
  • 网络Disorderly competition;disordered competition
  1. 本文详细分析了坭兴陶产业无序竞争的现状,阐述了其产生的原因,并给出了相应的对策。

    The disordered competition situation and reasons of Nixing pottery were analyzed in detail in this paper , and the measures were given .

  2. 由于我国形成社会主义市场经济体系仅仅十几年的历史,现存的我国筑养路机械市场还处在一个无序竞争或者说存在一种不公平竞争的状态。

    Given the fact that the history of the socialist market economy in China is less than two decades , disordered competition or unfair competition is the main theme in the road building and maintenance machine market .

  3. 最后是保险行业无序竞争加剧,CSR效果不断下降。

    The last is the insurance industry competition aggravate , CSR effect falling .

  4. 选择合适的投标伙伴组成投标联盟进行BOT项目投标能增加中标的概率、降低投标风险、避免无序竞争。

    It is necessary to find a right partner to make up a bid union for BOT projects bids , which might increase the probability of winning the bids .

  5. 但是ERP项目的实施周期长、涉及面广和难度大,我国现阶段市场经济体制尚不健全,各项法规尚不完善,企业与企业之间的无序竞争、不正当竞争尚大量存在。

    But the ERP project implementation cycle is long 、 Involve wide areas and difficult to implement . Chinese market economy system are not perfect now , some legislation is not perfect , disorderly competition and unfair competition between enterprises still exist in large quantities .

  6. 滥用规则赋予的空间会带来无序竞争。

    The space made by abusing of rule may lead to disordering competition .

  7. 透视商业银行无序竞争

    An Insight into the Disordering Competition of Commercial Banks

  8. 违规行为是实质上的无序竞争;

    Violation behavior is in essence disordering competition ;

  9. 评估机构无序竞争,超值评估等。

    Assessment agencies compete unorderly or over assess .

  10. 在竞争中当这些原则不被遵守时,地方政府竞争便是一种无序竞争。

    When these principles are not followed in the competition , the competition is disordered .

  11. 电视台内部的无序竞争,造成了资源的极大浪费;

    The chaotic competition among the TV stations has engendered tremendous wastes of the resources .

  12. 越俎代庖有悖于市场经济规则,放任自流势必导致无序竞争。

    Replacement offends the market economic rules and doing nothing will lead to disorder competition .

  13. 出口市场无序竞争。

    The chaotic competition of export market .

  14. 一方面是培训市场不规范,鱼龙混杂,导致企业之间的无序竞争局面。

    On the one hand , the nonstandard training market leads to disordered situation in enterprises ' competition .

  15. 目前,我国机电企业出口经营秩序混乱,盲目竞争、压价竞争、无序竞争的现象屡禁不止;

    Now the export management of mechanical and electronic enterprises is out of order and without effective competition medium .

  16. 合理布局,避免资源浪费和无序竞争;

    A rational national layout for chemical parks should be established to avoid waste of resources and unevenness in competition .

  17. 治理无序竞争之策应当是:完善规则,尽快覆盖规则空白点;

    Countermeasures to deal with disordering competition should be : consummating rules by covering rule blanks as early as possible ;

  18. 另一方面保险人之间的无序竞争、恶性竞争态势牺牲了保险市场的经营效率。

    On the other hand , the disordered vicious competence between the insurance parties harms the operation efficiency in the market .

  19. 由于技术创新能力普遍偏低,中国摩托车企业主要在低端市场进行无序竞争,价格战成为主要的竞争手段。

    Being backward in technological innovation , Chinese motorcycle enterprises mostly compete disorderly in low-end market by means of price war .

  20. 市场上过度的无序竞争必然最终损害消费者、经销商、生产者的共同利益。

    The excessive unordered competition on the market will finally damage the common interests of the consumers , dealers and manufacturers .

  21. 建筑市场无序竞争、挂靠现象严重。

    The competition in the construction markets is out-of-order , the phenomena on tendering under the other 's name is serious .

  22. 总部经济固有其诸多正面的效应,但从宏观和全局来看,也加剧了地方政府的无序竞争和税收转移。

    Although the headquarter-based economy can bring about some positive effects , it will worsen competition and cause revenue transfer among local governments .

  23. 经营不规范风险是指保险经营者不按保险原理依法合规经营而产生的危害保险业良性发展的各种风险。一是防范保险公司无序竞争引发的风险。

    The management risk means the risk that is formatted because the insurance executive does not obey by the insurance principle and laws .

  24. 三是加强对汽车和钢材等行业的宏观监控,禁止低水平重复建设和无序竞争。

    Three , we must strengthen the regulation of the automobile and steel industries , reigning in low-grade repetitive construction and disorderly competition .

  25. 建设监理无序竞争现象主要表现在不规则信息通道;压价竞标、压质服务;

    The phenomenon of disorder competition in construction supervising lies mainly in abnormal information tunnel , low-price bid , low-quality service , bribing bid .

  26. 目前,我国太阳能热水器行业发展很不规范,盲目发展和无序竞争问题严重,供给严重大于需求。

    At present , the development of SEG is not very standard such as uncheck its growth , disorder competition and supply over demand .

  27. 近年来我国物流业整体效益不佳,诚信缺失,无序竞争现象严重。

    In recent years , the logistics business of our country has seen a poor overall efficiency , lacking of integrity and disordered competitions .

  28. 目前,养老机构存在的主要问题是缺乏规范、无序竞争、优惠政策不足。

    At present , the main problems existing in the public institution are lack of norm , disorder in competition and shortage of preferential policy .

  29. 但是,十余年来中国企业的直接投资也引发一些新问题,过分注重短期利益、掠夺式开发、无序竞争和不注重跨文化整合。

    However , some serious problems have been aroused such as short-term profit intention , robbing style exploration , disordering competition and neglect of multi-culture convergence .

  30. 另一方面,传统的药品流通体制下,药品流通效率低下,发展缓慢,流通市场存在无序竞争、违法经营等现象。

    Second , the traditional circulation system develops slowly and is lack of efficiency . Sometimes , unorderly competitions and illegal operations happen on the market .