
  1. 在行业同质化竞争加剧、成本上涨压力凸显和大企业主导作用加强的大环境下,H集团饲料业务在运营管理上面临诸多挑战,亟需分析、设计、论证适合自身发展的竞争战略。

    H Group has to face many challenges in this environment that the intensified competition of industry homogenization , the increased cost-pressure and strengthen the leading role of large enterprises . It urgently needs to analysis , design , and demonstrate competitive strategy for its own development .

  2. 上海连锁超市同质化竞争成因与策略分析

    The Cause of Shanghai Chain Supermarket Homogeneous Competition and Strategic Analysis

  3. 国内制冷设备生产企业基本处于同质化竞争;

    The domestic refrigeration equipments manufacturer are go in a same quality competition .

  4. 由价格战看我省报业的同质化竞争及对策

    The Price Competition of the Press of Identical Quality in Our Country and Measures

  5. 同质化竞争下南通中小旅行社发展的路径选择

    Nantong homogenization competition to develop small and medium-sized travel agencies to choose the path

  6. 然而,不断成熟的市场环境使得教育培训产品市场同质化竞争日趋白热化。

    However , the maturing of the market environment makes the homogenization of education and training market competition intensified .

  7. 随着国内海洋公园主题产品的大量涌现,海洋公园同质化竞争现象加剧。

    With domestic products of Ocean Park theme emerge in a large amount , the Ocean Park homogeneity competition intensified .

  8. 主持人作为电视访谈节目的核心力量,在节目同质化竞争日益激烈的今天,其重要作用日益突出。

    Nowadays , as the key power of TV talk shows , hosts , it plays an increasingly important role .

  9. 但由于各种历史和社会的原因,港口群重复建设和同质化竞争逐渐严重。

    However , the repeated construction of harbor groups and the homogeneous competition become more serious due to various social and historical factors .

  10. 电信业是服务性行业,同质化竞争激烈,为了在市场竞争中抢占有利地位,各电信运营商纷纷以低价策略抢夺用户。

    As a service industry , homogeneous competition became more competitive , the telecommunication companies always use low price marketing strategy to snatch customers .

  11. 技术的发展使产品愈加趋于同质化竞争的态势,产品设计和品牌价值成为市场竞争的优胜因素。

    Development of technology make products become more homogeneous , so design style and brand value of products become key factors to winning market competition .

  12. 从市场细分角度分析,新感觉派小说因为其创新性和都市话语资本的拥有而有效避免了同质化竞争。

    From a market segmentation perspective , because of its innovative and " urban " characteristics , the New Sensitivity Novel effectively avoid the homogeneous competition .

  13. 随着门户网站的巨增,同质化竞争日益激烈,网上的信息已经从一条条小溪汇聚成茫茫大海。

    With the great increase in the portal , homogenized in an increasingly competitive on-line information has been gathered into the stream from an open sea .

  14. 缺乏特色的产品只能落入同质化竞争的圈套,最简单也是见效最快的获利途径就是拼杀价格。

    Lack of product characteristics , competition can only fall into the same trap , the most simple and effective way is getting profit in fighting price .

  15. 在此过程中,省级卫视从同质化竞争上升到差异化竞争,由单一栏目经营阶段发展到频道品牌营销阶段。

    During this process , Provincial Satellite TV has changed from same quality competition to differentiation competition , from single column management stage to channel brand marketing .

  16. 很多人认为中国港口面临着重复建设、同质化竞争、产能过剩等问题。

    Many people hold that the issues such as the repeated construction , the homogeneous competition and the overcapacity are threatening the sustainable development of the Chinese ports .

  17. 都市类报纸可谓全面走向市场的先行者,但是其同质化竞争一又在一定程度上导致了传媒资源浪费,并进而影响了都市类报纸的深度发展。

    The city newspaper is the pioneer of the full marketing . But the homogeneity competition leads to the waste of media resource and influences the further development of newspapers .

  18. 社会经济的持续发展和金融市场的逐步完善,对商业银行通过发展中间业务以有效回避传统存贷业务同质化竞争提供了良好的发展前景。

    As the development of Chinese social economy and financial market , business bank faces good opportunity to use intermediate business to avoid homogeneous competition in deposit and loan business .

