结果得出,旅行社要保持长期的稳定收益必须提供高质量的半自助旅游产品。

    The travel agency must provide high quality travel to keep the stable long profit from the equilibrium result of infinitely repeated game .

  11. 在无限次重复博弈过程中,成本-收益分析作为行政机关信息披露工具,使得立法机关可以通过对行政机关的欺骗行为设定较高的惩罚来达到控制行政机关的目的。

    In the infinite repeated games , with the CBA as the tool for information disclosure , the legislature stipulates a high penalty for deceit in the administrative legislation , by which it could control the administrative agencies .

  12. 研究表明,在无限次重复博弈中,如果对于不合作的制裁威胁是可信的且未来收益的贴现因子足够大,则有效的知识互换均衡是可以达到的。

    We find that , in the iterated repeated game , the efficient equilibrium of knowledge barter is possible and reachable if the threat to sanction the staffs who does not barter his knowledge with others is credible and the discount factor of future payoff is large enough .

  13. 以博弈论为工具,分析目前图书馆信息资源共享难以达成的原因。指出在贴现因子足够大的情况下,图书馆进行无限次重复博弈并采取触发策略可以实现信息资源共享

    Using the theory of games as a tool , this paper analyzes the reasons why the libraries are difficult to realize information resources sharing It points out only when the discount factors are sufficiently large can the libraries realize information resources sharing via infinite repeated games and trigger strategy

  14. 接着应用博弈论的方法对P2P网络中的搭便车问题进行了分析,并将P2P网络中的节点行为建模成一个无限次重复的博弈。

    Then the game theory is introduced to analyze the free riding problem , and nodes ' behaviors in P2P networks are modeled as an infinite repeated game .

  15. 通过建立基于知识互补性假设的两人知识互换效用函数,运用无限次重复囚徒困境博弈模型,分析了企业内员工间知识互换的主要障碍和解决途径。

    In this paper , we study the knowledge barter between staffs within a firm by introducing the utility function of knowledge barter and using an Iterated Prisoner 's Dilemma ( IPD ) game-theoretic model .