
  • 网络intangible standard
  1. 探讨无形资产评估标准和方法具有重要的实践意义和理论意义。

    There is a important practical and theoretical significance to approach the standard fo intangible assets evaluating .

  2. 近几年,伴随着信息技术的发展和生产者服务的增加,不同于传统的无形、非标准化和不可存储的服务业,可贸易的服务外包产业孕育而生。

    In recent years , with the development of information technology and the increase of services for producers , " tradable " services outsourcing industry is developing which is different from the traditionally invisible , non-standardized and non-store services .

  3. 林剑在他的专栏中写道:“一个人所得到的月饼数是衡量其‘无形价值’的标准。收的礼越多,说明这个人越受尊重。”

    " How many mooncakes one gets measures his intangible value ," lin wrote in his column . " the more coupons you receive , the more respect you have . "