  19. 然而,在新财经报纸迅猛发展的背后也逐渐显现出一种危机,即同类报纸之间的同质化竞争以及外部竞争环境对新财经报纸的制约。

    Meanwhile , there is a crisis hidden behind this rapid development , this is the homogeneity competition between similar newspaper as well as the restriction of the exterior competition environment .

  20. 然而如何在同质化竞争中脱颖而出,文化创意产业园的品牌构建也势在必行。

    Based on the case studies of typical parks such as Hangzhou Xixi Culture Creative Industry Park , the thesis discusses the necessity of building the culture creative industry park band .

  21. 由此,项目才能更好的进行市场推广,在同质化竞争日益趋于激烈的写字楼市场中持续保持比较优势,并确保股东目标的实现。

    Therefore , the project can be better promoted in the market , keep its strength in the homogenization competition in the intense office market , and guarantee shareholders goal realization .

  22. 中国的酒店业正在走向成熟阶段,酒店产品诱发的同质化竞争非常激烈,而体验时代的到来,让主题酒店渐成酒店业新宠。

    Chinese hotel industry is moving to mature phase , so hotel products bring homogenization of highly competition . The theme hotel becomes the new darling of the hotel industry with the times arriving .

  23. 木文没有对同质化竞争一味贬斥,而是认为同质化也有其存在的合理性,不过,都市类报纸应该寻找其长远发展的受众支撑,办出自身的特色和优势。

    The paper does not criticize blindly the homogeneity competition , but believes that it has its rationality . However the city newspaper should seek the support of audience and establish its characteristics and advantage .

  24. 其中最为明显的是商业银行在营销策略上普遍缺乏整体的规划和创意,营销过程存在较大盲目性和随意性,银行产品和服务的同质化竞争严重,对客户需求与价值认识不足等。

    The most obvious shortcomings of commercial banks ' marketing strategy are lacking of overall planning and creative method , the homogenization of the products and service and lacking of knowledge about customer needs and value .

  25. 整个冷冻点心行业中低端同质化竞争较为普遍,同类型、同口味、价格战时有发生,必将导致行业利润下滑。

    Homogenized competition is very common in the low-end frozen food markets . Price wars always happen in the same type , same taste category , which leads to a long-term decline of the industry margin .

  26. 但房地产企业为缩短新楼盘的开发时间普遍采取标准化可复制开发策略,造成了市场同质化竞争严重。

    But in order to develop real estate fast most of real estate companies take the strategy of standardization which means build the same house in different places , and this strategy will result in homogeneous competition .

  27. 铁路运输领域垄断经营的格局尚未打破,尽管存在外部替代性竞争,但在铁路运输行业内部仍然缺乏同质化竞争。

    The field of rail transport monopoly has yet to break the pattern , despite the existence of alternative external competition , but in the rail transport industry is still a lack of homogeneity of the competition .

  28. 随着金融同质化竞争加剧、金融消费层次逐步升级的新形势下,银行业作为现代服务业的重要成员,其最根本的属性服务在当前显得尤为重要。

    Financial homogeneity competition , the escalation of the financial consumption level under the new situation , the banking sector as an important member of the modern service industry , its most fundamental attributes of service in the current is particularly important .

  29. 如何制定战略目标是学术界和工程界一直关注的问题,但其研究成果并未能实现改变勘察设计企业经营发展过程中所遇到的同质化竞争的现状。

    Although how to formulate the strategic objectives has been received a high attention in academia and engineering structure , the research achievements have not realized the purpose of changing the current situation of the hypostatic sameness competition during the enterprise development .

  30. 通过城市职能分类可以揭示一定区域内城市体系职能构成的特点,有助于明确各个城市的职能,形成合理的城市职能分工,发挥各个城市的优势,减少同质化竞争。

    Through the city function classification can reveal a certain region city system function structure , helps to clear all the functions of the city , form reasonable city functions , each city to play advantage , reduce the homogenization of competition .